This afternoon Bootsie sat by the chest and turned his head to the side as he watched the pooches run out of their room. They were pretty excited to get outside again today. They all surrounded me at first to say hi, before running off to play. Tizzy was burning off some energy today running laps around and around! JR kept running up to me for some attention. Buck would get jealous and come to take over. Eventually he grabbed his squirrel toy and played with that for a bit. Buck had a blast rolling around in the leaves! Then, he sat and stared up into his favorite tree. The others were at the back of the yard, saying hi to the neighbor dog. Chloe and Tizzy would make occasional run-bys to get pet! Chloe and Buck were ready to go in when it was time, but I had to round up the babies to come inside. Bootsie was by the door waiting for us when I came to collect their bones.

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