This morning all was quiet when I arrived. No one made even a tiny peep until they were all let out! The pups were running circles around me as I was getting their coats on. They spent a little time roaming around outside this morning. Boomer snuggled up in the chair with me as usual. There was a dog running around loose, so that got everyone excited! We headed back inside and Bo got working on his breakfast. I got them each a new bone for today before I left. This afternoon they all got bundled up and went out for a potty break. Their neighbor pug friend was outside! That kept Bella and Bo busy, racing back and forth along the fence. Boomer was ready to go back inside, so they all ran in after him. Bella curled up on the footstool and Ladybug in her bed with a bone. The boys snuggled up with me the rest of the time. This evening they were all excited to go outside. After each got their coats on, it was time to head out. They didn't want to stay out too long at first. But after coming in for a bit, the girls sat by the door, ready to go out and play some more!

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