This morning I uncovered everyone and let them all out. The babies barked until they knew who it was! I got everyone bundled up, then we headed outside. It was much warmer out this morning, so we spent our whole visit outside. Bella and Bo were busy wrestling around. Boomer snuggled up with me for awhile, then did some exploring. Ladybug curled up on her own chair. Bella joined her after awhile and they watched the people going by. This afternoon it was pouring out. I bundled everyone up in their cute little jackets and we went outside for a quick potty break. They didn't take long before they were ready to go back inside. Bobo snuggled with me on the couch, with Boomer nearby. Ladybug guarded her bone that I had given them this morning. This evening when I showed up, all the puppies were running all over the place excitedly. I put all their little coats on, then we headed out. They didn't take long because it was so cold and wet out. They lined up at the door when they were done. Then it was sleepy time for all the babies. They spread out all over the living room and snoozed until it was time for bed.

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