This morning I was greeted by two happy kitties, wanting their attention. They danced around my legs as I got their breakfast ready. I cleaned their boxes while they got working on their food. I walked into the bedroom to find Piglet lounging on the bed this morning. She misses her momma & daddy! She laid there for a little scratching before she came down and out to the living room. The chickens were ready for their breakfast too! They picked up all the lettuce pieces as I was tossing them around. Tony was very talkative today, doing his "gobble gobble". I think he knew what day it was! He was saying that he was thankful for such a nice house and a wonderful family to care for him. After the chickens were taken care of, I went back in to get Piglet. We took a nice long stroll around the yard this morning. This evening Piglet was huddled up by the door, waiting for some company. I gave her some love then said hi to the kitties as well. I made sure the kitties were fed, then fixed up all the chickens treats. I headed out and one kept trying to fly into the oats while it was in my hand! I almost died laughing. Tony was chilling on the perch in the little house. He sat there and watched me feed the chickens. Once they were all taken care of, it was Piglets time to go out for a walk. We saw a bunch of bunnies and she got excited and wanted to say hi, but they all scattered.

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