This afternoon was so nice out, so the pups got to enjoy the day outside. They all went out and curled up in the nice warm sun by the side of the house. Jimmy was so comfortable that he sprawled out. Buddy was roaming around, searching for critters. Then he came over by me for a back rub and started rolling around in the grass! I put Jimmy's collar on and let them enjoy the gorgeous day. This evening the pups were bouncing at the gate when they saw me! I let them all in since Sugar was anxious to get inside. She went right for her spot under the bed. The boys were barking at me that it was time for their potatoes! I got their meds ready, then Sugar joined them. They all cleaned their plates. I talked to Charlie for awhile and he would tilt his head to look at me. The boys were working on their dinner until it was time to go. They all got their bedtime snacks then ran to their beds.
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