This afternoon I checked the front to see if the lawn guys had come. They did and had been there hours ago, so I decided to let the pups stay out! I was finishing up some French fries when I came in, so after the boys and I went outside, they just sat and stared at me! "Can I have one?" After they were gone the boys each found a nice warm spot in the sun to curl up. Later Sugar came out to join us. All three little ones were waiting at the gate, watching me pull in the driveway this evening. Jimmy and Sugar took off towards the back door. We stayed out for a bit longer since it was nice out. Jimmy came over and sat in my lap while the other two decided to have some dinner. Jimmy went over while Buddy was eating, which he didn't like too much. They were good for the most part though, since I didn't have to break them up or anything! We all went inside and got their potatoes and meds ready. They sure get excited for their little treat! Afterwards Jimmy cuddled up with me, while Buddy and Sugar had some more for dinner. I gave them their last treat for the day, then it was off to bed!
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