The gang was all at the door, ready to say hi! They hopped up and down at my legs and followed me to the living room. They all tackled me and gave me tons of kisses! Gracie was wrapped around my shoulders, tongue on one side and tail flapping on the other. Couper had my chin and kept trying to hug me and cuddle up closer. Molly had her nose right in there too! Sammy decided to go outside for a bit, then snuggled up with me later. I think they were all tired from the heat and playing out in the sun all day! They soon found a spot to get comfy and take a snooze. They all followed me into the kitchen and waited for their dinner. Sammy waited for the chance to steal a kibble or two from Couper after he finished. Molly curled up on the couch and would peek over the top when she heard me talking. Gracie squeezed in behind me as I sat on the floor against the cupboards. She had both her ears flipped over and gave me that, "What?" look. So cute! Before it was time to go I got them each a big bone today. Couper is learning to stand up on her hind legs like Sammy!
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