This morning Prissy was laying on the chair by the front door again. She let me pet her for a little bit and stood up to say hi. Next, I went to visit with Ally. She was very lovey this morning! She was curled up on the couch so I sat next to her. She did a big stretch first. Then, she was rubbing her face all over my knee and hands. She even stood on her back legs to reach my hand. It was so cute! I made my way up to see Daisy. She helped me open her door today. She ran out and did her exploring around the hallway. Daisy sat by me to be pet for a few minutes. She then hopped over into her cardboard cave. After relaxing in her corner by the bed, Daisy hopped back into her cage to have a bite to eat. She explored some more, then was waiting right at my feet as I got her food out! After putting Daisy to bed, I visited with the kitties downstairs for a little bit again before I left.
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