This afternoon the pups all went racing out of their room to the back door. Once I caught up to them, Tizzy came running towards me, hopped up and did a slide across the top of the coffee table! They went running for their favorite tree. Chloe and JR both sat and stared up into the branches. I started talking to them, so then they all came running to say hi! Buckley was roaming around and later laid down in the cool shade under another tree. Tizzy went over to join him for a bit. A butterfly caught her eye, so she jumped up and bounced around, chasing after it! We heard the guys pull in, so I got the pups back in the house until they got back to working. They needed to cool down a bit anyways, so I got them a fresh bowl of water. As they were drinking, Bootsie decided to come out for some attention too! He hopped up on the kitchen table so I could reach him better. Then I noticed Chloe was sitting in the chair in the corner! Silly girl! Just as we were about to head back outside, daddy got home. Then they all got excited again!
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