Today Tizzy and JR were trying to give me hugs as we made our way down the hall. We went outside and they ran to their usual spot. This time there must have been a few squirrels out in the trees along the other side of the fence. They went from one end of the yard to the other! Buck was getting pretty warm out there, so he took breaks every now and again to lay in the shade. Other times he would hang out with me for some attention. We watched as the other three suddenly ran to the fence, side by side and all sat down at the same time. It was like our own little synchronized dancing show! I threw the ball for Buckley and everyone raced to the ball to get there first. But, no one grabbed it! They're so funny! I had them come in a few minutes early to get some water and cool down. They also got a couple treats while they were in the kitchen!
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Tizzy's ears flipped over!
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