Everyone was excited to get outside when I came this afternoon! They zoomed down the hallway, then would come sliding back around the corner to make sure I was coming! They ran to the back of the yard and started sniffing around. The boys wrestled around for a bit. Each took turns coming to get their attention and give me kisses! Buck found a nice stick to chew. The kids were relaxing in the sun while Chloe was still exploring. Later JR was picking on his sister and kept nudging her back! It was pretty funny. A squirrel was climbing down the side of the tree at the corner of the yard, so they all went running! It hopped down into the next yard. That little thing kept them entertained for quite awhile! They would all sit like statues, watching it's every move. If it would run across the yard, they would run along with it! They came inside when it was time to go and each got a treat while I got their peanut butter snack ready. The kids ran ahead of me into their kennels to wait! Chloe and Buck came in after me and curled up on their cozy beds.
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