This afternoon Benny was running laps in his handsome little green jacket! I love it! Kota was very talkative when I got there. I let them out right away but Kota just wanted to come back in and say hi. I went outside with them for awhile to play. I tossed Benny's green ball around but Kota wouldn't let him get it since she was having too much fun! She would pounce in the snow where it dropped, pick it up and throw it for herself into the deeper parts of the snow. She'd then stick her head in and search for it! I threw a few snowballs that she chased after instead to give Benny a chance to steal his ball back. After awhile, I noticed Benny had little snowballs stuck all over his fur! We took a little break to go inside and warm up for a bit. Kota worked on her lunch while Benny and I played fetch. Kota went back out to run around some more. Benny wanted to stay in so we kept playing. Later Kota was ready to come back inside and she grabbed the door handle and opened the door a crack! Little smarty pants!
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