Both kitties were sleeping on the back of a couch this afternoon. I pet Morgan and he started talking to me with his little half meows! I called for Toby but he was too comfy on his pillows to move. Once I came in to see him he hopped off the bed. Tyson and Morgan had both followed me into the bedroom to get Toby! He went outside to go potty quick, then it was time for a walk. I put his adorable little coat on and his heiny just sunk real low like, "What have you done to me?!". He even walked funny for a minute! As soon as we got out the door he forgot he even had it on. When we got home he sat by the tree and posed for a picture for me! Tyson was rolling around on the kitchen floor and Morgan had gone back to his nap on the couch. Tonight Morgan was right at the door to say hi before curling up in his spot on the couch again. Tyson saw me and made his way over to the kitchen sink to patiently wait for me. Toby was curled up in bed and rolled over for a tummy rub. After he went outside to go potty, he came in and ate his dinner. I turned the faucet on for Tyson and he had no problem crawling right in the sink and getting his head all wet! After dinner Toby spent some time sniffing at the other animal scents on me. He wasn't interested in playing with his toys, so we chased each other around the house. Sometimes he would run as fast as he could away from me, and others he would run right at me like playing Chicken! Then just before we'd meet, he would swerve around me. We settled down for a few minutes and he snuggled on the couch with me before bedtime.
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