Today Kitty was perched on her table, waiting to be pet! I said hi to her for a few minutes before heading in by the others. I saw Fluffy hop down from a chair and zoom off down the hallway. Fudge was comfy on the back of the couch and let me pet her for a bit. Boo boo was an attention hog today! He came over and hopped up by Fudge trying to take over for her, then ran ahead of me to his treat spot. He was pawing at my legs as I was trying to get the bag open! Someone wanted their treats! He followed me down the hall and we found Fluffy had curled up by her Teddy on the bed. Quartz let out a little meow when he saw me coming. I pet both boys, then I let the girls inside while I fed Kitty and gave her some more attention. She was peering in the window at me and meowing for me to come outside! The girls were happy to come inside and get their lovin' too. Heiny made her rounds and gave me her back end to scratch while she tried to get Boo to clean her ears. He was too busy trying to climb in my lap. Quartzie was curled up on the guest bed again when I went to turn his sink off.
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