Today I saw the girls get up and start running to the fence as I pulled in the driveway. They met me with smiles and wagging tails! Kitty was in her spot too, meowing hello. Boo met me at the door and came to the kitchen for his treats. Chocolate was curled up on the guest bed today and let me pet her for a few minutes. Fluffy was snuggled with her little puppy dog and also let me pet her for awhile. Neither one attempted to go anywhere! Quartz was ready for his water as usual. The girls came in and were very excited for some attention! Suzzie curled up by my feet and pawed at me any time I'd stop. Heiny would squeeze herself in between us and give Suzzie a kiss to make it ok for her to steal the attention! I had my little helper as I cleaned the litter boxes today. He even was kind enough to sit on the counter and paw at my head that I was doing a good job! Haha! Later I went to feed Kitty but she wasn't there anymore. I called for her and went back inside since she didn't come. As I was leaving, there she was, crunching away on her food!
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