This morning Luke and Maycie were very quiet when I came in, until they saw me! They were excited to get outside. Luke went searching around for his ball again. I brought a surprise for him! I brought a ball for us to play fetch with. I threw it and he ran over to get it, then dropped it and looked at it for a second. "This isn't my ball!" But he quickly picked it back up and brought it back for me to throw again. Maycie wanted to see what new toy he had, so they chased and chased. She stole it from him when he was going potty! She ran all over the yard with it. It lasted a little while, but eventually I had to put it away since it was breaking. I went in and gave them a treat this morning. That kept them busy for a couple more minutes! After that Luke and I played fetch with the piece of wood he found last night. This afternoon Luke and Maycie had some fun racing each other around the yard. Maycie came over by me and bounced up into my lap for some attention! They both heard the neighbor dog outside barking, so they raced along the fence with him for awhile. We went inside so they could eat their dinner. After they finished we went back out for a few more minutes to play. Maycie started sticking her head in a pile of leaves and would jump back like something was in there! It was the funniest thing! Tonight I let Maycie and Luke out to play right away. They raced each other around fot awhile after they went potty. Luke seemed to think his ball was in the sink. I let him look, but he still wasn't convinced! I brought them out a treat, which made him forget all about his ball. Maycie pranced in circles around Luke with her bone in her mouth like, "Lookie what I got!". He was too busy eating his to notice. When he finished, the neighbor dog barked hello, so they ran together along the fence for a few minutes. Luke settlef down and came over to be pet for a little while. He got resourceful and placed an acorn in my lap to throw for him! They are so funny!
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