This afternoon was still really chilly out, so we just played today. Kota was very talkative when I let her out! She kept woo-wooing at me and gave me a big bear hug while she tried to kiss my face. I let them out in back right away. They quick did their thing and were right back at the door wanting to come in. Benny and I played a little fetch (more like him playing keep-away lol) when he'd let me while Kota curled up in my lap for some back scratches. She was giving me lots of kisses! They went back outside for a few minutes to run around before coming back in to warm up again. We played fetch with some of Kota's kibbles. I love watching her crouch down to pounce on them and spring up in the air to toss or catch the pieces. She doesn't like Benny getting them! So he gets to fetch them when she's busy eating from her bowl. They went outside one more time to run around. Benny was fascinated by the sounds coming from the house next door that was getting worked on. He sat and stared at the fence with his head cocked to one side. Kota ran a couple laps, then found a nice stick to lay down in the grass and gnaw on for awhile.
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