As I pulled in the driveway, I saw Potsy come running from across the street. She was a hungry girl! She meowed at me until I put her food down for her. I let the kiddos out to play in the backyard. Spencer and Maddie followed me with no problem. Nino was full of energy tonight! He zoomed around back and forth with the Corgis. He came running up to me, hopping up on the table then down and around trying to get my attention. He saw Potsy in the barn, so then he ran over to the gate and barked at her. Spencer and Maddie enjoyed getting their backs scratched! Spencer sat on his hind legs and pawed for more while Maddie did her little happy dance. Poor Izzy just sat by the back door, waiting to go inside! I fed everyone their supper and closed everything up tight so it would stay nice and warm for them tonight.
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