This morning A/C was ready for her attention! She let out a little meow and started rolling around on the floor. Canshe was sleeping soundly when I came in. She woke up when I pet her and meowed at me. She didn't get up from her comfy bed until she heard me open a container of food. After breakfast Buddy and I took a nice long walk. It was the nicest morning yet! He was so happy-go-lucky again today. He was running and prancing around! He would lag behind to check something out, then zoom past me as far as he could. He sure likes his morning walks! Tonight I found A/C all curled up on top of the couch. She came down as soon as I opened the gate. Buddy came out when I was feeding the kitties their supper. "Are we going for our walk now? I'm ready!" I grabbed his leash and collar. He almost came right up to me, but then he thought about it and went back to his hiding spot. But, this time he came right out for me! It was super windy out this evening and it scared him at first. Soon after he was back to his usual self, running about! When we got home I fed him supper. Tonight he wasn't shy and came right out to eat, even if I was in the kitchen! The kitties had finished off their yummy food before Buddy and I got back from our walk. I don't think Angel got any tonight! She was curled up under the couch as usual. I spent a little time with A/C and Canshe before it was time to go.
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