Monday, November 29, 2010
Dakota & Benny
Even after running around all morning, Kota & Benny were ready for their walk this afternoon! It got pretty nice out again today, so we went for our long walk. All Benny's friends were outside this afternoon. I think he was bragging to them about his adventure this morning, because they were all barking much more and louder than normal! We passed the house that they came out from behind this morning. There was a gate, but it was open and the backyard was actually open to a huge field behind all the houses. So they must have had a blast back there!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Buddy, Canshe, A/C & Angel

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Charlie was sitting in the closet this morning, meowing "hello" to me as I came in. He followed me to put the paper in the kitchen, then wove himself in and out between my legs as we made our way to his room! I picked him up and held him like a little baby. He rubbed his face on mine and snuggled until he was ready to play! I swung his string toy above him while he laid on his back and batted at it. Then, he ran circles around me and did his somersaults trying to catch it! I fed him breakfast before it was time to go. I'm going to miss our snuggle time!
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Saturday, November 27, 2010
Buddy, Canshe, A/C & Angel

Prissy & Ally

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Zeus, Baxter & Zelda
Zelda was ready to head out again this morning. She ran out as the garage was opening. But this time she stopped to do a few big stretches and get a little attention. It was an even nicer morning out for the boys to go play. They did a little exploring, then came over by me for awhile. They wrestled around with each other and me! They helped themselves to rubbing their heads on me to get those itchy ears. It was hilarious! They got to spend another really nice day outside. Tonight I saw Zelda running into the garage as I pulled in the driveway. The boys stood by the gate to see who was home. Zelda let out such a loud meow when I came to see her! I pet her for a little while before letting the boys in for the night. She wanted to come in too! I let the boys in but they couldn't decide if they wanted to stay in or out! They went back and forth a few times before finally staying in. Then they were ready for their ear rubs! They got so excited. After they both ate their supper they started wrestling around again. As I was leaving I shut off the lights and little miss Zelda snuck in on me! I had to go get her and take her back to her spot in the garage. Silly girl!
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Friday, November 26, 2010
Zeus, Baxter & Zelda
After a day of staying cozy warm in the garage, Zelda was ready to get out and explore! She ran out as soon as I opened it and barely said hi to me today. Haha! The boys were anxious to get outside too. It was still chilly out but the sun was warming things up quickly. Zeus came over and rubbed his head on me so I'd rub his ears for him. Baxter got jealous and wanted some love too, so he came and pawed at my legs! The boys chased me around a little this morning, then explored around the yard. Baxter liked walking on the pool cover because it was nice and warm from the bright sun. They got to stay outside finally to enjoy the day. Zelda was ready for some attention when I got here tonight. She ran right up when I opened the garage door and started rubbing up against my legs. I spent a little bit out with her in the garage before going in and letting the boys inside. They had some energy in them tonight! I sat with them and Zeus would make funny "oh yea, that's the spot!" sounds while I rubbed his ears and Baxter would paw at me while I played with him. Then they would play with each other (basically Zeus would push Baxter around and then nibble on his side)! It was really cute. We played around for most of the time and with a few minutes left, I went out to the garage to give Zelda some more attention. She was meowing and loving every bit of it.
This morning Charlie came around the corner and started meowing at me as I walked inside. He walked over to where I sat down and flopped himself next to me. He rolled around while I pet him. He got so statically charged from the carpet that everytime we touched we'd get a big shock! He curled up with me and even snuggled with some of his toys this morning. Then it was enough of that; time to play! We played with his toy on a string and had him zooming all over chasing after it! Tonight Charlie came to tell me he missed me! He gave me a couple long meows as I walked in, and walked with me to his room. He plopped over in the middle of the floor and reached his paws out towards me. He cuddled up with me for a long time tonight. I laid on my stomach and he came and burrowed himself under my chin. He kept shocking me every time he touched his little nose to my face! We played around with some of his toys, especially the one on the string. He would leap in the air, hop over me or slide across the floor to get it! He knew exactly what I was doing when I went into the kitchen. He walked ahead of me to his spot, ready to eat his yummy treat!
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Buddy, Canshe, A/C, and Angel
Buddy came over to his stairs this morning to see who was here. Canshe hopped right up on the table and started meowing at me, ready for her breakfast! I fed her and looked for the other two. Angel was still in her spot under the couch. I reached under to see if she'd come out, but she just backed under further. Although, I did think I heard her purring at one point... A/C was also in the same spot under the bed. I went and got Buddy for our walk this morning. He was super excited today! He was running and hopping around like a little bunny. We saw a jogger out that made Buddy curious. He pulled me along faster so we could follow him. Later we saw that his black doggy friend was out of his fence and following us around! We took a much longer walk today. It was still cold out but the sun was nice and warm. On our way back home we saw the other dog out, just standing in the road watching us. He took off running back home as we got close. This evening Canshe was snoozing away, all cozy in her chair. As soon as I pet her she woke up and hopped on the table. A/C came out and was waiting for dinner too. Buddy and I took our walk after the kitties were fed. When we got back home I got Buddy's supper out. He sat on the stairs while I cleaned the litter pan and almost came up to eat! He waited until I went in the living room to give A/C some attention. She rolled around and rubbed her face on my legs. She purred away and even gave me a little massage with her front paws. Buddy went back to his post on the stairs with ears perked up while I spent some time with Canshe afterwards.
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Today Cali was loving me up right away! She rubbed up against my legs as soon as I came in. I got her food ready and cleaned her box while she watched me. We sat on the floor and she immediately curled up in my lap and made herself comfy! She snuggled with me for quite awhile. Later she got up and wandered down the hallway. I called her and she came running back for more snuggling! I went and searched for her shoe string, so we played with that for awhile too. She snacked on a little of her canned food when it was ready. She wandered down the hallway again and this time didn't come to my calling, so I went looking for her. I found her sitting in the window by her cat tree, warming herself up in the sunlight!
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Izzy, Daisy, Toby & Fish

Thursday, November 25, 2010
Zeus, Baxter & Zelda
This morning was pretty chilly out and even Zelda didn't want to go outside! She hung out in the garage while I pet her. The boys were ready to go out and play. They didn't seem to mind the cold and both went running and exploring around the yard. They didn't even want to come in at first. But later we heard people shooting in the distance. Zeus was ready to come in after that! When we got in they were dancing around excitedly while they took turns getting ears rubbed and backs scratched. Then they started wrestling around and chasing each other! Zelda was still in the garage as I was leaving, so she got a little more attention. Tonight Zelda was still in the garage, ready for me to pet her! She must have been chilly today because she even tried coming in the house with me tonight. She ran right for the door when she saw me going that way and stuck her nose in the corner, ready to dart inside! I closed her garage right away so she could have a cozy room for the night. The boys went out and played in the yard for awhile. I spent a little more time with Zelda, who was just purring away. The boys stayed out almost the whole time before they were ready to come in.
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This morning Charlie was right at the door to see me! I picked him up and he started purring immediately and rubbed his face against my forehead. He was super snuggly today! Of course, we don't usually get to since he and Caleb are always having fun playing and chasing around. We rolled his furry kitty toys around the room and sometime he would even fetch them and carry them back to me! He curled up next to me and got pet for a long time. He's so snuggly! Tonight he was at the door again and was very talkative. I followed him into his room and we got right to playing with his kitty toys. He got tired of that after a bit and curled up by me. He rubbed his face on mine again. I laid on the floor by him, then he started to curl up in my hair! I got his canned food ready before I left. He was ready for that! He started meowing louder and walked ahead of me to the bathroom, even standing on his hind legs.
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Buddy, Canshe, A/C and Angel
Buddy came to see who was here this morning, then headed right for his spot under the bed! Canshe was all snuggled up in her chair. She got up on the table to say hi and wait for her yummy food! A/C came out and waited to eat too. After everyone got fed, I got Buddy out for our walk. He must have remembered me from last time because he came out pretty easy and was happy to go walking. He saw his friend down the road and got excited to see there was another pup with him! After he did his business we headed back home since it was very chilly out this morning. He sat on his steps and watched me while I pet A/C. A/C was loving me up and just purring away! This evening I got everyone's supper ready and gave Canshe her meds. I got Buddy out from his hiding spot and we took our evening walk. Its pretty hard to see him in the dark! He was a very good boy and went potty for me before we headed back home. After I cleaned out the litter pans I gave Canshe a little loving and looked for the other two kitties. Angel was still in the same spot, under the couch, where she was this morning. A/C was all curled up and comfy under the bed. Buddy sat on his stairs again and watched me until it was time to go.
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Moose, Mick, Timber & Taki
This morning Mick came in the laundry room to say hi as I came in. I let Mick and Moose outside right away while I called and looked for Timber. She was still sleeping on her bed and didn't wake up until I started petting her. She was a lazy girl this morning! She didn't feel like getting up, so I let the boys in and got their breakfast. Taki was following me around everywhere, and even hopped up by the sink for a drink while I filled their water bowl. The pups were all too excited to eat at first. Timber eventually worked on hers. I grabbed kibbles out and fed Mick, then Moose wanted some too! Silly boys. I got lots of kisses from Mick and Taki. After breakfast they all went outside again. This afternoon Timber and Mick came to say hi as I came in and were ready to head outside. They all went potty for me then came in for their treats. I went upstairs to clean Taki's litter pan and had a couple helpers! Taki was full of energy and was zooming around and racing ahead of me. Then he would sit on tables or dressers like a little black kitty statue and watch me! Taki even decided he was going to check out Moose's cage! He waltzed right in there. Moose wasn't too sure about that, so he had to quick finish off his leftovers from breakfast so Taki wouldn't steal it. Taki was very talkative this afternoon. When I finished I sat on the couch and had the whole gang surround me, trying to each get my attention. Taki and Mick took turns sitting in my lap while Timber and Moose were each rubbing against my legs, waiting to be pet!
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Izzy, Daisy, Toby & Fish


Izzy, Daisy, Toby & Fish

to the fishies, who enjoyed playing peek-a-boo with my camera.

Izzy, Daisy, Toby & Fish

Izzy came running down the hall when I arrived this morning! She ran between my legs as I entered her room. I filled her bowl of food and gave her some fresh water. Boy, was Izzy thirsty and continued to purr as she ate her breakfast! After she finished her food, she found a mouse and we played with it. Izzy would hide under the bed and then come running out and pounced on the mouse! She then found a feather toy and we had tons of fun with that! It was then time to say hello to the fish and give them the liquid fun! I went outside to check on the dogs. It was a very chilly morning, so I kept them inside the warm garage. I filled the food bowl and gave them a fresh bowl of water. Toby seemed to remember me from last night, but Daisy was still a little unsure about me! Hopefully it warms up later this afternoon!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Zeus, Baxter & Zelda
This morning Zelda came running out of the garage when I opened it, but stopped by my car so she could get some attention. Baxter was ready to go outside and Zeus came as soon as he heard me come in. We spent the whole time outside since it was somewhat warmer out. They both laid down and watched the neighbor kids playing on the trampoline. I kept the boys in today since they were forecasting storms all afternoon, and I know how Zeusy boy doesn't like those! This evening Zelda was already in her garage keeping herself dry. I said hi to her quick before letting the boys out. Baxter must have been sleeping because it took him a little bit to come out. I had to go looking for Zeus. I finally found him hiding in one of the kid's closets. Poor boy! It had stopped raining when I came to see them, so we went and spent some time outside. They ran to their treat spot but I couldn't tell in the dark if there were any waiting for them. The boys did their business, then came to relax on the patio. It started raining again later, which turned to another downpour. Zeus snuggled up with me and got his ears rubbed. He sure liked that! We decided to go back in when I could tell Zeus was getting antsy. You could barely hear the rain inside so he felt better and had some supper. Baxter was ready for bed and wandered off. Miss Zelda was curled up on top of the car when I was leaving!
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When I got inside the house tonight I found little Charlie hiding under the bed meowing away. I spent a little time petting him under there. He rolled around and swung his paws playfully at my fingers. After saying hi, I went and filled up his food bowl and changed his water right away. Then, I got his canned food ready and got that put out for him to snack on.
Prissy & Ally
Prissy was sitting in the living room today and started talking to me when she saw me. She was happy to get pet for a little while! Later, she wandered off into the dining room. I followed her and we found Ally peering out at me from under one of the chairs. She sniffed at me and let me pet her one time before she went into the living room. I followed again and found both girls sitting in there waiting for me. Prissy wandered off again shortly after. Ally was acting a little more shy than usual today. She hid next to the couch for awhile. Eventually she couldn't stand it anymore and had to come over to me for her attention! Then, of course, she was loving it up. She purred constantly and even rubbed her face on the books laying on the floor. She had to make sure I was petting her with both hands at all times! Silly girl.
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A familiar bark welcomed me tonight! It was so good to see Ursa again; I missed her! She ran around the house and almost knocked me over! I gave her some love and then it was outside to go potty! We stayed outside for a little bit, but then she was ready for dinner! She gobbled up her food and water and then wanted to go and run around outside again! So, we found her ball and played a little fetch and then back inside we went! Ursa then went to the closet door as if to say, "I'm ready for a treat"! I made her pose for a cute picture before I gave her the yummy treat! We played inside for a little bit longer and then it was time for me to go! She barked a goodbye - see you tomorrow!
Izzy, Daisy, Toby & Fish

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Zeus, Baxter & Zelda
Baxter met me at the door this evening. He helped me go find Zeus since he wasn't coming to my calling his name. We found him sleeping in the front room. He slowly got to his feet and we all went outside. He seems to be moving a lot slower than I last saw him, poor old boy. But he sure is a happy guy, especially when he gets his ears rubbed! I got Baxter's drops in and got him out before he started shaking his head. He stretched as he walked toward me, then stretched a little bit further to paw at my legs for me to pet him! I went to fill their food bowl and miss Zelda came into the garage to say hi. I closed the garage so she stays nice and warm for the night. The boys and I stayed outside a little longer since it was still kind of nice out. When we went in they took turns having some supper while the other got ear rubs and back scratches!
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Dakota & Benny
Yesterday Kota and Benny were excited to go for their walk. After I got their leashes put on, Kota stood on her hind legs to check out the new wreath hanging on the front door! It was very nice out. They actually got hot on their long walk! It was pretty quiet though. Not too many dogs were out for Benny to say hi to. Today was much cooler than yesterday, so they were much more comfortable. Benny showed me his ball while I got his collar on, and he even snuck it outside on me! We took our new longer route that we've been doing lately and Benny saw lots of new friends! He was super excited about that. Kota went both on our walk today and had normal stool.
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