This morning Flax greeted me with a bark and a slowly wagging tail. He seemed happy to see me today! He had found some of the treats that I had hidden around the house the night before, but not all of them! I left the ones he hadn't found and hid a few more. I mixed up a can of wet food with his dry food and he seemed to like that. After he ate, we went outside through the back patio. It was chilly this morning! The grass still had the early morning dew so both of us had wet feet. We didn't stay outside long so I stayed inside where it was cozy warm and scratched his chin for awhile.
This afternoon, Flax and I enjoyed a walk around the backyard all the way to the front by the mailbox. It was relaxing in the nice warm sun. A big weather change since this morning! He wanted to stay outside for the afternoon until I got back.
When I arrived later this evening Flax hurried up to my car before I even got out! My car window was open and he stuck his nose through it to smell me. Then I let him inside the house and gave him a fresh icy cold bowl of water from the water jug.
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