Benny must have been taking his afternoon nap, because he didn't greet me at the door like he usually does! He finally came out and said hello, while Dakota sang from her cage! I let her out and we went outside in the back yard to enjoy the afternoon sun! Both bolted out the back door, trying to get up close to the birdies in the back; the both missed! Benny ran around the edge of the fence, trying to say hello to his buddies next door. Dakota went from side to side of the house and went potty. Benny found his blue ball outside and from that point on, it did not leave his mouth! It was so cute! The sun was warm this afternoon, so we went back inside for some cooler air. Another fresh bowl of water and some fun with the toys was enough to keep Benny happy! Dakota just wanted some love and scratches! It was time for me to go, so each got a few more rubs and scratches before I left! See you two later - thanks for the fun time!
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