Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Suzzie, Heiny, Boo, Quartz, Fluffy, Fudge & Kitty Cat

The girls must have been sleepy this afternoon, or they just didn't hear me today. I got all the way to the front door, then saw Suzzie's little nosie sticking through the fence. Boo got his treats, then helped me let the girls in. Chocolate and Fluffy were both in the office curled up on the couch. I got Quartz's water on for him and said hi before going to see the kitties. I sat on the couch with them and they let me pet them for a bit. Fluffy eventually had enough and decided to go somewhere else to sleep in peace! Haha! Kitty Cat came out from behind the hog pen when I went out to see her. She had a little supper and just purred away while I pet her. The girls were waiting for me to come back in. Heiny got her tushy scratched and was lucky enough to have Boo clean her ears today! Suzzie gave me her silly smiles and would scootch closer for more attention.
Treats? Yes please!

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to tell you about what Jim found Friday, seems the pet tree frog that lives in our house plants that are outside now somehow managed to get inside the house, that is a mystery. Waldo as we named him was in that fancy cat water fountain, enjoying the fresh water, why the cats left him alone is another mystery. Jim just scooped him up and placed him in the plants on the table and later we saw Waldo in the hanging plant water well. So if you see a tree frog in the cats water bowl please put him outside in the plants by front door. Sometimes I would like a video of what goes on while I am at work, LOL
