Caleb was following me around the house when I got there today. We went outside to play for awhile. He fetched his ball for me a couple times, then lost interest in that. We played with a stick and he chewed it into little pieces! I got the hose all hooked up and we had fun with that again today. He chased after the spray then ran off with his squeaker toy. I turned the hose off and laid it down, then he decided he wanted that again! He went over to the hande, pawed at it and started to roll around on it! I stayed longer today to make up for the time we didn't play while mom was home, since he was so worried about you leaving without him! After you all left, Caleb ran laps around the yard carrying his blue bone as fast as he possibly could! I thought his little legs were going to fall out from under him! I turned the water misters on while we played. He stopped underneath the dripping from the ceiling to bite at the droplets. After he got all dried off we went inside. He ran around with my shoes again, little stinker! haha! I put some treats in his toy and we played with that a little before it was time to go.

Hmmm... how do I turn this thing on?!
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