This morning Zelda was sunning herself on the sidewalk again. I said hi to her quick before going to see the boys. When I called for them they both came running! I let them go potty and play around out there while I watered the plants. When I was finished, they both came over for their attention. It was pretty comfortable out this morning, so we spent the whole time outside. The boys laid down and rested next to me in the shade and enjoyed the nice breeze. As we were heading inside, I noticed there was a little green frog in the pool. I was going to touch him to see if he was alive and he quickly dove to the bottom! I was going to get him out, but couldn't get to him anymore... Zelda had moved to a spot in the shade from my car when I was leaving. I stopped to pet her a little more before I left. When I pulled up tonight Zelda was lounging out in the yard close by the mailbox. She pretty much stayed out in the front lawn the whole time I was visiting. The boys were happy to see me when I walked inside and eager to get outside to go potty. It didn't take too long for the heat to hit them though and they wanted to come back in. Baxter was really playful tonight, I went into the living room and we were playing around. Then Zeus came jogging up and layed down on his back and started wrestling around with us, it was pretty cute. We spent most of the time playing around inside but before leaving I went outside with them again so they had some more time to do their business. I gave some attention to Zelda out in the front lawn. She was in the same place out front as when I pulled in and stayed there as I left, just keeping an eye on the neighborhood. :)
Saturday, July 31, 2010
This afternoon Pippin was sitting at the top of the stairs when I came to see him. He rolled over on his side and started wagging his tail right away. I went up and carried him down to take him outside so he could go potty. He was a good boy! He did his business right away, then headed back to the door. After I carried him upstairs, he walked over to the couch and whined a little. I put him up on the couch and he crawled up to his perch to look out the window for mom and dad! This evening Pippin was waiting for me again. We took a nice little walk and he went potty for me. When we got back he ran into the bedroom to get a drink. Then he went over and sniffed at my things on the floor. I'm sure he could smell other puppies! He came over to me and I set him on the couch again. I sat with him and pet him for a long time. He got a couple treats today too!
This morning Gracie was watching out her window when I came to see her. She ran right to the back door for me and went outside. We sat out there for awhile until Gracie was ready to go back in and cool down. She ran to her chair and curled up. I brought over her food bowl in case she was hungry. She did a funny little thing with her nose! She kept rubbing her nose on either side of the bowl and would nudge her food down. My dog does the same thing when she's trying to bury her bone! I sat with her for awhile and pet her. Tonight Gracie came running into the living room from the bedroom. She waited at the back door for me. I let her out first so she could go potty before I came out with her. She curled up in a patio chair so we stayed outside for a bit. When we came in, I pet her while she napped on her favorite chair. I brought her another treat to work on for the night before I left.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Gracie watched me walking up to the house through her window tonight. When I came in she had run into the bedroom and curled up on a pillow. I pet her for a little bit and gave her a yummy treat! After awhile I got her up and we went to sit outside. She hopped up on one of the chairs right away and relaxed. It was very nice out tonight with a slight breeze. Later Gracie moved to a chair closer to me and I pet her some more. When we went in she curled up on her chair by the window. I brought her one of the little rawhides you set out so she could work on that after I left.
Zeus, Baxter & Zelda
Zelda was out laying on the sidewalk in front of the house today when I pulled up. I went over and said hi to her. She meowed at me and just laid there while I pet her for a bit. When I went inside, both boys came trotting toward me from the living room. We went outside for awhile. Baxter was weaving in and out through my legs while I was walking! Silly boy! I sat out there with them and Baxter crawled up toward me. I was rubbing Zeus's ears for him and he leaned into my hand and rubbed his head on me. They got their daily treats from their friend while we were out there. The boys wandered around the yard and Zeus had some supper before we went inside. Baxter went off to lay down somewhere and Zeus laid on the cool tile. Zelda had moved over by the garage, probably to say hi to her puppy friends!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Dakota & Benny
Today we played out in the backyard for awhile. Benny and I tugged over his big blue squeaky bone. I threw it for him a few times. He got so excited that he wasn't watching where I was throwing it, and ran the wrong way around the pool. It took him a little bit to find it! Kota was exploring around the yard. I ran after her and we chased around the tree back and forth. When Benny was getting to warm we went inside to play. Kota and Benny did a little wrestling around. Then, I tossed Benny's toy for him a little while Kota and I wrestled around! We also played with Kota's food, tossing and flipping the kibbles around.
Caleb & Bella
I let Caleb out when I got there and when we went inside, he ran right into the bedroom. I quick grabbed Bella's food and put it on the counter so he couldn't eat it. I looked around and found her hiding under the night stand. I pet her and she started purring right away and licked my hand. Caleb was snooping around the room and grabbing all the little kitty toys he could find, so I kept taking them away as I'd see them. I think he did get one of the little fluffy ball toys. Reminded me of the movie Elf when he's eating the little cotton balls lol. I would not keep the little pipe cleaner toys, if Caleb gets those, I am almost positive he will need surgery to get those out... just a suggestion. :o) Caleb eventually saw me looking under the stand and came to look too. She puffed up and would start a little growl and walk over to take a swat at him. He wanted to play so bad, he was crying! I tried to get him to come out in the living room to play with me but he had no interest whatsoever. I got a towel out, grabbed Bella and made her into little kitty burrito so she wouldn't scratch me to death. Caleb jumped up on the bed and I kept a hand on him while I let him sniff her, just in case. He was so excited and he was such a good boy! She was a little scared so I let her go back in her hiding spot. After I did that, she got a little wind of bravery in her! Caleb was laying next to me and now she'd pop her head out and make a little lounge at him and hiss. He'd jump but yet wouldn't move a muscle, just watched her. She started to tease him and would stick her head out, roll over on her back and goof around. I kept my hand on his collar the whole time, just for precaution. Eventually she was brave enough to come all the way out and crawled into my lap. Caleb got so excited and moved too quick so she got scared and ran under the bed. It'll take some time, but I think they'll be best of buds soon enough! Caleb was so good, he didn't try anything naughty even once. He was just super excited about his new friend. When it was time to go I had to drag and push him to get to his kennel. Bribing him with treats didn't even work. He wasn't done playing yet!
I see you in there...
Tiny little Bella, taunting the big black puppy!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Dakota & Benny
Today Kota and Benny were excited to go for our walk! Kota was talking the whole time while Benny was jumping up at me, ready to go! We took a shorter one again today. When we got home they got to play outside for a little bit too. Benny made sure to get a ball to bring inside for us to play with. Kota was pretty mellow today and laid in her kennel to cool down for awhile. Benny and I played fetch and chased around the living room until he was too pooped to keep going. Later Kota came out to join us!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Dakota & Benny
This afternoon I let Kota and Benny out back to go potty and play for a little bit. Benny brought over his bone toy, but he didn't want to give it to me! I grabbed it to throw, but he decided he was going to play tug-of-war with me instead. Once I got it away and threw it, then he was ready for more fetch and brought it back to me. Goofy boy! Kota was sniffing around the fence and in the bushes. She came over to lay in the shade under the tree for a little while with Benny. We took a short walk this afternoon since we haven't in awhile. They were pretty excited! When we got back Benny cooled off on the floor while Kota was pawing ice cubes around on the floor!
This morning Zoey was waiting by the door for me again, with her little heiny wagging away! She went potty for me right away. When we came in she finished off what was left of her food from last night. Afterwards, she ran for her toys and was ready to play. I stayed to pet her and play for a little bit since it was our last visit together. She is such a sweetie pie! I had so much fun with her this weekend.
We're gonna play, right?
Sunday, July 25, 2010
This morning I could hear Zoey running down the stairs while I was coming in through the garage. She was wagging her whole body at me! We went outside so she could go potty. When we came in she ran for her ball right away. I pet her for a little bit before I left and she gave me that sad face again. Tonight Zoey met me at the door with her ball in her mouth, ready for playtime! I let her go potty then I sat in the kitchen with her so she'd eat some supper for me before we started playing. She nibbled on her food while I pet her back. After she was done she ran and grabbed her squeaky toy and started pawing her ball all around the house. She had so much fun with that! If she rolled it under the couch she would come running to me to get it for her, then she'd help me look under there for it and give me a big kiss when I got it out for her. She gave me lots of kisses tonight! We went outside again later and she brought her green squeaker out with us. She played some more when we came in and she got pretty tired. She laid down next to me for awhile and got a nice tummy rub! She had both her toys laying next to her. I rolled her ball a little bit away and she just stared at it for a few seconds, then jumped up and ran for it! She wags her little heiny the whole time I'm there. I love how she sort of walks sideways when she does that! We've been having lots of fun, but she still misses her little sister and she is so excited to see her tomorrow!!
Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
This afternoon the boys went outside to play for awhile. Sugar didn't feel like coming out with us. Jimmy and Buddy were roaming around the yard today. Later Buddy came to lay down on his doggie bed in the shade and Jimmy hopped up in my lap. We went in and Buddy snacked on some lunch. Charlie bird was very talkative today, mostly just his chirping sounds, but I thought I heard his "Hello" once too.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
This morning Zoey a sleepy girl and I had to call her to come down. She was happy to see me though! She was wagging her tail and trotting along with me to go outside. When we came in I pet her for a little bit before I left. I noticed Zoey had finished all of her food from yesterday. She followed me to the garage and gave me such a sad puppy dog face like, "Hey, where are you going? I thought we were gonna play!". Tonight Zoey was waiting at the top of the stairs when I came in. We went out so she could go potty quick, then came back in. I brought Zoey a little surprise! She knew right away that I had something for her. I brought her a little purple ball and a green squeaker toy. She got so excited and got down on her front legs and rolled the ball all over the place! She rolled it under the stairs then gave me a look like I should help get it for her. Later Zoey was carrying around the squeaker in her mouth and rolling the ball around the house with her front paws. She tried to get them both in her mouth but that didn't work! After awhile she pooped herself out and just laid by me with her ball nearby too.
All this playing makes me tired!
Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
This morning I let the boys outside when I got there. Sugar ran for her hiding spot under the bed. I got their breakfast and meds ready, then Sugar came out and started barking. She was ready! I let the boys in and everyone ate for me. When they were all finished, we all went outside this time. Jimmy was busy in the corner by the container, trying to find little critters. Sugar and Buddy were out roaming around the yard by the fence. Jimmy suddenly barked and jumped at the box, scratching at it and made me jump! haha! Buddy came running over quickly to help him search. I brought everyone in since it's still humid out today and getting too hot with that heat index. This afternoon I came and let the boys play outside some more. Sugar wanted to stay in the nice cool house. I don't blame her! Jimmy and Buddy had some lunch when they came in. My Jimmy boy snuggled up with me for a little while before it was time to go back to bed.
Friday, July 23, 2010
This morning I went to let Zoey out potty quick. She acted a little shy at first, but then she quickly remembered me! I took her out on the leash for the first time, just in case. Tonight I came back and she greeted me at the door with her tail wagging! She was very excited that I was back. I let her out without the leash this time and she did her business then came right back for me. When we came in I gave her her supper, and she nibbled on that while I sat with her. Zoey's tail was wagging the whole time I was with her! She walked ahead of me, shaking her little heiny and looking back at me. We tried to look around for her little sun toy but we couldn't find it. So, we sat in the living room and snuggled for a long time. I pet her and scratched her back, and in return she gave me lots and lots of kisses! We spent some more time outside and she roamed around to explore the yard for a little while.
Clovis, Snickers, Sophie & Patches
Today Patches, Snickers and Clovis were all looking in the windows from the backyard, patiently waiting for their supper! Snickers and Patches came right in while I got their food ready. I put Patches in the garage and Snickers in the bathroom with his tuna. I went out to pet Sophie and Clovis for a little bit. As soon as they finished, Patches came around the corner and cleaned up what they left. Sophie ran off to go relax in the shade. Clovis went in the grass and gave herself a bath, then she went under the other tree for some shade. I let Snickers out of the bathroom since he was finished. He walked around in the kitchen and I pet him for a bit before letting him back outside. He had some tuna stuck on his chin, but he must have felt it! He sat on the counter and used his paws to clean off his face.
Abby, Sammie, Blue & Brewster
Today the girls were happy to see me! I let them go out potty while I filled the kitty's food bowls and cleaned their litter boxes. Sammie was sitting in the papasan chair on the porch looking in at me! Blue said hi to me first, then made his way into the dining room. While I was in the kitchen, Brewster came around the corner and got his attention too. I pet the kitties for awhile, then let the girls back inside for their supper. They were both dancing around excitedly while I got their food ready. Sammie was even jumping in circles! She can jump so high! When they finished, we all went outside for awhile. I sat on the steps and they both snuggled in close to me. They both sneak attacked me with kisses! While I was petting Abby, Sammie would come over and stick her head underneath my arm so I'd have my arm around her. Then Abby would get jealous and move to the other side of me. They each took turns, wanting all the attention! When we went inside again, Brewster was sprawled out on the kitchen table and Blue was rolling around on the floor. The girls were attached to me the whole time! They're such sweetie pies!
Caleb was happy to see me again today! We played outside for a little bit when I got there. I gave him a good tummy rub while we were out there before we started playing. He retrieved his ball for me once, then we played with a stick until he chewed that up! I got the hose out and he jumped around and chomped at the water. He dried himself off a little by zooming around in circles all over the backyard! I dried him off the rest of the way before we went inside. Caleb sure wanted to go for a walk with me today. He kept jumping up where the leash was on the counter, looking at me and crying! I felt so bad but it was just too hot out for him yet. I told him some other time we will... He grabbed his green squeaky ball for me. I haven't heard a squeaker that loud before! I had him chasing that around all over and he had me chasing him trying to get it back. He played with his puzzle toy for awhile after that until he got out all the treats. He sat with me and gave me kisses while I pet him before I put him back to bed.
Dakota & Benny
Benny looks so cute with his new haircut! He is so nice and soft too. We all went and played outside for awhile this afternoon. I played fetch with Benny until he decided he wanted to relax in the shade. Kota was busy sniffing around the tree for awhile. I'm not sure what she was looking for, but eventually she did her running around! We went in to cool down and the pups both got a nice back scratch. Benny didn't want me to have his squeaky bone, so he was very cautious of where my hand was at all times!
Maggie & Moe
This morning the girls took a little bit before they woke up to come see me. They danced around me as we walked to the back door. It was such a beautiful morning out, so we spent the whole time outside. The girls went potty, then began their chasing around. Moe went for a dip in her pool. They both took a break to come lay in the shade for a bit. I told Moe to go get Maggie, then they chased around the yard some more! They both crouched down with their little heinies in the air, and just stared at each other until one of them moved. When we went inside I filled the mini bowl and the girls had some breakfast.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Maggie & Moe
This afternoon the girls and I went outside right away. The girls did their usual chasing, then came to lay in the shade. Miss Moe kept laying in the empty pool to chew on her rawhide, while Maggie was busy trying to get it from her! We went in to get out of the heat and cool down. The girls were so full of energy! They were going back and forth with a tiny piece of rawhide almost the entire time. When Maggie would have it, Moe would grab on and tug on it to get it away from her. She'd give up for a little bit and zoom over to me to get her back scratched, then try again! After awhile Moe actually got it, then Maggie was tugging on it! Tonight the girls did some more chasing around in the dark out in the backyard. I don't know how they can see each other out there! Miss Moe took a little swim in her pool and laid in there for a few minutes. It was pretty nice out this evening. They laid out in the grass just where I could still see them. Moe got very wide-eyed and still like she was trying to hear something. I asked her what she was hearing, then she looked at me, barked, and dashed for Maggie! When we went in the girls both had some supper in between taking turns to snuggle with me.
Look! We're sharing!
Clovis, Snickers, Sophie & Patches
Patches was hanging out by the front door when I came today, just laying in the shade. He walked in the house while I got everyone's food ready. Clovis, Snickers and Sophie were all waiting out back for their supper! I grabbed Snickers and put him in the bathroom to eat. I went out to pet Clovis and Sophie while they ate. Patches came roaming around the corner when the others were just finishing up. They all stayed for some attention, then Clovis went off to give herself a bath, and Sophie went around front. I went in and spent some time with Snickers. He was just purring away! He talked to me and hopped up on the hamper while I pet him, then he let me know when he was finished and ready to go back out.

Hmmm... how do I turn this thing on?!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Caleb was happy to see me today! I let him out and he made sure to bring his blue squeaky bone with him as we went outside. He walked with me to the side of the house to get the hose. I turned it on and he just had a blast! He first tried to chomp at the water and get a drink. Then he ran around and chased after the spray and even hopped around on his hind legs trying to get it! He was one wet puppy dog! I turned it off for a little bit and he immediately started zooming around the yard! We played fetch a little bit, and of course he did some "keep away" from me. I brought out his orange puzzle toy so he could cool down and play with that while he air dried a little. I dried him off real good before we went inside. We played around with his puzzle toy... until there were no more treats in it! Then I got out his green squeaker and we did some tug of war with that!
Maggie & Moe
This morning the girls were happy to see me! We went outside to play for awhile. It was just starting to get hot out. Miss Moe decided to take a swim in her little pool to cool off! Maggie was exploring around the yard. She came around the corner and they both took off after each other! After some running around the girls came and sat on the patio for awhile. Moe took a little nap under one of the chairs and Maggie sprawled out next to me. We went inside to cool down and they came to sit by me. Moe finished the food in her little bowl so I refilled it for her, then she ate a little more! Maggie snuggled up to me and once in awhile they'd both jump up to give me kisses.
Dakota & Benny
This morning I let Kota and Benny play outside for awhile before it go hot out. Benny and I played some fetch while Kota ran a few laps around the yard. There were some workers out in front of the neighbors yard. I think one of them came by the fence and Benny could see them through it, because he suddenly started barking and running toward it! After we were done playing we went inside so Kota could have her breakfast. Benny came over by me to get his back scratched while Kota ate. This afternoon we played outside some more. Kota was hanging out by the side of the house so I went to see what she was up to. She was just looking through the fence, then started zooming around when she saw me. Benny chased after the ball that I threw for him a couple times. He started to get warm and just laid in the shade for a little bit. We went back in and chased each other around, then they did some wrestling with each other. I tossed Benny's toys for him and I watched him try to fit both his ball and his big blue squeaky bone into his mouth at the same time!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Maggie & Moe
This afternoon the girls and I went out in the backyard for a little while. Both girls were carrying around their rawhides like little cigars! Maggie put hers down then followed Moe around. "Hey I can help you with that!" They chased each other around the yard until they were too hot and wanted to go back inside. I sat on the floor by the couch with them and each picked a side to sit and snuggle up with me! Miss Moe would run to her mini bowl to grab a couple bites then come back by us. They each took turns jumping up to kiss my face! Tonight the girls zoomed to the front door to meet me as I came in! We sat outside for awhile since it was cooler out than earlier today. Maggie was playing around in the shadows. She'd suddenly appear in the light from the house, then Moe would run and chase after her! They ran around with their rawhides again and each laid down on the patio to chew on them. We went in and sat in the living room again. The girls started wrestling around in the living room next to me. Moe was rolling around and full of energy! She brought me a toy and Maggie got jealous... even though I was still petting her! She kept moving to the same side Moe was on and tried to get all of my attention on her. The girls followed me to the door as I was leaving. Moe grabbed out a different toy from her box, "Can't you stay and play some more?". Such sad little faces!
I'll take that rawhide if you don't want it...
Dakota & Benny
This afternoon I let Kota and Benny play out in the backyard for awhile. I missed my little buddies! Kota gave me a big hug and lots of kisses! She was talking to me a lot too. She did a couple laps around the yard while Benny found a ball for us to play with. He only let me throw it for him a couple times, otherwise he'd grab it before I could! It was pretty hot out and they both ended up laying in the shade by the shed under the pool ladder. We went inside to play some more. We chased each other around the living room, then Kota and Benny did some wrestling around! This afternoon I came to pick up Benny and Kota was not happy that I left her home! Poor girl cried as we were leaving. I felt so bad! I carried Benny into the building and he was quiet the whole time. He kept looking over my shoulder at the dog behind us. I had to set him down for a second, then he decided to start barking! As soon as I picked him up, quiet again. Silly boy. He did great for his vaccinations! When we got home Kota nudged him before they went outside. "Why didn't you bring me?!" Then Kota did her woo-wooing at me too! Tonight I stopped by quick to let them go potty again. I had Kota playing with her little kibbles of food before I left. She makes me laugh every time!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Gracie & Jack
This morning we all went outside for a little while when I got there. They both did a little exploring and rolling around the yard. When they were ready to go in I fed them their breakfast. Jack was waiting patiently for Gracie to finish. They came into the living room and started to wrestle around with each other some more! Jack would roll over on his back while Gracie messed around with his ears and face. He walked away to go lay down, but Gracie wanted him to keep playing so she ran and jumped at him. They chased each other around the living room and grabbed the long pink squeaker toy to play some tug-of-war! They are so funny! I gave them each a little rawhide treat before I left. Gracie was walking around on the fireplace hearth and kept looking into the glass. I think she wanted to hide it in there! Jack finished his pretty quick, then followed me to the door. Somebody wants to go for a walk again!
Treat? Yes please!
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