This morning Mimi was sitting in her window, visiting with the neighbors who were outside talking. She was already at the door as I opened it. Mimi was very lovey today! She rubbed against me and I pet her as she walked back and forth. She hopped into the sink again while I scooped out her canned food. She had gotten out a purple feathery ball from her bowl since the last time I saw her. As I made my way into the living room, she quickly zoomed under the table and was ready to play! After awhile she decided to sit and watch the birds flying around outside. This evening Mimi wasn't sitting in her usual spot when I came to see her. I found her sleeping on mom's bed! After I said hi, she followed me out into the kitchen. She was happy to see me again and loved up all of her attention. She laid on her brown blanket in the living room, crouched down with her heiny in the air, ready to pounce! We played for a little while, then she sat and watched the birds outside again.
You can't see me, I blend in perfectly with this blanket!
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