Benny was jumping all over me, trying to get my attention while I was putting Kota's harness on today! Then Kota was wooing in my ear while I was getting Benny's leash on. Kota was being a silly girl on our walk. She would walk up to the mailboxes, sniff at the bricks for a second, then start licking them! Later we were walking, then suddenly she skidded to a stop, flipped around and started running the other direction. By the time I turned around to see what she was after, she had already stopped again and came flying back the way we were going! I'm not sure if she was hunting robins or what... I had the hiccups today when I came to take them for their walk, so Benny kept looking back at me and giving me a funny look like, "What's wrong with you?". haha! When we got home Kota was finishing her food, so I sat and gave Benny a good back scratch until she was finished.
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