The girls were pretty sleepy this morning! It looked like they had fun last night after I left though. The pillows on the couch were all over the place. I let them both outside and they tip-toed around in the soggy grass. They came back inside and said hi for a few minutes, then Maggie decided to go back to bed. Moe brought me her piggy toy and put it in my lap a couple times. This afternoon I got them all ready for our walk. Moe led the way and Maggie kept close to my side as we went along. We were going to turn onto a new street and Maggie suddenly stopped and wouldn't budge! I thought maybe it was the garbage can laying in someone's driveway that might have had her spooked, so we went the opposite direction. A little while later she did it again. I couldn't see anything this time and she wouldn't move, so I picked her up and carried her! After I put her down she walked just fine. Towards the end of our walk Moe was losing steam and hung back by Maggie and I. They were both pretty tired when we got back! Tonight I let the girls out again and they ran around the backyard for awhile. I gave them their treat when we got back inside. Moe started eating out of the little bowl and spilled a few kibbles. She would try to paw them out from between the two bowls! It was very cute! Maggie snuggled up with me on the couch for awhile before she went to bed.

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