Everything went fine this morning. I changed Charlie's water again today and he didn't want to give me the dish! He was playing tug-of-war with me. After I finally got it out, I walked over to the sink and realized that I was still holding the clothes pin... Sure enough he was out and climbing on the side of his cage. I put the dish away and opened the door to his cage. He walked right in for me! Phew! There was a chance of rain today, but not a very big one. So I decided to chance it and leave them out. I'd hate to lock them up all day and then have it not rain! I figured if I did keep them in I'd be driving out in the afternoon anyways. So if it did look like it was going to rain, I live close enough that I could just run over quick. I'm glad I did! It was nice out this morning, just cloudy and this afternoon the sun came out. Turned out to be a nice day! Everything went ok tonight too. I got Tipper in the laundry room since she didn't eat this morning. I checked on her later and she hadn't eaten anything... so I went in by her for a bit. I tapped on the bowl and told her she needed to eat, so then she'd take a bite and look at me. I got her to eat a little this way. Then she suddenly came and sat by me and put her head down. She seemed nervous so I sat on the floor and we snuggled for awhile. She started to eat again, so I let her be and went out by the others. Sugar comes running up to me along with Jimmy now. Mattie got jealous and started talking to me, so I had to go over and give her some love too! I gave Tipper her meds too and checked on her one last time before I left. I found her all snuggled on the blanket at the end of the bed! Everyone took their meds nicely for me tpday and went to bed with no problems. Such good puppies! :)
Buddy was investigating outside...
Buddy is a hunter. He kills mice every time he's outside - ok, maybe not everytime, but a lot! Those dogs were bread for it. Course, I'm sure Sugar thinks she's too good :). Anyway, you will find him around the porch and grill (and the heater) all the time. If he gets one you have to just wait him out till he finally drops it. Use the pooper scooper and pick it up and throw it in to the empty lot next to me .. Someone other than my babies will find it :)
ReplyDeleteThanks agian. I love this contact method. I know they are well.
Oh yummie... Yea I noticed he likes to look over there and in the corners. I will have to keep an eye out for that!
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome! I will try to write after each visit for you since I know you worry. I just might not have pics and not a lot to write about sometimes.