Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Today I came in and Oscar was stretching in the living room. He quickly came over to say hi, then we headed outside. Oscar lounged in the grass for a bit and enjoyed the beautiful afternoon! Then, he spotted a squirrel and had to go check that out. He was quite occupied with him today. That little squirrel was pretty brave! He made his way down a tree to collect a nut from the grass, not too far from Oscar. And he sure was watching! I was surprised he didn't take off to chase after him. Oscar explored a little after his squirrel friend ventured off.

Oreo & Stuffs

This evening I came in and Oreo was making his way down the stairs to see me. He got his dinner to snack on while I tended to their other things. Then, I got out some more treats to put in his toy for him. Stuffy came down to see me right away today too! The boys took turns getting snacks from their treat toy. Stuffy really only liked the stick pieces. Oreo laid next to it and kept pawing at it until he had a few treats out. Then, he'd get up to eat them. Haha. After a little bit, bot boys just snuggled up next to me and enjoyed their pets. Later on, Oreo went to go snack. He returned, then Stuffy went to go take his turn to snack.


This morning Noell greeted me and followed along to her room. She meowed the whole time as she waited for me to get her breakfast for her, rubbing up against the cupboards. Noell helped me deliver her food, then she went out to wait for me in the living room. She was a lovey girl this morning! She wasn't much into her fishy toy today, and mostly wanted her pets. I got out her laser light after awhile and she stalked and chased that around a bit. As I was getting ready to leave, Noell went and sprawled out on the kitchen floor.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Oreo & Stuffs

This evening I came in and Oreo was making his way to the stairs. He came running down and met me in the kitchen, ready to eat. I scooped their box quick, then headed to the living room. Oreo was already sitting there waiting for me. I noticed their treat toy was on the floor, so I wondered if he'd gotten it down himself. Then, I realized the cleaning lady had been by today, so she must have put it down for them. They sure enjoyed it, because it was empty and the little ear treats were gone too! Haha. Oreo was happy for his attention time. He was quite lovey again, rubbing his face on my leg and even holding onto my foot with his paws. Silly kitty. After he'd had plenty of pets and chin scratches, I made my way upstairs to see Stuffy. He meowed at me a few times as I was coming in. He laid on his side so I could give him some tummy scratches.


This afternoon Oscar met me at the end of the hallway. He was in the middle of a big stretch! He pranced around happily while I said hi and gave him his heiny scratches. Then, we headed out back. Oscar went right out to the grass and plopped down to do some sunbathing. He laid there for awhile, then got up to go explore around the yard. He found another cozy spot in the grass to lay awhile longer. We chased around for a couple minutes, then it was time to head inside. Oscar did a couple tricks for me to get his afternoon snack.


This morning I came in and went to get Noell's bowl. I heard her come racing in through her kitty door. She met up with me in her room and started meowing at me. She tagged along as I went to the kitchen to get her breakfast. Noell sat behind me and watched while I scooped her box. As soon as I was about to put the lid back on, she hopped in and did her business. "Hold on, I got one more to scoop." Haha! We went out to the living room and got some play time in. She chased her fishy around, then had fun rolling around on her back.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Oreo & Stuffs

This evening I came in and Oreo was sitting in the dining room. He went ahead when he saw me and headed to the kitchen to wait. He snacked on his food while I tended to their other things quick. Oreo met me in the living room and proceeded to plop over when he saw me coming to join him. Haha! I brought out his treat toy to play with for awhile. He was pawing that thing all over the place! When he got plenty of treats out for the day, I put it away and he enjoyed his pamper time. Oreo purred away. Next, it was time to go see Stuffy. I started to head up the stairs and saw that he was hanging out at the top. I went up to sit by him for awhile. Stuffy laid on his side to get some belly rubs. He took a little nap and purred away too.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Oreo & Stuffs

This evening I came in and Oreo was making his way down the stairs. He joined me in the kitchen. He was quite lovey today! He meowed and rubbed his head on my leg while I got his dinner ready. He joined me in the living room next. He snuggled up by me and continued to rub his head on me. He purred away and rubbed his head into my hands as I gave him his chin scratches. Later, I got out his treat toy for him to play with. He was moving it all over the living room, getting his snacks out! Haha. Before I left, I went upstairs and found Stuffy lounging on an ottoman up there. He got a few chin scratches too.

Waldo, Mabel & Otis

Today I came in and Waldo was sitting right in the entryway. He must have heard me coming! He followed me to the kitchen and let me know that he was hungry! They had eaten all their dry and wet food. So I guess he sure was! He started snacking while I filled their water and scooped their boxes. After I was finished, Waldo was ready to play! He followed me to the bedroom while I checked for Mabel. She wasn't under that bed today. So, Waldo and I headed to the living room for some playtime. He was having a blast chasing his black feather toy! While we played, I saw Mabel heading down the hall to the master bedroom out of the corner of my eye. I said hi to her and she stopped to watch me for a minute, then she quickly scurried off. Before I left, I went to see her. She was now hiding under the bed. I went to go check for Otis next, just so I could make sure he was ok. I found him under another bed, which Mabel had come to join him under. I let them be and gave Waldo a few more pets before I left.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Oreo & Stuffs

This evening I came in and there were no kitties at the door to see me. As soon as I got to the kitchen, Oreo appeared from the stairs. He came in and waited patiently for his dinner. Oreo met me in the living room after I scooped their box. He snuggled up on one side of me to get his pets and chin scratches. When he got up to go snack on his food, I got up and went looking for Stuffy. I found him upstairs, hanging out behind the bar. I sat with him and gave him his share if chin scratches too. I gave Oreo a few more minutes of attention when I got back downstairs, since he was back at our spot waiting for me. Haha.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Waldo, Mabel & Otis

Tonight I came in and made my way to the kitchen. Shortly after that, Waldo came in and was rubbing up against my legs. I guess he remembers me! I got the kitties some canned food and topped off their food and water. Next, I went to the bedroom to see if Mabel was in there. She was hiding under the bed. She snuck out and took off down the hall, just far enough to put some space between us, but close enough where she could watch me. Waldo was busy rolling around on the floor next to me, trying to get my attention. He and I went to the living room to play. He was having a blast chasing after the black feather toy! Mabel even came to the end of the living room to watch. Eventually, I noticed Otis had come to watch with her! Neither one wanted to come say hi today though.

Oreo & Stuffs

This evening Oreo was sitting by the door when I came in. Stuffy was waiting in the living room. I got the boys their dinner and scooped their box quick. The boys were both sitting in the living room waiting for me when I was finished. I sat by Oreo and he laid down next to me. He purred away and enjoyed his pets. He even gave me a little lick on my knee. Haha. After a little while, Oreo ventured off to go snack some more. I scooted closer to Stuffy so he could get some attention too. Stuffy purred and enjoyed his chin scratches. Oreo returned and sat by the window, watching for critters outside. Oreo wandered off again after awhile and went to lay out in the entryway. Stuffy got up and took his place by the window.


This morning I heard Noell come zooming in through her kitty door to come see me! She was meowing at me before she even saw me. Haha. I went out to water the plants quick, then it was time for breakfast. Miss Noell took a couple bites, but then ran out to wait for me in the living room. She was full of zooms today! I got her leaping in the air to catch her fishy. Haha! She spent some time laying on her back to bat at it awhile too.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Oreo & Stuffs

This evening I was surprised to see both boys right at the door waiting for me! I came in and they led the way to the kitchen. Stuffy sat at the end of the living room to watch. Oreo was busy meowing at me and rubbing up against my legs. Oreo snacked and met me in our spot when I was done with their other things. I got down their cute treat toy! Oreo sat by me for a few pets, then he wandered over to get himself some snacks. When he couldn't get any more out, he sprawled out on the floor next to it and just purred. What a goof! I see how I rate when it comes to snacks. Haha! I snuggled up next to him and gave him his pets. Stuffy wasn't feeling real social tonight, he just wanted to sit and be near.


This morning Noell was in the dining room to see me again. I turned the water on outside quick and came back in. It was really loud inside the house, so I went and turned it back off. Not sure what that was all about. I got Noell her breakfast. She was busy rubbing up against my back while I scooped her box. We went to our spot next and got her fishy toy out. She got plenty of zooms in today. She had fun chasing it. She only wanted a little bit of attention, and was more in her playful mood. When it was time to go, she ran off down the hall to go eat her breakfast.


This afternoon oscar met me at the door, heiny wagging happily. I'd say he must be feeling better! He walked me to the door and we headed out back. Oscar did some wandering around and sniffing at things first. He lounged on the patio a bit too. Then, he was busy chasing his squirrel! That little thing was taunting him too, chirping and squeaking at him from the tree. Haha! Eventually Oscar got bored and he found a spot in the grass to go lay and get some sun.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


This afternoon Oscar was standing in the living room waiting for me. I came in and he ran over, putting his head beneath my hand for some pets. We headed out back and Oscar found a nice sunny spot on the patio to lounge. He relaxed for awhile, then it was time to explore. I had a good laugh when I saw him stalking a squirrel! He was slowly creeping over to that side of the yard to try and sneak up on him. Then, he'd carefully sit down and wait, then get up and sneak over further. Haha. Later, we had a few catches with the frisbee before it was time to head in.


This morning Noell met me by the back door. She was meowing away at me. I went out to turn the water on quick, then she led the way to her room. I got her breakfast and she snacked a little bit right away. Out in the living room, I saw she'd been having fun with one of the little round caps from the toilet. Haha! Wonder where she got that idea from. I found which one it came from and put it back. Then, we got out her fishy for some play time. She was pretty lovey again today and mostly wanted her pets. But, she'd have spurts where she wanted to zoom and pounce too.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


This afternoon Oscar was napping on the couch when I arrived. He did a big stretch and came prancing over to say hi. We went outside and he ran off to go explore. His friends came out and he raced over to the fence to say hi. Later, Oscar came over to bark at me to play. I grabbed his frisbee and we actually got to play a game! He ran and fetched it for me several times! Then, he pooped out and had to go lay in the shade. Haha. Oscar let me know when he was ready to head in and cool off. He worked on his food while he had company. We played for a couple minutes, then he was ready for his treat.


This morning Noell met me in the dining room. She was meowing at me loudly this morning! I headed out back to turn the water on quick. Then, it was time for breakfast! Noell took a bite, supervised me while I scooped her box, then ran along ahead of me to wait in the living room. She did plenty of zooms today! Whenever she'd get tired out, Noell would just sit on her fishy so it couldn't escape. Then, she was all about her pets the rest of the time.

Monday, September 21, 2015


This morning I came in and didn't see Noell. I peeked out the blinds and saw her sitting at the top of her little kitty tower out on the patio. She saw me right away too! Noell came racing in and meowed for me. She was quite talkative this morning. I got her breakfast and took care of her other things quick. In the living room, Noell was happy to get some pets and chin rubs. She laid down and was busy making kitty biscuits on the floor. Haha. We had some fun playing with her fishy too. She was in a more lovey mood today though, and wasn't quite as interested in playtime. Noell was having fun laying on the floor facing away from me, then would lay back and look at me upside down. Haha!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Stormy & Bubba

Today Bubba came running once he heard me getting his food ready. He was quite excited about his dinner today! Haha. He got some pets, then he rolled around on the floor for a bit, sticking his paws out at me. Miss Stormy was sitting out back, watching the door closely. She knew someone was home. She started in with her heiny wiggles right away. Stormy wanted lots of pets and heiny scratches when I first got out there. After she had her fill, then she was finally ready to eat her dinner for me.

Friday, September 18, 2015


This morning I found Noell out on the patio. She saw me and hopped down from her perch right away. She meowed and rolled around on the floor. Noell sat in the window sill while I went out to turn the water on. I got her breakfast when I returned. She didn't seem to like this kind as much. Haha. We went out to our spot after we were done. She was ready for some zooms! Noell did lots of pouncing today as well. She makes me laugh when she walks over and just lays on top of her fishy. Haha. After awhile of playing, Noell went to the tile by the front door to sprawl out.

Stormy & Bubba

Today I came in and got some snacks out for Bubba. He heard me and came to the kitchen to check it out. Bubba meowed at me, then went to his spot on the washer to wait for his food. He snacked while I went out to see Stormy. She was ready to eat today. I got her food for her and she went right to work. While she ate, I got her some fresh water. After that, it was time for heiny scratches! She was giving me lots of kisses on my arm today. I guess I was doing a good job. Haha! I went in to get her a few treats before I left. Bubba was hanging out today, waiting for a few more pets too.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Stormy & Bubba

This afternoon I came in and started getting Bubba's treats ready for him. He eventually appeared from the bedroom. Bubba was busy circling my legs and flopping down on the floor to roll around. Haha! He got some pets, then he led the way to his dinner spot. He started chowing down right away. I went out to see Miss Stormy, who I could see through the window, was taking a nap. She hopped right up and immediately started in with her happy heiny dance! Haha. She wanted some hello pets and heiny scratches right away. After a little bit of that, then she decided she was ready to eat. She ate almost all her food right away for me. Good girl! Stormy was ready for more attention when she was finished.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Stormy & Bubba

Today I came in and figured Bubba was out exploring for the day. I walked in and didn't see him, so I called for him a few times. Still no Bubba, so I started getting his food and water refilled. While I was in the kitchen I heard a noise and saw him running to come see me! Haha. He got his pets, then he started chowing down like crazy! I guess he really wanted his treats today. Haha. Next, I went out to see Stormy. She had a bit of food left from yesterday that was full of bugs, so I went and dumped it out in the yard, away from her area. I got her some new food to work on and cut back on her dry a bit. She did well and ate most of it right away today. She was so excited for her heiny scratches! Before I left, I got her a few treats as well.


This morning Noell met me in the kitchen. I went out to turn the water on while she waited for me. As soon as I walked in, she meowed and turned to go head to her room. She walked just ahead of me back to the kitchen. I got her breakfast for her and took care of her other things quick. After that, we sat in the living room for her attention time. Noell had fun chasing her fishy for awhile. Today she was in a very lovey mood. She wanted more pets and chin rubs than she wanted play time. After awhile, Noell got bored with me! She wandered off down the hall to go work on her breakfast.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Stormy & Bubba

Today it took a minute after I got in, but Bubba eventually wandered out from his room to come see me. He followed me around and got his pets. Then, he let me know he was ready for his treats! He hopped up on the washer and waited patiently. Outside, Miss Stormy was waiting for me. I came out and she did her happy wiggle dance. Haha. She worked on some of her dinner for me. After that, she stood in front of me, heiny wiggling happily. She's so cute! She got plenty of her heiny scratches today.