Sunday, May 31, 2015

Quinney, Billy & the gang

This morning I let the pups out for their potty breaks. While they were busy, I got their breakfast ready for them. Billy had eaten the rest of her dinner overnight. Yay! They came in to eat, then I went to check on Oreo. I fed her and made sure there was plenty of water. I cleaned out the dog's water bowls while they went back out to play. Billy didn't want to go out until I went out with her first. Haha! Then, it was time to see the kitties. Salt was first to come see me this time. She followed around while I checked their food and water. Pepper eventually wandered out and wanted some attention as well. She made me laugh when she was loving up on the faucet! Haha. Pepper tried to come out with me as I was leaving. Sorry kitty! This evening the pups took their breaks and came in for dinner. Billy has been eating well so far. I gave Oreo some carrots and lettuce for a dinner snack. Then, after the pups went back out I went to see the kitties. I closed up their windows. Just as I was doing that, Billy came and jumped up at the window, peering in at me. "Hey! Whatcha doin'?" Haha. Tonight I peeked under the bed and tried to let Chili sniff at me. Meanwhile, Pepper was rubbing up against my head. "Hey, you can pet me!" Chili quickly warmed up and came out for some pets. I had all three busy playing tonight.

Bella & Chico

This morning I opened the doors and the pups went racing out. I went out back with them for awhile. Miss Bella came over to say hi for a bit. The pups took turns working on their breakfast. Bella was busy roaming about the yard and chasing after her birds. Later on, the neighbor dog came outside and the dogs raced over to the fence before I could stop them. I had Bella come over and get her paws wiped off, then I sent her inside. Chico didn't appreciate that and got upset with me when I tried to clean his paws off. And unfortunately, he was a little mud ball! So, I wrapped him up in the towel and dried off what I could and carried him to his bed. He was not a happy camper. Haha! This afternoon the ground had dried up just a little. I let the kiddos out back to play for awhile. It turned out to be a pretty nice afternoon. They were busy exploring and keeping an eye out for their birdies. Soon, it was time to head in and get their peanut butter snacks.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Bella & Chico

This afternoon I let the pups out and they zoomed for the back door. Bella came back to come say hi to me as I was making my way to join them. It was pretty nice out this afternoon. At least it wasn't raining! Haha. Bella sat with me for her heiny scratches for awhile. Chico was off exploring a bit, then he wandered back inside. Bella was busy this afternoon, chasing after any birds that flew overhead. When they were gone, she'd come back by me to tell me about it. Haha. When it was time to go in, I got them their peanut butter snacks. This evening, Bella and Chico were happy to go play outside again. They were off on the side of the house for awhile checking things out. Bella would come check on me now and again, and of course, get some heiny scratches as well. The pups took turns going in to snack on some dinner until it was time to go to bed.

Quinney, Billy & the gang

This evening I checked the fence quick as I let the pups out for their potty break. They did their thing, while I got their dinner ready. They came in and went right to their beds to eat. Quinney polished off his bowl quickly. Billy just nibbled a little. Since it was our first visit, and they were very excited, I let them back out to play for awhile right away. In the meantime, I went to go visit with the kitties. Pepper was first to come see me, with Salt behind her, sniffing the air curiously. They both came over for a few pets. Chili was hanging out under the bed, and didn't want to come out for me this time. Maybe tomorrow! Pepper, on the other hand, was all over me! She was loving up every bit of attention. Salt would sneak in for some pets occasionally as well. I turned on the faucet for a little while for them to drink out of while I went to check on the pups. I gave Oreo some carrots and lettuce for an evening snack. Outside, I went to visit Billy and Quinney. They were super excited and came over to check me out. Billy just kept trying to give me hugs. Haha! I tried to keep her down, but she was just too excited. After awhile it was time to come in and tuck them in their beds for the night.

Oreo & Stuffs

Today the boys were both in the kitchen area waiting for me again. Oreo began to snack while I took care of their other things quick. The boys met me at our spot and both snuggled up next to me right away. They sure miss their mom and dad! They got plenty of pets today. Stuffy rolled over to get his belly rubs. Oreo was being silly and playing with his toy basket! He would paw at a couple toys in there. So, I'd grab one out and try to play with him, but he'd look at me un-amused. Haha! He laid on his side making kitty biscuits while I pet him, meanwhile rubbing his face against the basket. Then, he spent a few minutes just pawing at the side of it. Maybe he had itchy toes! Haha. What a silly boy.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Oreo & Stuffs

Today we got another couple inches of rain. I made my way over earlier again today, and had a heck of a time getting there! Too many detours due to flooded roads. Haha! But, I made it, and the boys were happy to see me. I took care of their things quick, then went to join the boys, who were waiting for me in the living room. I took a peek out the window to see how the pool level was. Getting pretty full! Oreo and Stuffs sprawled out on the floor on either side of me. They were ready for their pamper time. Both had their motors running, enjoying every minute! They will be so happy to have mom and dad home soon to snuggle with. :)


This afternoon Oscar came running up to say hi. He got his pets, then we went on our way out back. It was raining pretty heavily at the time. He did his business, then stood out in the rain for awhile. What a goofball! He got his paws dried off and we went in to play this afternoon. We had a fun time playing fetch with his water critters. He would switch between all three! Then, we had to play a little tug of war too.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Oreo & Stuffs

Today I came to see the boys much earlier. We had a couple inches of rain again and roads around town were flooding and being closed off. So, I wanted to make sure I could get to them today! Luckily, I had no issues getting there. The boys both met me in the kitchen. They were ready for their pets! I waited to feed them towards the end of our visit, so they followed me to our spot right away. Both boys snuggled up on either side of me. I laid on the floor with them so I could reach them both at the same time. Stuffy was on his side for his belly rubs. Oreo was busy making sure his chin got itched. His motor sure was running loud today! Before I left, I got them their yums, topped off their dry food and water and scooped their box. More rain on the way for tomorrow... yuck.


This afternoon I came in and Oscar was getting down from the couch and doing a big stretch. I said hi, then we wandered out back. The rain had just stopped not that long ago, so the ground was still quite wet. Oscar did his thing quickly, then came back up on the patio. He lounged at the edge for pretty much the whole time. All this rainy business sure is no fun! Haha. When it was time, Oscar was happy to go in and get his snack.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Oreo & Stuffs

This evening Oreo heard me come in and started making his way down the stairs. He was already in the kitchen by the time I got there. Stuffy was now at the landing, meowing at me through the railings. Haha. Oreo sat and waited to snack on his food. Both boys were waiting for me in our spot when I returned from scooping their box. They were lovey boys today, purring away as they got their pets. I laughed when they both were laying the exact same way! The boys enjoyed every minute and didn't move an inch.


Today Oscar came prancing up to me from the living room to say hi. I gave him a couple heiny scratches, then we went out back. He found a spot in the grass to lounge right away. After a little bit I grabbed his frisbee and tried to get him to play with me. He wasn't budging! He just wanted to sunbathe. Later on, someone was out walking their dog. That had Oscar on patrol, trotting along the fenceline as they passed by. His paws got awfully muddy from that. When it was time to go in, I grabbed a bowl of water to clean him up with, since the mud was thick on his feet. He saw that and was not having any of it! Haha. He ran away from me and wouldn't come near. He thought maybe we should play keep away instead. I ended up having to bribe him with a treat. Then, he got his paws dunked and dried off. Finally, he went in and got to get his other snack.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Oreo & Stuffs

This evening Oreo met me in the kitchen. He sat and waited patiently, as usual. I found Stuffy lounging in his kitty bed in the closet. The boys both met me at our spot in the living room. It was a lazy day for them. They curled up on either side of me. The boys purred away as they got their attention time in. Stuffy rolled to his side and loved up some tummy rubs. The storm clouds were rolling in again, so it was the perfect day to snuggle up!

Sadi & Noell

This morning Noell came running down the hall to meet me. She walked me to their room and sat by her bowl and stared at me. Haha. Sadi was up and I got her cleaned up and gave her meds. I got the girls their food and had them working on that while I picked up their area. Noell sat by me for a few pets until Sadi was done eating. She ate very well for me this morning. After that, she was ready for her pets and chin rubs too. Before I left, Noell and I got some playtime in with her laser. She makes me laugh when she hides and then chirps at it. Haha. This evening, Noell met me in the kitchen. She brushed up against my legs the whole way to their room. Sadi was awake again so she got all cleaned up quick. Noell and Sadi both ate well for me this evening.


This morning Shadow came strolling in the kitchen when he heard me. He was busy trying to give me his live nibbles while I got his breakfast ready. He went to work and ate well, while I scooped his box. He came over and laid by me in the living room for a few pets. But, I could tell he was in his sassy mode this morning! Haha. I had him chasing his kitty toy, then he started his zooms around the house again. What a silly boy!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Sadi & Noell

This evening I came in and Noell met me along the way. She walked me to her room, where I found Sadi just sitting. Except... She was back behind the food and water bowls! How she got back there without spilling everything, I don't know! Haha. I got her little nose cleaned up and gave her eye drops. I got both girls some more food for dinner. Noell tagged along to help. Sadi ate very well this evening!


This morning I called for Major and he came inside right away. He waited patiently by his spot while I got his breakfast together. It had finally stopped raining for awhile! Major worked on his food and I got him a fresh bowl of water. He got his medicine. After that, I gave him a few pets before he wandered back outside.

Poppy, Peta & Simon

Today Poppy meowed at me right away when I came in, and started to draw my attention to her door. I opened it up right away for her and she ran out. It wasn't raining this time! Simon was sitting in the bedroom of the doorway. He couldn't decide if he should stay out or go hide, so he kept walking back and forth in the doorway. I brought him a plate of food and he worked on that while I scooped their boxes. Peta was at one of the other spots, working on some dinner as well. Poppy was taking full advantage of the dry patio today! She sprawled out by the railing and enjoyed every minute. Peta came and laid by me for some pets. She purred and purred away! I had to go get miss Poppy to come in when it was time today. With all the rain we've been having, she sure has missed being out there! She will be happy to have her humans home soon so she can spend more time out there soon.

Oreo & Stuffs

This evening Oreo met me in the kitchen, ready for his yums! He waited and brushed up against my legs occasionally. Stuffy was hanging out on the couch in the bedroom today. I stopped and gave him some hello pets, then went to take care of their box. Oreo was sitting at the edge of the living room, waiting for me to return. He got up and walked along with me to our spot. Oreo snuggled up next to me and purred away while he got his pets and chin rubs. Stuffy came wandering in right away as well. He snuggled up to me on the other side for his attention time.


This morning Shadow was sitting at the door waiting for me. He walked around my legs while I got his breakfast ready for him. He got started on that, then I went to get all his treats for him. After I got his box scooped, I sat in the living room, where Shadow was waiting for me. He laid next to me to enjoy some pets. He climbed up to my lap for just a minute. Then, he was in play mode. Shadow was a crazy kitty this morning! I had him playing with his kitty toy, then he suddenly jumped up and started zooming around the house. He raced from one cat tree to the other, climbing all the way to the top as fast as he could! Haha. This evening, I came in and Shadow met me in the kitchen. He gobbled down his treats first this time, then worked on his dinner. After I got back from his box, he came and had to check me out for a bit. He was in his love nibble mood tonight. Haha. Finally, he stopped and just sat with me and enjoyed his pets. He got up now and again to go snack.

Sunday, May 24, 2015


This evening I came inside and called for Major. He heard me and came wandering inside. Major came over and stood behind me while I got his dinner ready. He was crying for me to hurry up! I brought his bowl over to his spot, then he worked on that while I gave his medicine. He was so muddy from all the rain we've had. Haha. I gave him a few pets, then made sure he had enough water for the night.

Susie & Frank Fritz

Today I opened the door and Frank came out of his doggy house. It was another rainy day for us! Luckily, the pups had a dry patio and dry houses to snuggle up in. I went in and got their dinner quick, then fed the pooches. They both ate, then Frank came over to say hi. I was very happy that he was still dry as he was giving me his puppy hugs! Haha. Susie just hung out in her bed and peeked out at me. She is not a fan of this weather! Frank wandered out to the yard and was having a blast. He was splashing around in the mud puddles, chasing after the birds. Susie got some pets, then Frank saw and came running. I got him his treat to keep him occupied so he wouldn't share his muddy paws! Haha. They are doing well, and will be so happy to see mom and dad home soon.

Oreo & Stuffs

Today Oreo hopped down from the bed and came out to see me. I came by a little earlier today, so I waited to get his food ready until the end of our visit. Stuffy was hanging out in his bed in the closet. Oreo met me in our spot for some attention. Stuffy joined us right away as well. Both boys laid on either side of me to get their pets. It was a pretty quiet day for them. Nothing too exciting happening. Haha.  Before I left, Oreo joined me in the kitchen to get his yummy snack. We've had a lot of rain over the past couple days, but the boys are holding up just fine!

Poppy, Peta & Simon

Today I opened the door and Poppy came running to see me again. As I made my way to the kitchen, Simon came out of his room and meowed at me. I stopped to give him some pets, then got their food ready. Poppy was loving up on the kitty scratching post while she waited patiently for me to come open her door for her. It was another rainy day, but she still ventured out there for a bit. Peta came out to eat, then sat by me for a few pets. She didn't stay real long though. Actually, it was Simon who came to love up all the attention today! He was rolling around and loving up every second.