Tuesday, March 31, 2015


This afternoon Oscar was right at the door to say hi. We walked to the door and he got a few heiny scratches quick. Outside, Oscar went to go explore. He was busy checking everything out in the yard today. It was so nice out! I tried to get him to play some frisbee with me a bit, but he didn't seem too interested. If I tossed it right to him, he would catch it and drop it. Then, eventually, he just laid down to relax. Oh well, that sounded pretty nice too!

Sadi & Noell

This evening miss Noell came down the hall to wait for me. She waited for her pets, then I picked her up and we went to their room. Sadi was all curled up in her bed, snoozing away. I woke her up and got her nose cleaned up. Noell was waiting patiently for her dinner, so I went to get that. Sadi still had enough. Noell followed along to the kitchen and waited. She worked on her dinner and I tried to get Sadi to work on hers. I tried multiple times, but she would just sniff and turn away. Guess she wasn't hungry at the moment.

Friday, March 27, 2015


This afternoon I came in and took a peek in the bedroom, just in time to see Oscar hopping down to come see me! We said hi quick, then made our way outside. Oscar ran off right away to go do his business. He came back to get a few pets. Oscar did a lot of lounging around today. It was pretty nice out! Sunny but cool. The neighbor pups came racing out, so Oscar ran over there to see what they were up to. Then, he was busy doing some exploring around the yard. After some more relaxing in the sunshine, he got his paws dried off and we went in for his snack time. 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Ginger & Tiger

Tonight Ginger slowly walked up to the gate in the dark. I said hi, then they followed me to the other gate. It took a little convincing, then they went outside. The pups did their business, then lined back up at the door. I went out and sat outside with them for awhile since it wasn't too cold out. Ginger came over and stood up against my legs, wanting her pets! Tiger wandered over for some attention as well. Once she had enough, Ginger eventually stood back a ways and barked at me to come let them back inside. Haha. We went in and she tried to make a break for the bedroom, so I cut off her trail. The pups went back in the kitchen and I got them each their bacon snack for doing their business. I made sure they had plenty of water for the night. Then, I got them both a bedtime snack.


Today I came in and didn't see Oscar yet. He heard me inside and came running out from the bedroom. Love his new haircut! He and I went out back right away. His new 'do had him feeling a little spunky today, so we actually got some play time in! I grabbed his frisbee and tossed it. Oscar raced and caught it mid-air. We played chase, since he didn't want to give it up easily. I threw it again across the yard and he ran as fast as he could to catch it before it hit the ground. We played for awhile before he got pooped out. Oscar then decided to go check out the plants on the patio. "What's this green thing?" After that, he found a nice spot in the shade to relax.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Oreo & Stuffs

Today I got to the kitchen, then Oreo appeared behind me. He did a big stretch, then came and rubbed up against my legs. He waited patiently for his dinner. After I took care of their things, I went to see where Stuffy was. Surprisingly, he wasn't in his bed today. I went upstairs and found him lounging on his ottoman up there. I sat with him and pet him for a long time. He just closed his eyes and purred away. Oreo eventually joined us. He was ready for his pets too! He rolled around on the floor and happily got his chin scratched.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Oreo & Stuffs

Today Oreo met me in the entryway and he did a big stretch. He led me to the kitchen to get his food ready for him. While he worked on that, I took care of their other things quick. I checked to see what Stuffy was up to. I found him all snuggled up and cozy in his bed. I visited with him for a little bit and gave him some pets. Oreo came in to check on me. I guess he must have been waiting for me at our spot! I followed him to the living room and he plopped down on the floor. I sat next to him and started to pet him. Oreo laid there for a long time, just as content as could be. I visited with him a bit longer today since he was loving it up!


Today my shaggy friend met me in the hall. I can't wait to see his new 'do! :) He was hopping alongside me as we made our way to the door. I felt him trying to paw at me on the way. I guess he wanted me to stop and pet him! Haha. I stopped and gave him his back and heiny scratches. Then, he was ready to go out. Oscar was ready for a few more once we got outside. It was absolutely beautiful out today! Oscar barked at me playfully, so I went and got his frisbee. I tossed it for him and he raced to go get it. After only a couple times, he plopped down in the grass. It was so nice out that he wanted to stop and soak up some rays. He moved around, sometimes in the sun, and others in the shade to cool off. He ran over to say hi to his neighbor friends too. Later, we went in and Oscar went to lounge across his ottoman. He got up only when it was treat time!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Oreo & Stuffs

Today Oreo came wandering into the entryway after I got in. He meowed at me and then sat to wait to see where I would go. When he was sure I would head to the kitchen, he ran along ahead of me. As I made my way, I saw Stuffy sitting just inside the bedroom door in the dark. Haha. Oreo got working on his dinner, then I went to give Stuffy a few chin scratches quick. After cleaning their box, I went to the living room. Oreo came waddling in from the entryway where he was waiting. Haha. He's so funny. Stuffy even came to sit by us too. Oreo wanted his attention today and barely left my side. He laid down and purred away, rolling over now and again so I could get both sides.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Oreo & Stuffs

This evening I came in and saw Oreo lounging on the couch. He looked at me and meowed, then waited until I started heading for the kitchen to get up. Oreo came and brushed by my legs, then sat in his spot to wait for his food. I took care of their box quick, then went to see what Stuffy was up to. He was napping in his closet bed. I gave him a few pets, then went to meet Oreo in the living room. He laid by me and got his pets and chin scratches. After a little while he got up and went to sit by the window. Since he was done getting attention, I went and sat with Stuffy a bit longer.

Molly, Emma & the kitties

This morning Emma was up and on her way to the door to meet me. Molly was still laying in the bedroom. I let Emma out quick, then Molly worked her way up and out to join her. I went to get their breakfast for them. Charlie heard me come in and was following me around. Haha. I delivered breakfast to the patio for the ladies. Emma took her cookie to the grass to eat, and Molly wandered over and decided to help her with it. Molly then ate her own cookie, and went to explore after that. Inside, Henry and Charlie were waiting for some attention. It was going to be another beautiful day, so the girls got to stay out to enjoy it.

Murdy & Charlie

This morning the kitties raced down the stairs when they heard me come in. Charlie followed me to the laundry room to help take care of their things again. He talked to me while I was doing that. Murdy hopped up on the counter while I got them some fresh water. He helped himself to a drink from the faucet. The boys ran to the living room to meet me when I was finished. Murdy sat up on the ottoman and enjoyed some pets. Charlie was being silly rolling around on the floor by me. Then, he curled up in my lap for awhile. He was doing some silly kitty contortionist poses! Haha. After awhile, I had the boys both intently watching the feather toy go back and forth. They took turns tackling it!

Bradford, ZZ, Heighty & Sugar

This morning I opened the door and Bradford and Heighty were right there to see me. ZZ and Sugar were on their way over. The little ones were busy bouncing up and down at my legs for me to say hi. I stopped to give them a few pets quick, then I filled their dishes for breakfast. Everyone got right to work. I went around looking for Molly, since it didn't see her. I realized that she wasn't around. :( The other kiddos were happy to say hi some more once they finished eating their food.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Murdy & Charlie

This morning the boys were making their way down the stairs to see me when I came inside. Charlie helped me get their food dishes filled. The boys both waited on the counter while I got them some fresh water. I went to our spot and Charlie came wandering over. He rolled around on the floor next to me. Murdy hopped up on their kitty tree, so then Charlie had to as well. Murdy was a playful boy again today. He chased his mouse toy all over. Charlie sat on the back of the couch for awhile and watched. Later on, he came to sit on my shoulder. I got up to put their toys away and Charlie came along for the ride. Haha! I set him down on the couch when I was about to leave. He turned around quick and gave me a hug as he was trying to make an attempt to jump back up. Aww... so sweet!

Conroy, Penny, Ricky, Ace, Jacob & the kitties

This morning the pups started rustling around in their beds while I got their breakfast together. Ricky ate well overnight again. Penny, Conroy and Ace all finished their food pretty quick. I let all the pups out back, while I checked on the kitties. Mator was happy to get some attention again. He was pretty much attached to me! Later, I went out by the pups. It was pretty nice out this morning, so they were all out exploring. Penny and Ace came over for some attention right away. Then, Ricky was at my legs, pawing for his pets too! When it was time, everyone came inside. This afternoon was a little cloudy, but nice and warm. Mator was napping under the blankets when I went to get Jacob. The pups and I all went out back to enjoy the weather. They were all off in the yard, doing their thing. When it was time to come in, I had to go get Ricky. He was just laying in the yard, soaking up the little bit of sunshine coming through. Ahhh! Jacob hadn't eaten much of his food yet, so he and I hung out in his room for awhile. He would grab a kibble here and there, but I think he was more interested in playing! He was being silly. Haha. Hopefully he'll eat it this afternoon. I got everyone a cookie before I left. They all did great!

Molly, Emma & the kitties

This morning the ladies were sleeping in their spots when I arrived. I let them outside quick, then got their food together. It was already pretty comfortable out, so it'll be another afternoon outside for them to enjoy it! I brought their food out to the patio for them. Molly snagged her cookie and ran off to a spot in the yard to eat that. She returned and took a couple bites of food. But then, she wandered off to explore. Emma had no problems eating. Haha. I visited with the girls for awhile, then went in to see the kitties a bit. This evening, the girls got up from lounging to come inside. I saw the kitties were napping on the bed together. Smudge hopped down and decided to head upstairs. Emma and Molly both ate their dinners, while Micah got some attention. His little motor was running loudly! When it was time, the ladies got their bedtime snacks. (Charlie didn't steal them today! Haha!)


This morning Major heard me come in and he started barking outside. I got his breakfast ready quick. I brought his leash over and hooked him up. He came right inside with me and went to eat. He got his medicine. After he finished, I got him a cookie. It took a couple tries for him to land his "shake" since he can't see well, but he sure tried! He worked on his cookie while I cleaned his bowl. I walked Major back outside, then I went to get him some water. He walked in behind me all on his own! He wanted to check for any leftover cookie crumbles. Major went back out when it was time.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Murdy & Charlie

Today I walked up and Murdy was staring out the front door, meowing at me! Before I got the door opened, Charlie was right there too. Haha! The boys walked along with me and hopped up on the counter to get closer for pets. I stopped to say hi to both of them. Next, I got their stuff taken care of. Charlie was right there, meowing at me and helping me. Soon, I met them in the living room with a couple of their toys. Murdy was sitting up on the tv stand and Charlie was by the ottoman. They got a pretty cool looking cat tree! Charlie stood up on the ottoman and climbed across to my shoulders to hang out for awhile. He stuck his head in my hair and purred away. Haha! What a goofball. Murdy actually was in a playful mood today! Since Charlie was hanging out, he decided to try and catch the mouse toy. He'd go run over by the door, do the heiny wiggle, and would race back to sneak up on it. Eventually, Charlie joined in as well.

Sadi & Noell

This morning Noell was a crazy lady! She met me in the hall first thing. I started picking up their room, then Noell had to keep zooming under the pads as I tried to put them down. Haha! She was having fun! I got that all situated, then it was time for Sadi's meds. While she was getting those, Miss Noell was flopping around in the bathtub. Silly girl! She followed along to the kitchen to wait for her breakfast. I saw her little treat toy was empty this morning, so I filled that up for her as well. The girls both worked on their breakfast for me. After I cleaned the floors, Noell and I had some play time with her laser toy. She was down the hall, squished down to the floor as close as she could to hide. Then, the butt wiggle! Haha. I love that. She pounced on the light when it would come near.

Sadi & Noell

Last night I came in and Noell was sitting at the end of the hall, waiting for me. I picked her up along the way and gave her some snuggles. Sadi was sitting by Noell's dry food bowl, checking that out. I got the girls both some dinner and they both went to eat right away for me.

Conroy, Penny, Ricky, Ace, Jacob & the kitties

This morning I got breakfast ready. Ricky had eaten all his food from last night, and everyone else ate well today too. I let everyone out after they finished. While they were out, I went to feed the kitties. Mator was really craving some attention this morning, so I stopped to visit with him a bit. After that, I went out with the pups until it was time to come in. This afternoon I let all the kiddos out back. It was very nice out today. They enjoyed the weather and all were out and exploring in the yard. Later on, we came in and I got the boys all ready. Then, we visited in the kitchen awhile. Ricky, Ace and Jacob were all trying to get some pets. Penny would pounce on me to take over! Haha. Then, she would try to direct my attention to the treat jar. I told her she had to wait till bedtime. Conroy wanted to play with his toy again, so we had some fun with that. I took Jacob back to his room and Mator was napping under the covers again. This evening, I let the kiddos out for their bedtime break. I went to get Jacob and got to see Bernadine tonight! In fact, after he went outside, I went back to see if she was still out. She was, so I was able to even give her a few pets tonight too. I went back outside with the pups until it was bedtime.

Annie, Izzy & Cali

This morning the girls did their dance by the door until I opened it. Time to eat! They quickly finished up, then it was time to head outside. It was pretty nice out already. I let them do their thing and went to check on Cali. She and I visited for awhile in the living room. She let me know when she was done and ready to eat breakfast. I let the girls back inside and we hung out for a bit. Annie came and sat next to me for some attention, since Izzy stole her bone. She didn't mind though. This afternoon it was very nice out. I fed and let the girls out, then went to give Cali some attention. She got her food afterwards as well. Since it was nice out, the girls and I sat outside for quite awhile. Annie and Izzy were keeping a close eye on the kids playing out in the neighborhood. This evening, Annie and Izzy were excited to go out. Cali got her dinner and some attention time. The girls came in after awhile and settled down. They both grabbed their bones and gnawed on those until it was bedtime.

Molly, Emma & the kitties

This morning Miss Emma was sleeping on the doggie bed and Molly was on the floor beside her. The girls woke up when I came in and they went out back right away. I got their food ready and had set their bowls on the table. While I was visiting with the kitties, Charlie wandered up and pulled the small chunk of dog cookie I had in there, out of the bowl. Then, he was crunching on some kibble! Haha! The cats weren't out of food, so I guess he just thinks he's one of the dogs. Later, I saw Micah had taken over the warm doggie bed and was all sprawled out on it. Miss Smudge was in her usual place. It was a little cooler out this morning, so I was going to see what the girls wanted to do. They were in no rush to come in, so I let them stay out. It was going to be a comfortable afternoon outside anyways. Molly was busy exploring around the yard and Emma was lounging on the patio. I brought their breakfast out to them. Molly ate her cookie and nibbled a little bit for me, but that was it. The girls had a nice afternoon to be outside today! This evening I let the girls in and got their dinner ready. Molly went to her room, so I was going to keep her company while she ate. Emma wandered in by us instead of eating her own food, so I guess she wanted my company too! I followed her out and she went to lay in the living room. I told her she needed to eat her dinner too. Then, Charlie went and chased her. I guess he was scolding her, cause she went to eat after that! Then, he sat down by her and started sticking his paw in her bowl to pull out kibbles! I got a good laugh at that. He then hopped up on the counter where I had the girl's bedtime cookies waiting. Charlie started gnawing on one, so I went to go take them away. Suddenly, he snagged one and took off with it! He ran under the bed, so I went to try and grab it from him. He even growled at me! Haha, ok then mister! I grabbed the big chunk away and let him have the small piece he was working on. Crazy kitty! Meanwhile, both my ladies had finished up their dinners. So that was good!