This morning I opened the doors for the pups and they both zoomed out. They wandered out and did their business. It was dry this morning, but they were forecasting rain for later today. Bella came in and wanted some attention. Chico ran up and wanted some pets too. That got Bella jealous, and she kept trying to take over for Chico and nudge him out of the way. Haha. When they had enough, they worked on their breakfast for me. This afternoon, it had started to lightly sleet outside. I let the pups out and they were quick to go potty and run back inside. Chico was busy guarding the hallway, just in case we would head that way and try to steal his snacks. Bella came to sit by me and get some attention. When it was time, we went to their room and I got their peanut butter snacks ready for them.
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Friday, January 30, 2015
Bella & Chico
This evening I heard the pups barking inside as I was coming in. They heard me! Haha. I turned the lights on and opened their doors. They zoomed out and went outside for me. Bella came racing back in to see me. She said hi and got some pets. Chico was busy checking things out in the hall and the living room. I saw him up on the couch, trying to peek up on the counter! Naughty. After the kiddos settled down a bit, they took turns nibbling on dinner from Chico's bowl. When it was time for bed, they both went in and got a bedtime snack.
I must have timed my visit just right today! I didn't see anyone working outside, so I assumed they must have went on lunch break. I closed the gate and checked the other one quick, then went inside. Oscar was making his way to come see me. I see he got a haircut! Gotta impress the ladies. :) Haha! He and I went out back right away. He wandered around and went to check out their stuff. I called him away so he wouldn't get into anything. I grabbed his frisbee and we chased around for awhile. Oscar did an awesome air catch today! After that, he was done. He picked a spot in the grass and lounged. The sun was poking out a bit, so it was actually quite nice out. Just as the guys were pulling up, Oscar and I were heading in for his snack. Perfect!
Oreo & Stuffs
Today Oreo was right at the entryway to come see me. He meowed, did a big stretch and wandered over to brush up against my legs. I pet him hello, then turned to head towards the kitchen. He saw that and raced me! Haha. He waited for his dinner and worked on that while I did my things. I went to see Stuffy, who was lounging in his closet bed. I gave him some chin scratches for a bit. Next, I went to the living room to visit Oreo. He came running from the entryway. He had been checking out my shoes. Haha. Oreo snuggled up by me for the remainder of the time and got his pets.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Oreo & Stuffs
Oreo was waiting in the kitchen for me today when I came in. I walked by to put some stuff away and he stared at me with this funny look on his face. "But... but... what about my food?" Stuffy was lounging in his closet bed again today. Since I came in there, he got up and wandered out to the living room. I got Oreo his yums, which he went to work on while I scooped their box. When I returned, both boys were waiting for me. Oreo followed me in and snuggled up by me for his attention. He purred and rubbed his face in my hand as I itched his chin for him. Stuffy wandered around the back side of the ottoman to come visit me on the other side. Oreo eventually wandered off to go snack some more. He didn't come back, but Stuffy stayed and enjoyed his turn. As I was leaving, I saw Oreo had gone to sit in the entryway to soak up some sunshine.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Oreo & Stuffs
Today Oreo meowed when I came in and he ran ahead to meet me in the kitchen. He was busy brushing up against my legs, while I got his dinner for him. While he snacked, I went to take care of their litter box. Next, I went to find Stuffy. He was in his bed, lounging around. I sat with him and visited for awhile. He went back to his nap while I pet him. Oreo strolled in after he finished eating. He curled up on the other side of me and got his pets as well. Oreo purred loudly and rubbed his chin on my knee. Both boys stuck around and got their attention time.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Sadi & Noell
This morning I saw Noell down the hall when I walked in. She saw me, then turned and ran to go wait for me by her bowl. Haha! I picked up their room and she was busy hopping in and out, following me all over. She had some energy today! Sadi got her nose cleaned up and took her morning meds. Noell was messing around in the bathtub, then playing with the rug in the bathroom. She helped me get their breakfast, then was right back at her bowl, ready to eat. The girls got some pets today when they were done. After that, Noell and I played with her laser light in the living room for a bit. This evening, I came in and saw Noell climbing out of her bed. Sadi was actually up tonight, wandering around. She had eaten well today, so I got her a little more food too.
Oreo & Stuffs
This evening, I heard a meow as I opened the door. Oreo was making his way over to see me. He stopped at the edge of the dining room to do a big stretch, then came over for some hello pets from me. He followed me to the kitchen to sit and wait for his yums. After I finished scooping their box, I went to look for Stuffy. I found him in his bed in the closet. I sat and visited with him, while Oreo was busy snacking. Stuffs purred away and enjoyed his chin scratches. After a little while I went to go see Oreo. He was hanging out in the dining room. He got a few pets, then left me to go snack a bit more. Oreo came back when he was done, curled up next to me and purred while he got some more attention.
Monday, January 26, 2015
Sadi & Noell
This morning I turned the light on in the bathroom and there was Noell, sitting on her haunches by her bowl! She was seeing if I had her food for her. Haha. Not yet little kitty. I picked up, then it was time for Sadi's meds. Noell joined me in the kitchen once I gathered up the bowls. She was meowing away at me. When she saw me coming with their food, she hopped up and bounced her way down the hall. She was sitting up and waiting for her food when I got there. Sadi joined her and the girls worked on breakfast. After they were finished, we sat in their room and they enjoyed some pets and chin scratches. This evening, Noell was hanging out in her kitty bed, and Sadi was snoozing in hers. Noell came out and helped me get her dinner for her. Sadi's nose was pretty stuffy tonight, so I got that cleaned up for her. Back to sleep she went.
Oreo & Stuffs
This evening I came in and spotted Stuffy lounging on the couch. He just sat and looked at me while I talked to him. Oreo must have heard me and came wandering into the kitchen. Oreo rubbed up against my legs while I got his dinner ready. When I was finished taking care of their things, I went to see the boys in the living room. Stuffy was still hanging out on the couch. Oreo finished snacking, then he came and snuggled up next to me. He loved up some chin rubs! Stuffy was comfortable where he was at. I gave him a few pets before I left.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Sadi & Noell
This evening, I came in and went to see what the girls were up to. Sadi was snoozing in her bed and Noell was snuggled up in hers as well. She did a big yawn when I turned on the light. After a minute, she crawled out to see me. She followed along as I went to get her dinner ready. She sat in the dining room and waited so patiently. Haha. I brought their food back and Noell was already sitting in her spot. She went to work, while I cleaned up Sadi's nose.
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Oreo & Stuffs
This evening, Oreo was right at the door to see me. He waited and did a big stretch while I was coming in. We went to the kitchen to get his dinner ready for him. After I scooped their box, we went to our spot in the living room. I got his brush down to try and brush him, but I guess he wasn't too interested. After only a couple minutes, Oreo wandered off. Since he didn't want any attention, I went to find Stuffy. He was in his lounging spot, snuggled up in his closet bed. I sat with Stuffy and gave him pets and chin scratches. He purred away. When I got up to leave, I found Oreo laying just outside the bathroom. What a silly boy!
I came in today and went to see Winston. He did a big stretch, then I let him out of his room. He helped me look for his harness, but we couldn't find it. He made me laugh when I knelt down to look under the table, then he snuck in and gave me kisses on my nose! I found a collar in his basket, so we used that to go out. I took him out for a little stroll to do his business. We wandered around a bit after he was done. There were lots of people out today, since it was so nice. Winston saw a couple other puppy dogs out walking as well.
Friday, January 23, 2015
Oreo & Stuffs
This evening I came in and Oreo met me in the kitchen. He sat at his spot and waited for his food to be delivered. Haha! I went and took care of their other dishes and their box. Oreo was waiting by the living room entrance for me when I was done. We went to our spot and I grabbed his brush. Oreo enjoyed a long pamper session. I kept calling for Stuffy, but he didn't come out for me. So, I went to go look for him. I found Stuffs lounging in his closet bed. I sat down by him and gave him some attention for awhile too. He was loving up his chin scratches and purred away. Oreo came looking for me too. Guess he wasn't done yet! Haha.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Oreo & Stuffs
This evening, I came by a bit later than I usually do. So tonight, both boys came wandering in the dining room to come say hi! Oreo followed me to the kitchen, while Stuffy wandered elsewhere. I got them their snack, then tended to their box. I turned the fireplace on tonight since it was a bit more chilly out today. The boys both came over to visit me for awhile. Oreo enjoyed his chin scratches. Stuffy got cozy by the fire and let me pet him. After a little while, the boys both wandered off to eat.
Sadi & Noell
This morning I heard Noell jingling down the hall. She heard me coming in and met me in the living room. She started meowing at me right away! Haha. Sadi was up and getting a drink this morning. I got her nose cleaned up and gave her her meds. Noell was being a crazy little kitty! She was jumping in the bathtub, hopping out and racing around being silly. She laid on the floor in the kitchen while I got their food ready and poked her head around the corner of the cabinets to see what I was up to. She went to town on her breakfast. Miss Sadi loved up her chin scratches while she was busy. Since Noell had some energy this morning, I had her chase her little red dot around the house. Haha! This evening, Noell made her way to the kitchen to meet me. She raced along ahead of me, and when I got there, she was sitting patiently by her bowl. Sadi was up this evening, just sitting in her room. I cleaned up her nose, then got Noell more food. I added some water to Sadi's since she had enough left tonight.
Today I heard Oscar shake when I walked in. He was in the hallway, doing a stretch as he was coming to greet me. When he saw me, he turned right around and headed for the back door. Silly boy! Haha. We went out back where he stopped to say hi to me and get his pets. Oscar was busy wandering around for a bit. I grabbed his frisbee and tried to get him to play again. It wasn't looking hopeful at first, but then he finally raced me for it. Yay! He and I played until he got bored with that. Then, he was ready to sunbathe. The sun was nice and warm today.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Sadi & Noell
This morning I found Sadi sitting by her food dishes. Noell popped out from her spot behind the clothes and came to sit by her bowl. I love when she sits up on her haunches, like "You have some food for me?" Hehe. I cleaned up their area while she was messing around in the bathroom. I caught her looking up at the counter as if she was going to jump up. She saw me watching and decided not to. She's learning! Sadi got her meds this morning. She kept trying to wander away from me today! Noell came and played in the living room while I got their food ready. She raced me back and sat up on her hind legs by her bowl, until I set her food down. She ate all her breakfast. Sadi enjoyed some pets until she was done, then she worked on hers as well. Noell and I had some play time in the living room with her fishy. This evening, little kitty was right at her bowl, as usual. She was meowing to me while I gathered their dishes. Sadi was snoozing away.
This afternoon I didn't have a happy wagging tail at the door to see me again. I walked in and saw that he was lounging on the couch today. He got up and did a big stretch, then ran over to see me. I said hi and gave him his heiny scratches, then we went outside. I tried to get him to play frisbee with me, but he wasn't interested. I even tried to get him to play chase with it. Nope! He just wanted to be a lazy bum today! Haha. Oscar lounged in the grass for most of the time. He got up occasionally to go check out different sounds he'd hear. We went inside when it was time, then, of course he runs and grabs his frisbee. Little goober! Haha. I tossed it for him a couple times inside, then it was time for his treat.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
This afternoon I opened the door and no one was there. I made my way in and didn't see him in the living room either. Then, I heard a thud and he came running from the bedroom! Guess he was busy napping. He came over and rubbed his head on me to say hi. We went outside for awhile. Oscar laid in the grass at first. He got up and checked things out, then came over by me for some pets. Then, he started barking and racing to the other side of the house. Some people were out delivering something to a neighbor. Such a good watch pup! After getting all worked up, Oscar went and lounged at the end of the patio. When it was time, we headed inside and he got his snack.
Sadi & Noell
This morning I walked in and Noell was up and sitting right by her bowl. She must have heard me coming! Sadi was up as well, getting a drink. I cleaned up their room quick, then got Sadi her meds. Noell was busy romping around in the bathtub while she waited. So full of energy! She came and talked to me while I got breakfast ready. She was in the living room, then rolling around on the floor in the dining area, then loving up on the cabinets. She ran ahead of me to go wait at her bowl. The girls nibbled on their food. Well, Sadi nibbled. Noell polished hers clean. Sadi got some chin rubs while we waited for Noell to finish. She got a few afterwards as well. Then, we went to play a bit. I had her chasing her little fish toy around this morning. This evening, Noell was waiting by her bowl again for me. Sadi had eaten well today, so I got her a little more food too.
Monday, January 19, 2015
Sadi & Noell
This morning I made my way to the girls room. Sadi was up wandering around. Noell appeared instantlybehind me from somewhere! She was hopping around on the bag that I put dirty pads in. Goofy girl. I took Sadi to her spot to give her her meds. I played her some comforting music while I cleaned up her nose. Haha! I pushed the button to see what it did and couldn't help but laugh. Meanwhile, Noell was in the bedroom batting around a little yellow mouse. She followed me to the kitchen and talked to me while I got breakfast ready. The girls worked on their food. Noell got some play time when she was finished. We played with a couple of her toys in the living room, then she chased around her laser light. This evening, I found Sadi snoozing in her bed. I could hear her breathing, since her nose was stuffed up. I cleaned her nose up for her. As I was heading out, I saw Noell sitting on the floor behind the hanging clothes. She popped out and tagged along to wait for her dinner.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Sadi & Noell
This evening I went to check on the girls when I arrived. I didn't see Noell, so I called for her. I went to check the side of the bed, but it didn't look like she had snuck under there. I went back to grab their bowls and there she was, sitting right by her dishes! Haha. She must have been tucked down in her box where I couldn't see her. After I said hi, she followed along to get her dinner ready. Sadi still had a good amount of food left, so I mixed in some more water in hers. She was snoozing soundly in her bed. I woke her up long enough to clean her nose up for her.
Friday, January 16, 2015
This morning I walked in and didn't hear Peanut at first. I called his name, then his head popped right up and he started in. He was snoozing pretty good in his bed I guess! Peanut came wandering over and went straight outside for me. I got his breakfast ready for him. He pawed at the door and came inside. We went to the living room for a bit and he watched me while I tried to have him play with his toy. He's just always so curious of me. Haha! This afternoon, Peanut popped his head up in the corner by the couches. He came over and met me by the door. It was a beautiful day outside! Peanut took his time to do his business and enjoy some sunshine. I let him in and he got his snack. This evening, Peanut was curled up in his bed. He started barking when he heard me coming in. I opened the door for him and he just looked at me. When I walked out to the patio, he started searching around inside the house. Not sure what that was about! Haha. Eventually, he came out with me and went to go potty. He came in and was ready for his dinner.
Thursday, January 15, 2015
This afternoon I walked in and didn't see anyone. I turned the corner and there was Oscar, doing a great big stretch! I guess he had just gotten up from a nap. He bounced around happily as we said hi. He always makes me smile, he's just too cute! We went out back and it was a beautiful afternoon. Oscar found a spot to sunbathe for awhile. He wandered around occasionally, but it was a nice day to just lounge around and relax. He barked at me when he was ready to head inside. Oscar waited for me to get his water filled, ready to do some tricks for his treats!
Sadi & Noell
This morning I walked in and checked on the girls. I didn't see Noell in there, neither in her box, nor her new bed. I started making my way out to look for her, but she was already on her way to see me. I got their things cleaned up, then it was time for Sadi's meds. Noell was busy rolling around on the floor next to me. She was a good girl today and didn't make any attempts to get on the counter. She followed along as usual, to go get their breakfast. She meowed at me and loved on the cabinets. The girls worked on breakfast, then they got some pets and chin scratches. This evening, I didn't see Noell in her room again. As I was walking out, I saw her crawl out from under the bed. I closed up her entrance so hopefully she can't get under there again! She was busy following me around, plopping down and rolling on the floor whenever we stopped. Haha. Sadi was snoozing soundly in her bed.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
This morning I came in and Peanut popped his head up from his spot at the corner of the couches. He barked, then bounced his way over. He went outside to do his business when I opened the door for him. After he came back inside, he got his treat for being a good boy and then he wandered over to his bowl. This afternoon, Peanut was up and bouncing his way to come see me. He stopped to sniff at me, then we walked to the door. I opened it, but he just looked up at me. "Now what?" I told him to go outside, but he still would look out, then back at me. I walked out to the patio to see if he would follow. It took a minute, but then he trotted out and to the grass. He did his thing, then came back inside. He was sure bouncy this afternoon! I tried to get him to play again, but I guess he was just excited about his treats. This evening, Peanut met me half way to the door. I opened it for him and he did the same thing as he did this afternoon. Silly boy! He did his business once he went out, then came in and went right to his bowl to eat dinner.
Sadi & Noell
This morning I came in and went to visit the girls. Noell was in the bedroom, making her way to see me. I think she was telling me she was hungry! I got their room picked up quick, then took Sadi to get her meds. While I was doing that, Noell hopped up on the counter behind Sadi. I made a loud sound in an attempt to startle her and told her 'no', then 'get down'. She did, then decided to go play in her tub. She tagged along when I went to get their food ready. I had to mix up some more for Sadi, so Noell was gabbing away at me. Hehe. The girls both ate, then I sat and gave Sadi some pets. Noell was testing her limits today! I looked up and she was up on the counter again, laying on the towel. I scolded her and told her to get down again. Naughty! Good thing she's super cute. Haha. This evening, Noell poked her head around the corner of the bed at me. She joined me in the kitchen and waited for her dinner. She raced me to her spot to await her delicious bowl!