This morning the house felt like it had cooled off some overnight. I let all the kiddos outside and opened up some windows to try & cool it down some more. I got Louie ' s breakfast ready and had the other two come inside so he could eat. He nibbled on some of it, but wasn't super interested. I gave him extra time and tried to get him to eat more, but he wandered off instead. I put it up for now. Bella and Chico were happy to get outside and play. They worked on some breakfast just before I left. This afternoon I gave Louie another shot at his food. This time he just about finished it all. I let the other two back outside once he was done. Chico kept trying to hop into my lap to snuggle. Bella ate more of her food, then was busy exploring. This evening Bella and Chico ran inside when I opened the door. They laid in the kitchen while I got Louie ' s dinner ready. He scarfed that down pretty quick this evening. I let the pups all run around outside for awhile after he was done. When it was time, I tucked them all in their beds and got them their peanut butter snacks.
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Wyatt, Sarah & the kitties
This evening I spotted Shadow as I walked in the door. He quickly disappeared when he saw me! Bandit was lounging on the kitty tower in the living room. I let the pups in, while I got them their dinners. They both followed along wherever I went. Wyatt, of course, polished his bowl off pretty quick. Sarah wasn't too far behind him though. I got them each a cookie once they were done. I made sure all the kitties had plenty of food and water. Amber was lounging on a chair in the office, and just watched as I went to refill her bowls. I checked on the dog's water buckets and got Shadow a fresh glass of ice water for the night. Sarah wasn't too thrilled about going back outside for me, but she did go like a good girl. She sat and complained at the back door though!
Oreo & Stuffs
This evening Oreo was running down the stairs, while Stuffy was already sitting in the dining room. Oreo met me in the kitchen, ready to eat. The boys were both sitting in the living room, staring at me as I walked in. Haha! Oreo laid on one side of me, while Stuffy laid on the other. They kept me busy giving them both chin scratches and pets, while they purred away. The boys loved up every minute. They will be happy to have mom and dad home soon!
Friday, May 30, 2014
Bella, Louie & Chico
This evening I let everyone out when I arrived. Louie sure had more energy than last time I saw him! He was bouncing all over the place. I got his dinner ready, while they were out doing their business. Bella and Chico came in the kitchen to watch. Louie went out to eat and get his medicine. When he finished, the other two got to spend some more time outside as well. It had just finished raining, so it was nice and cool out for them.
Oreo & Stuffs
This evening Oreo meowed from the top of the stairs, as he made his way down to see me. As I was getting their food ready, Stuffy appeared in the kitchen as well! They both sat and waited for their yums. The boys met me in the living room after I cleaned their box. They both laid on either side of me and began purring right away. After they got pet for a long time, I got their laser toy out and we played with that a little. It's so funny watching them scramble across the room for it! Haha. Oreo gave up pretty quick and went to go snack. He returned for some more pets later on.
Rusty, Ruby & the kitties
This afternoon Ruby headed outside, while Rusty and I went out the other door. Ruby ran around a little, stopped by for a quick heiny scratch, then headed inside. Rusty found a cozy spot in the grass to soak up some sun. Some people were nearby, so that got him all excited and barking hello. Later, Rusty brought his ball over for a game. We didn't get too many throws in today, since he was busy sniffing around again.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Oreo & Stuffs
This evening when I walked in, I saw all the kids having a blast out in the pool. Oreo was sitting by his water dish and got up to say hi. He waited in the kitchen for his dinner. As I headed for the laundry room, I saw Stuffy sitting in the bedroom. Boy, was he talkative today! He meowed this long conversation. When I finished cleaning up, Oreo was waiting in the living room for me. Stuffy followed along and talked some more. They both plopped down for some chin scratches. Little Stuffy was a bit skittish today. Every time he heard the door or a noise, he'd sit up, ready to take off. But, since the kids were busy outside playing, the boys got plenty of attention time in. Oreo wandered off after awhile, but Stuffy stayed quite a bit longer.
Rusty, Ruby & the kitties
This afternoon I let Ruby outside and Rusty followed along. She waited for me on the porch and started bouncing around, being silly. Then suddenly, she raced inside! What a goof. Rusty went to find a spot to relax in the grass for awhile. I went inside to go get Ruby. I stopped by Lance to say hi too. He was relaxing on the bed again. I got Ruby to come outside with me so she could go potty. After she did her business, she came and sat by me for some heiny scratches. She explored out in the yard with Rusty for awhile too. Rusty headed inside after some time to go get his ball for me, so we could play some fetch.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Oreo & Stuffs
This evening Oreo was making his way down the stairs to see me. I got him some food, which he got to work on right away. When i walked back through the kitchen, I saw it was Stuffy who was eating! They must have switched. Oreo was sitting in the entryway by my shoes, waiting for me to finish. The boys both appeared in the living room to sit with me. Oreo laid down and snuggled up by me. Stuffy sat just close enough for me to pet his back a little. He eventually scooted further away, but stayed in the living area. Oreo was purring away and loving up his attention.
Rusty, Ruby & the kitties
This afternoon Ruby came out of her bed and started racing around the house. I let her out and then called for Rusty. He finally got up and followed along. Ruby ran around outside for a minute and did her business. She didn't take too long before she ran back inside. It was very nice out today! Rusty rolled around and lounged in the grass awhile. He brought me his ball occasionally for some throws. In between catches, he would stop to sniff around. He explored most of the time today. When we went in, I peeked in the bedroom to see if Lance was around. He was snoozing on mom and dad's bed.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Oreo & Stuffs
This evening Oreo came running through the dining room to meet me at the front door. He started rubbing his cheek against my legs already then! He followed along to the kitchen, where Stuffy was waiting. Stuffs meowed at me a couple times, then nibbled on some dry food, while he waited. Oreo wanted the good stuff! The boys met me in the living room, and both sat next to me. Today, it was Stuffy who didn't hang out very long. He went to go snack on the canned food while he had the chance. Oreo was moving from one spot to the next, rolling around and making sure I got every inch of his chin scratched for him. He was even being lovey with his cardinal toy! Haha. Later, he got up as well to go eat some more.
Rusty, Ruby & the kitties
This afternoon I let Ruby out when I arrived. It was pouring pretty good outside. I walked out with Ruby to help coax her along, to go out and do her business. She was quick to go potty, then was ready to go back inside. It was thundering out, so Ruby went to hide by the bed. Poor little lady was shivering! Rusty was lounging on his chair in the front room. Lance wandered in and started playing with the fabric on the bottom of the chair. Goofy cat. When he got bored with that, he snuggled up with Rusty for awhile. Ruby later joined us and sat next to me.
This afternoon Winston was lounging in his bed when I walked in. He popped right up when he saw it was someone new! I let him out and he began bouncing all over the place. I got him all hooked up and ready for our walk. He peed right away for me. We continued walking around until he finished his business. It wasn't long before the rain started coming down, so we headed back inside to play instead. He ran and got me a toy right away. Winston found his rope toy and wanted to play some tug. He made me laugh when he kept hopping backwards, trying to get more leverage. I got him to drop it for me, then I tossed it around for him to go fetch. One time, he decided to bring a new toy back instead. It was grey and white, but I'm not sure what it was. Haha. He tried to play tug with that too. He would put it on my hand, then would start to talk if I grabbed ahold. He's so funny! He pooped out after awhile and snuggled up next to me for some attention, until he got his second wind! When it was time, he went back to his room for me, like a good boy.
Monday, May 26, 2014
Oreo & Stuffs
This evening the boys both appeared when I got into the kitchen. I had noticed a little bird toy by the front door. Someone was having some fun! Stuffy sat by the end of the couch to watch as I got their dinner ready. Oreo was busy doing his usual thing. Haha. When I finished, Stuffy stood up and was ready to follow along to our spot. I think Oreo had wandered to the entryway. He came running from that direction when he heard me. The boys sat on either side of me for some attention. Oreo was in a little bit of a sassy mood today. I don't think he was sure what he wanted, whether to or not to be pet. Haha! He was content just sitting up against me and that was about it. Stuffy was enjoying some chin and tummy rubs. Oreo played with a couple of his toys, then wandered off to snack. When he returned, he laid next to me again and watched the window for some birds. He saw one at one point and raced over to get a closer look.
Gracie, Molly, Emma & the gang
This morning Emma was all excited when I walked in. I let her and Molly out quick to do their business. Gracie came out of her bed and waited in the kitchen, while I got them breakfast. Molly took a little bit, but then she finally worked on her food. The other two already had their bowls licked clean. I let the older gals outside for the rest of the time, while Gracie and I went for a walk. There was a greater chance for rain and storms today, so I decided to keep everyone inside. This afternoon, Gracie was hopping around when I came in. She sure doesn't get too excited when I come to visit... haha! I tried to get the other two outside. Emma went out one door, then when I opened the other to get Molly out, Molly just stared at me and Emma came waltzing back in. Emma went in and out a couple times before Molly went outside. Silly ladies! I noticed someone had thrown up, so I started picking that up, while Molly and Emma were out. I heard some rustling in the front room and saw Smudge was getting comfy on the highest box she could find! Gracie was following me around, waiting patiently for her attention. Meanwhile, Henry was on the dining table batting my keys around. After the girls had plenty of time outdoors, Gracie and I went out for a bit. We played with her soccer ball for a little while, until she got bored playing "keep away".
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Oreo & Stuffs
This evening Stuffy was the first one I saw when I walked in. He was sitting at the entrance to the office, and gave me a couple meows. Oreo was at the top of the stairs, making his way down to the kitchen. The boys were both in the living room waiting for me when I finished with their box. Oreo laid up next to me and Stuffy came over on the other side. Both boys enjoyed some pets and chin scratches. Oreo didn't stay long. He got up and wandered off to nibble and do whatever else he was up to. Stuffy was happy having my attention all to himself. He rolled to his side and purred away. Oreo eventually came back and laid by me again for a little while.
Gracie, Molly, Emma & the gang
This morning I tried to let Gracie out first, since I knew she would be quick and wanting back in for attention. Well she wanted to skip that and start with the attention! So, I let Molly and Emma out instead. I got them all their breakfast quick. Molly and Emma enjoyed a picnic breakfast on the patio. As soon as Gracie finished, I got her leashed up and ready to go. We took a nice long walk this morning! When we got back home I let the girls in so Gracie could get a potty break. When she was done, Molly and Emma went back out for the morning. The weather said 50% chance of rain... so that didn't really help me make a decision lol. I decided to let them have as much time as they could outside since it was nice at the moment, and if I needed I could come back and let them in. This afternoon it still hadn't rained yet, so the girls had good weather for the morning. I let them in, then Gracie and I went out back. After she did her business, she came and sat by me. I kept her company for awhile and pet her. Gracie had fun drinking from the hose when I got her some fresh water. I let her stay outside as I left. Later on, I noticed some dark clouds rolling in by my house, so I went on my way to go put Gracie inside. It was already raining by the time I got there. But, she was happy to come in! She was hiding out in her little igloo. As soon as she saw me she came running and got all excited. She's so funny! This evening Gracie and Emma both met me at the door. Gracie was bouncing around being all happy and silly. I saw someone had gotten into some mischief this afternoon! There was a chunk of clay, some crayons and markers out in the living room. Maybe Gracie was wanting to color a picture for mom. Hehe. I let Gracie out for a potty break before the next round of storms hit. She quickly did her thing. I fed all the ladies their dinners, then Molly and Emma took their turn outside. Gracie sat with me and kept wiggling around, walking under my legs, and just trying to get my undivided attention! Henry and Charlie were on the table wanting some of that too. I need more hands! Haha. I tried to pet everyone and keep them all satisfied. Gracie went out for one more potty break before bedtime.
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Sadie, Zoie & Cole
This afternoon I let the pups out of their beds. I out Sadie out front and took Cole out back. He just sat on the patio, so I tried to coax him out. I carried him out to the grass a few times, but he didn't do anything. I guess he didn't have to go. Haha. I let him hang outside for a little while. He was enjoying laying on the patio and soaking up some sun. I went in to let Zoie out next. She made sure to gather her toys to leave by the door for her return. Sadie and Cole sat with me and enjoyed some attention. Everyone wanted tummy rubs today, even Zoie! Later this afternoon, Zoie met me in the laundry room. She had her toys along, of course! She bounced up and down, then gathered all three in her mouth as we made our way into the living room. Zoie and Cole went outside first for their turns. Cole spent quite awhile lounging on the patio again. I let Zoie inside and put Sadie out for a bit as well. Sadie was enjoying the nice weather outside and spent some time on the front porch, relaxing. This evening, all three pups met me in the laundry room. Sadie and Cole went out first. I took Cole out to the grass several times, but he just turned and cruised his way back to the patio. Zoie went out for her turn, and when she came in I let Cole in as well. We all visited for awhile. Sadie sat in front of me and snuck her cute little kisses in. Cole was being silly and hopping around. I bounced the tennis ball around for him and he had fun with that. Later, I took Cole out again and set him in the grass, and this time he finally went potty for me. I fed everyone their dinners and tucked them in for the night.
Oreo & Stuffs
I came to visit the boys a little earlier today. Oreo came running down the stairs to meet me, as usual! He did his thing in the kitchen, rolling around and rubbing his chin on my leg. After I finished with their other things, Oreo was ready for his attention time. He laid up next to me and purred away. Oreo would move around to make sure I got all the good spots. Eventually, it was time to go find Stuffy. He was upstairs, just lounging in a random spot. I came to sit by him and he rolled to his side right away. He was enjoying some belly rubs!
Gracie, Molly, Emma & the gang
This afternoon I think a rain cloud passed through right before I arrived. I came in and saw that the girls were out back. I let them in, then went to find Gracie. She was hiding under the bed, but when she crawled out she realized it was me. She got all excited and started her heiny wag. I let her out potty quick, then she wanted back in for some attention. We sat in the living room and she got all crazy happy. She was walking back and forth under my legs and trying to hop in my lap! haha. She finally calmed down a little and sat next to me for some pets. Charlie and Henry both wandered in by us and wanted some love too! That made her a little jealous, so she kept walking in between the kitties and I. "Pay no mind to them... feel free to pet me though!!" I let Gracie spend the afternoon outside since it was nice out. This evening Gracie went running to the back door when she saw me head for the garage. I let her in and she was just ridiculously excited!! I think that's the bounciest I've ever seen her. Haha! She was running in place several times since the floor was slippery, was bouncing around, then trying to get the other pets all riled up. I went out and got their dinners, since Emma didn't want to go out for me yet. Molly didn't want to get up from her spot either, so I fed her in the bedroom. By the time they all finished, the older gals were ready to go out. Gracie sat with me and kept running under my legs again and again. She cracks me up! I let Gracie out again once more before it was time for bed.