Today I headed to the kitchen, and was met by Mr. Oreo. He meowed at me a few times, then rubbed against my legs. He snacked on his food, while I went to clean the box. I saw Stuffy was all curled up on the bed. Oreo met me in the living room and plopped on the floor. He purred while I pet him. Later, Stuffs came in and got some attention as well. The boys got bored after a little bit, and both wandered off. I got out their laser light for something to do. Then, they both came racing back in, crawling frantically around on the floor after the red dot! They both scrambled around a lot longer than I thought. Then, they both pooped out and stayed in one spot to just watch it. They're so funny!
Friday, January 31, 2014
Rusty, Ruby & the kitties
Today I let Ruby out, then the pups and I went outside. It was cool and drizzly outside. Ruby ran around, did her thing, then raced inside. I was happy to see my little bud today! He came up to me and did a big stretch against my leg. We took a break from the kitty toy today, so he wouldn't hurt his paws. I snuggled with him instead. He curled up with me and purred away for awhile. Then, he got playful and was all about playing with my hair and swatting at my strings on my sweatshirt. He's such a cute little goober. I sat by Ruby and gave her a belly scratch. I took Rusty outside later, so we could get a little game of fetch in. Ruby came out and did a couple laps around the yard again.
Sadi & Stormy
Today I got the food ready, then went to see the girls. They were both snuggled on mom's bed, next to each other. So cute! Neither woke up when I walked in, so I took care of their food and changed out their litter box. I woke miss Sadi up for her medicine. She was a good girl, as always! She didn't really have any discharge from her nose today to clean up. So, I guess the medicine is doing its job. I took her to the living room after we were done. She wandered around and kept moving away from me when I tried to brush her. She just didn't want the attention today. I would move by her, then she would go sit just out of my reach again. I took her back in by Stormy and tried to see if she wanted to eat. She snacked a little. Stormy didn't even wake up. I pet her real quick, just to say hi. She gave me a sassy look for waking her up! Haha!
Jerrie & Kimmie
Today I came in and went to deliver mail to mom quick. I took care of the kitties' things when I returned. I saw Kimmie was lounging on the back of the couch, watching me. She kept hopping from spot to spot. Jerrie was sitting on the floor in the living area as well. When I finished, I grabbed his brush and headed to their room. Jerrie came running after me, ready for his brushing session! He purred away and laid on the floor next to me. He was happy to have his chin scratched. Sometimes, he would itch it on the brush himself. Kimmie later joined us, and climbed to the top of her tower. I went to brush her a little too. I don't think Jerrie was done with me! He raced up there and tried to jump up on the top with her. Someone was jealous I think. I continued to pet him, so then he curled up on the middle tier instead.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Oreo & Stuffs
Today Oreo was sitting by the door, waiting for me. Stuffy was sitting between the kitchen and living area. Oreo tagged along in the kitchen to wait for his food. Stuffy followed me to the living room and laid on the floor. Oreo came running in from the entryway. He must have been checking out my shoes. He came and rolled around on the floor next to me. The boys both purred away, while they got their back and chin scratches. They sat with me a long time again. Stuffy was the first to wander off today. He had to go eat while he could! Haha. Oreo sat up and stared out the window at something for awhile. I couldn't quite tell where he was looking. He got up later and sat by the front door again to see me off. Such a sweet boy!
Rusty, Ruby & the kitties
Today Rusty hopped right up and met me in the kitchen. I let Ruby out, then we all went outside. They did their thing and sniffed around a bit. Ruby went inside, so I followed her. Rusty came wandering in shortly after. He wiggled his heiny around, happy as can be! He got plenty of heiny scratches. Ruby rolled around on the couch and had me scratch her belly for her. It took her a minute to get right side up again. Haha. I asked Rusty if he was ready to go play fetch, then he zoomed out the doggie door. We played a really long game of fetch today. He was having a good time! I think he will sleep well tonight.
Sadi & Stormy
Today I heard a little kitty meow, while I got their food ready. I looked up and saw Stormy was curled up on the back of the couch. She got up and followed me to the bedroom. Sadi was snoozing on the bed, where Stormy usually is. I got all her stuff ready, then woke her up for med time. She didn't have much discharge today, so that was good. I put her by the food when she was done, but she headed out instead. I took her to the living room to brush her. She wasn't interested at first again. She roamed around a couple minutes, then she came back and was happy to have her attention. Stormy wandered out and wanted some love today too! After a little while, Stormy took off to go lay on her spot on the bed. I took Sadi back by the food and she ate for me before I left.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Oreo & Stuffs
Today both boys were sitting in the kitchen area when I walked in. Oreo rubbed up against my legs, while I got their food ready. They both met me in the living room again today. Oreo and Stuffy snuggled up on either side of me for some attention. Stuffy was walking back and forth, making sure I got both sides. Oreo just plopped down and rubbed his face in my hand. They stayed with me almost the entire time today, and were happy to be pet. When they had enough, they both got up at the same time and wandered off. Oreo went to go check out my shoes, and Stuffs had himself a bite to eat.
Sadi & Stormy
Today I found Stormy snoozing on the bed again when I walked in. Sadi was in by the food, getting herself a drink. I filled their bowls while she was busy. When she was done, I gave her her meds. She wasn't as thrilled today, but she did well. I set her down, then picked up the area quick. I came back for her and took her to the living room for her brush time. She kept wandering off and didn't seem interested today. I returned her to the bedroom, because she kept sitting funny and I was worried she'd have an accident. I tried brushing her in there, and this time she sat still and started to purr. Stormy didn't move from her spot the whole time I was there today. Sadi happily got all my attention.
Rusty, Ruby & the kitties
Today I let miss Ruby out when I arrived. Rusty was lounging on the couch. He must have been a sleepy boy today! It took him awhile to get down, stretch, and find his ball. He came out with Ruby and I. The sun was warm today, so the pups spent quite awhile outside. Rusty and Ruby were busy exploring and sniffing around the yard. Ruby went in after awhile, and even Rusty wanted to go inside for a bit. We snuggled up on the couch and Ruby enjoyed a belly rub. I missed my crazy kitty today! Haha. Later, Rusty got his second wind and wanted to play. We got some fetch in, until he caught the scent of something and did more exploring.
Hope & Tag
Today when I walked in, Hope met me at the door. Tag went and grabbed his rope toy, was prancing around and showing it off! That was cute. They lined up at the door, ready to go out. The neighbor pups were outside again, so Hope and Tag ran over to say hi. The sun was nice and warm today. We stayed out as long as we could. I tried to get Hope to play fetch with me, but she was easily distracted. She was more interested in picking on Tag. She kept trying to wrestle around with him. That got the little dogs next door all riled up too! They started zooming around chasing one another. Hope saw that and raced along the fence with them. When it was time to go in, they both went inside pretty easily for me. They both got their snacks for being so good!
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Oreo & Stuffs
Today I walked in and saw little eyes peering at me from around different corners. Oreo was sitting in the dining room and Stuffs was peeking in from the kitchen area. Oreo meowed and met me in the kitchen. He rolled around while I got their food ready. After I took care of their things, I met the boys in our spot. They were already waiting for me! They both laid down and were happy to be pet awhile. We all laid on the floor and the boys were purring, and kneading "kitty biscuits" with their front paws. I got out a mouse toy, but they were content. Later, I got out their laser and had them both scrambling after it. I pointed it on Stuffy's leg and he jumped back. Whoa! Haha. They crack me up. Eventually, they got bored and went to go snack on their food.
Rusty, Ruby & the kitties
Today Rusty headed outside as I was coming in. Ruby was ready to get out, since she had had a booboo in her bed. I cleaned that up, while they were outside doing their business. I went out to play with Rusty, but he was busy exploring and rolling around in the yard instead. Ruby even hung out awhile to sniff around. Inside, Lance was tackling my legs as I made my way to the living area. He hopped around and had a blast with his toy. The pups were in and out a bit today. Soon, I went back out to see if Rusty was ready for our game. He was! It was a little chilly out, but the sun was nice and warm. We played until he was too pooped to run anymore! Lance was sitting in the window, watching.
Hope & Tag
Today I walked in and was greeted by a grown up Hope! She put her paws on my shoulder and gave me a big bear hug. Tag stayed back a bit, but I think he remembered me. They lined up at the back door, ready to head outside. Tag even let me pet his head a minute before they went out. The little neighbor dogs were barking at me for awhile. Haha! Hope went over to say hi to them, while Tag was busy exploring about the yard. Hope came back to me for some attention. I noticed the water in their bowl was frozen, so I dumped that out and got them some fresh water. When I set the bowl down, Hope stuck her whole nose in and started blowing bubbles in it! That made me laugh. She then grabbed a chunk of ice and chewed on that for awhile. Later, when it was time to go in, it only took a little bit of encouraging to get Tag to go inside. He was such a good boy! Once inside, he happily took some treats from my hand.
Sadi & Stormy
Today I got food ready for the girls, then went to go see them. Stormy was snoozing on the bed. She barely even noticed me walk in. I took the food to their room and got them some fresh dry food and water. I got some of Sadi 's meds ready. She was sitting by the window, looking outside. I picked her up and took her to her spot. She was a little clogged up today, but sounded good once I got her cleaned up. She took her medicine like a champ! When she was done, I put her by the food. She wasn't interested at the moment, so I took her out to the living room. She enjoyed a nice long brushing and chin scratching. She just sat and purred. Stormy wandered by to go to the kitchen, but she headed back to the bedroom shortly after. When I took Sadi back by the food again, I saw Stormy was back on the bed, soaking up some sun.
Hunter & Riley
It was another chilly morning outside, but at least it wasn't so windy today. I let the excited pooches out for their potty break. When they came in, Hunter went right to work on trying to get me to go out and play! I got their breakfast together first. Riley was laying on the floor in the kitchen, doing her little pawing thing she does at the floor. I grabbed Hunter's toy and we headed outside. He raced around after his ball, nearly running into the fence a couple times! Towards the end of his game, Riley decided to try and steal his ball. He chased after her until she surrendered it. Haha. After that, she rolled around in the grass a bit. They did so good this week. They will be happy to see mom and dad!
Monday, January 27, 2014
Hunter & Riley
This morning it was cold and windy out! The pups met me at the door, as usual. They went outside for a potty break, while I opened blinds and switched their tvs. They came inside to warm up, while I got their breakfast ready. They've been eating much better, all by themselves this time! Hunter was already booming his loud voice at me, "C'mon, let's play!". I got his ball and we went out for a quick game before they ate. Riley was in her playful mood again, and kept trying to steal the ball away from Hunter. They had themselves entertained for a little bit there. Haha. This evening, Hunter was barking, announcing my arrival, as I was getting the mail. They were bouncing around like crazy when I got in. The suspense must have been killing them! Lol. I knew what Hunter wanted right away. He went right to the kitchen and pointed his nose at his ball. I had them go potty quick first. After I got their dinner together, then we went out for his fetch time. Once back inside, I got them each another yummy bacon snack. They've been such good puppies! Riley polished off her food bowl this evening, before they went out again for their last potty break for the night.
Rusty, Ruby & the kitties
Rusty came from the living area to see who was home today. I let Ruby out, then we made our way outside. Ruby no more than hit the porch, then she made a bee - line right for the dog door, and back inside! I guess she didn't like the cold haha. I was still standing in the doorway, so I called for her and she tried again. This time, she went to the yard to do her business. Lance came to visit me, once we were back inside. He played with his kitty toy and chased that around awhile. He made me laugh when he would sit up on his hind legs like a little prairie dog. Rusty came over and got his heiny scratches, while Ruby curled up on the couch. She got spunky for a few minutes and raced around the house, then the yard. I asked Rusty where his ball was, but he couldn't seem to find it. He tried looking though!
Oreo & Stuffs
Tonight when I walked in, I saw little eyes peering down at me from the top of the stairs. Since it was dark, I thought maybe it was Oreo. Nope! When I turned the corner, Oreo was sitting in the kitchen in the dark. Silly boys! Haha. Stuffy came to the bottom of the stairs, while I got their food ready. He was a talker tonight! He stuck his head through the rails and kept meowing at me. I gave him some chin scratches, before I went to clean their box. Both boys joined me in the living room when I was finished. They were in a lovey mood tonight. They both happily got their chins rubbed for awhile. I got out their mouse toy and had Stuffy rolling around on his back, playing. Oreo wasn't amused. Haha. He went to go snack, then Stuffy went to sit in the kitchen as well.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Oreo & Stuffs
Today I started getting dinner ready for the boys. This time, Oreo came wandering in and rubbed his face on my leg. I set the food down and he worked on that, while I tended to their other things. Stuffs was lounging on the bed again. I stopped in and gave him a few chin scratches. I went to sit in the living room, then Oreo came running in to join me. He rubbed his chin in my hand for awhile. When he had enough, he laid down nearby. Stuffs came in to visit with us as well. I got out their laser and had both boys chasing around after it. Oreo makes me laugh when he goes crazy trying to get it! Oreo eventually took a break to go snack a bit. When he returned, he wanted a few more chin scratches.
Hunter & Riley
Happy birthday Riley! I came in to see two very happy pups this morning. Riley was prancing around with her snoopy. I let them outside to do their business. They came in and Riley had brought in a toy from outside, that she was showing off. They waited in the kitchen with me, while I got their breakfast ready. They both nibbled a little on their food. We headed outside, so Hunter could get his fetch in. One time when I threw it, he knocked it back behind the shed, where he couldn't get it. I helped him get it out. The neighbor dog was wondering what we were up to! Riley sat and sniffed at him through the fence. It was really nice out this morning, so Riley laid on the patio to enjoy it, while Hunter played. Back inside, I got them their birthday snack to share. This evening, the kiddos were bouncing up and down when I came in. They went out for a quick potty break, then came in so we could try to work on dinner. Neither was too interested. All Hunter was concerned with, is his game! We went outside for awhile and enjoyed the nice evening. Hunter got to play a bit. Riley was in a playful mood and tried to get the ball as well!
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Hunter & Riley
This morning the pups came running to greet me. I let them out right away, so they could do their business. They did well overnight. It looks like someone had a pillow fight! All but two pillows, were on the floor. Haha. I picked those all up, then the pups were ready to come inside. We worked on breakfast next. I fed Riley a few yummy pieces of canned food, to get her appetite going. Then, she went to work on her own. Hunter started eating once he heard her chowing down. When Riley was done, she went to itch herself by rubbing across the back of the couch. Silly girl! We went outside again after they were done eating. Riley rolled around in the grass. They both did some exploring for awhile. This evening the kiddos knew I was here, and were already barking while I checked for the mail. I headed inside and let them out right away. They are still doing very well! They did their business, then wanted in. I got them their dinners. I fed Riley a few bits, but she wasn't too interested tonight. Hunter nibbled a bit on his, but was more interested in trying to get me to play! We all went out and I threw his ball around with him a little. I took it back in when we were done, then we went back out so they could continue to play. They both explored awhile in the dark. As I was leaving tonight, a bird scared the crap outta me! I was locking up and heard a rustling behind and above me. A bird was trying to get in by the light!
(Can you tell Hunter was excited to play fetch? Haha)
Friday, January 24, 2014
Hunter & Riley
This evening the pups came running when they heard me unlocking the door. They were excited to see me! I let them outside quick to do their business. Miss Riley was busy showing me her snoopy toy! They roamed around outside a bit, while I checked the house and read mom's notes. I let them in while I got them some dinner. They danced around the kitchen happily. Hunter started to bark, ready to play. So, I grabbed his toy and we all went outside. I threw his ball for him, for his limit of times. He, of course, would've gone forever if I'd let him! Riley roamed around the yard, while he was busy fetching. Riley and I went in and Hunter spent a little longer outside, until he was ready to come in. Riley was happy to have her heiny scratches in the meantime! When Hunter came in, she went to go lay on the bed. They did well so far!
Oreo & Stuffy
Today I came in and got the boys their yummy snacks. No one had come to see me yet, so I went to scoop their box quick. When I finished, I went to see what they were up to. Both boys were in the bedroom lounging. Stuffy was on the bed and Oreo was on the seat by the window. I headed to the living room after I said hi, but I guess the boys were comfy where they were at. Haha. I went back in by them. Oreo was not really wanting my attention. He was too busy looking out the window. He would give me a sassy meow whenever I would pet him. So, I just sat by him awhile. Eventually, he got up and went to go eat. I gave Stuffy some chin scratches. Then, Oreo came back in and started to rub against my legs. He decided he was ready for some attention now! I walked to the kitchen area, then he went running to our spot. I sat with him and he rubbed his face on my hands for a little bit.