The boys didn't mind me visiting them a bit earlier today. They both were sitting near the front door. I scooped their litter quick and made sure they had enough food and fresh water. We headed to the living room, where they joined me for their lovin time! Oreo was pretty snuggly today. He rubbed his chin on me, while I pet Stuffy. Stuffy laid nearby when he had his fill of snuggle time. Oreo rolled around, then got really close to me. I laid on the floor with him and wrapped my arms around the little ball of fluff. It wasn't long before he gave me his 'I had enough' meow. Haha! We snuggled and they got their pets until it was time to go. I fed them their yums just before I left.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Oreo & Stuffs
Today both boys met me in the kitchen. Stuffy sat patiently by their food dish, while Oreo was busy flopping around on my feet. Haha! I scooped their box and refreshed their water, before heading to the living room. Oreo ran over and crashed next to me to start rubbing his chin on me right away. Stuffy did a big stretch, then casually made his way nearby. It took a minute before he sat close enough for me to reach him. Then, he was walking back and forth for me to pet him. Oreo was content scratching his chin on me for awhile. I visited with the boys extra long tonight, and they both stayed nearby, pretty much the whole time! Oreo was a playful boy after a little while. I got out a couple toys for us to play with. He was going crazy attacking his feather toy! Once he was all pooped out, he went back to being a lovey boy, wanting his chin scratched some more.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Oreo & Stuffs
Today Oreo followed me to the kitchen to get his yummy snack. He rolled around, then decided to nibble until I came back. Stuffy was sitting in the living room, waiting for me. Oreo heard me talking to him, and came racing from the entryway! The boys both laid by me for a bit, getting their back and chin scratches. Stuffy wandered off to snack a bit and use his freshly cleaned litter box. Haha! Oreo perked his ears up when he heard Stuffy scratching around in the litter. I got out Oreo's toys and he had fun wrestling around with them. I visited with the boys longer tonight, until they were bored with me. Oreo stayed the longest, and was content just laying by me awhile. He was being a little sassy pants towards the end of my visit! Haha! He didn't want me to pet him anymore and kept meowing that at me. A few minutes after that, he walked off to go eat. He will be happy to see me again tomorrow, I'm sure. :)
Sadi & Stormy
Today I got the girls' food ready when I arrived. I started to take it to their room, then stopped in my tracks when I got to the bedroom. I saw the girls were both snuggled up together in their kitty bed under the window! So adorable!! I stopped to get a picture quickly, before they moved. As soon as I did, Stormy hopped up and came over to me. She worked on eating, while Sadie got her meds. Sadi sounded much better today. She followed me out to the living room and got some attention, while we waited for Stormy to finish eating. When Stormy came out, I gave her her medicine too. Her lip looks really good! We all sat in our spot and the girls enjoyed some attention. Before I left, Sadi wandered into the bedroom to go get a bite to eat.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Oreo & Stuffs
Today I walked in and saw Stuffy lounging on the ottoman in the living room. I stopped to say hi and pet him a bit. I saw Oreo out of the corner of my eye, racing towards me! He was instantly attached to my legs, and continued to be, all the way into the kitchen. He rolled around and rubbed his face on my legs as I got his food ready. He ate a little and Stuffy stayed in his spot, while I cleaned up their box. I laughed when I walked out of the laundry room. Oreo was sitting by the wall. "Are you ready to pet me now?" When I kept walking towards him, he did a little hop and turned to make his way to the living room. Stuffy came down from his comfy spot to get some attention as well. Both boys enjoyed getting pet awhile. Stuffy went to curl back up on his chair, after making a pit stop to the kitchen. I got out Oreo's mouse toy and had him chasing circles around me after the toy. He got pet a little longer before I left.
Sadi & Stormy
This morning I didn't see or hear either of my ladies, so I got their food ready. I delivered it to their room and got them some fresh water. When I went to look under the bed for miss Sadi, I noticed mom had blocked her new spot that I can't reach. Thanks! Haha! I heard a jingle, and Stormy made her way out from under the bed. I went to the opposite side to look under, and found Sadi sleeping to the right of the container. I pulled her out and got her her meds. She was a bit stuffy this morning, so I did my best to get what I could out. I gave her some of the saline drops to see if that would help loosen it up. She and Sadie joined me in the living room for their morning lovin'. The girls purred away, and I got quite a few kisses from Stormy. Sadi kept giving me her cute meow to continue brushing her. I was having allergy issues this morning, so I startled poor Sadi a couple times as I sneezed. She was fine again when I returned to brushing on her though!
Monday, October 21, 2013
Oreo & Stuffs
Today both boys came into the dining room to see who was home. They followed me to the kitchen, while I got their dinner ready. Oreo sat by me and Stuffs sat over by their water dish, just watching. Stuffs worked on eating a bit. I headed to the living room, but Oreo wasn't there. He was over by the door checking out my shoes! I called for him and he came running in by me. That made me laugh! Stuffy came in by us as well, and let me pet him for a bit. I laid on the floor by them and Oreo came closer to rub his chin on me. He found the string on my sweatshirt pretty quick. That kept him occupied for quite awhile. He was in quite the playful mood today. He went crazy chasing, rolling around and catching it! Both boys wandered off after awhile. I heard them racing up the stairs together. Haha!
Riley, Hunter & Sadie
This morning all three kiddos were up and waiting in the hall when I got in. Sadie was a bouncy little girl this morning! So cute. They all went out for a few minutes. When they came in it was time for meds and breakfast. Sadie actually did better about eating than the big kids. They nibbled a little, but weren't too interested. They were in and out a bit this morning. I think Hunter thought if he did his business, or pretended to, we could get to play time. Haha! He laid on the floor by the pantry, where I had his ball "hidden". He kept giving me his pouty, sad puppy dog eyes. This afternoon the pups were all waiting for me again. Sadie trotted over to the door, all bouncy again. We all spent some time outside. Hunter knew he was going to get his playtime, he just didn't want to wait for it! He eventually wandered off and explored to kill some time. When they came inside, Hunter and Riley worked on their leftovers from breakfast. Sadie helped Riley out too. Finally, it was time for Hunter to play a bit. Boy, was he excited! We tossed his ball around the yard. Even Riley was all worked up and chased after it once. She gave up pretty quick. Haha!
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Riley, Hunter & Sadie
This morning, all three pups were standing in the hallway to see me. We went to the back and they went outside, while I switched everything up inside. After a short while, they were ready to come in. I got their breakfast ready and got Sadie her medicine. Hunter ate all of his breakfast right away for me. The other two just nibbled a bit. Once Hunter was done, he wanted to play! He kept walking over to the pantry, to tell me where his ball was. I let them all go play outside a little longer before I left. This afternoon was gorgeous! Riley had found a ball that she was carrying around when I arrived. She brought that outside with us, but I didn't realize it at the time. Hunter was just barking at me like crazy to play! Then, I figured out why. The ball was sitting under my chair! Haha! I tossed that inside the house, then he settled down and did his own thing for awhile. Riley just curled up on the patio and relaxed. Sadie wandered about the yard and went inside a couple times. This evening the pups all went out for a quick potty break. When they came in, they waited in the kitchen as I got their dinner ready. Sadie took her medicine. Hunter got working on his food right away. The girls took a little coaxing, but they ate some for me as well. After Hunter was done, he stood behind me and barked, "C'mon lets play fetch!". But, I was busy trying to get Riley to eat her dinner. When she finished off her food, all the kiddos went back outside to play awhile before bedtime.
Oreo & Stuffs
Today Oreo wandered out from the kitchen to see me. He sat and waited by me, while I got his food ready. He worked on eating, so I went to scoop their box. As I passed through the kitchen, it was Stuffy that was eating. I guess they switched! I went in to pet him quick, then headed to go see Oreo. He came over and rolled around next to me. He rubbed his face all over my hand and legs. He's so silly! Stuffs came in by us when he was finished eating, and sat on the opposite side of me. I was busy petting both sweet boys! Oreo eventually wandered off to to snack on some food. When Stuffs had his fill of attention, he went and sat off a little ways. Oreo was ready to play when he came back! He swatted at my hands a bit. I thought he was going to pounce on me at one point, so I figured it was time to get out some toys instead. Haha! He kept busy playing with two toys at once. He was chewing on his feather toy, while swatting at the mouse I was moving around for him. That made me laugh. Soon, he was tired and ready to just relax.
Butterscotch, Marmalade & Sweet Pea
This morning I saw Butter sitting in the front bedroom window. He saw me pull up, and went to meet me at the door with Marm. I told the boys good morning, then we headed to the kitchen. Butter got his pill, then I got their food together. Butter and Sweet Pea were both very determined to make attempts for Marm's food this morning! Once he finished, I cleaned up and got them some fresh water. Butter was the only one waiting for me when I finished scooping their boxes. He wasn't wanting to play, just wanted some love instead this morning. I pet him until he wandered off to go lay in his window. Marm came in and curled up on his chair. I got him to play with me a little bit from his spot.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Riley, Hunter & Sadie
This afternoon Riley and Hunter met me at the door and started bouncing around excitedly! They followed me to the back door to head outside. Sadie took a minute to decide if she wanted to join us. Eventually, she came outside too. It was very nice out compared to the cold morning we had! Hunter barked at me for a minute. I knew exactly what he wanted... but he got sick on me for playing too hard last time. I told him maybe we'd play a little this evening. He was just too worked up already! After a couple minutes, he stopped and wandered off to explore. All three wandered around the yard for awhile. Sadie eventually wanted in, so the other two came along as well. Once inside, Hunter started again, and showed me where his ball was. Little goober! Haha! This evening the big pups met me at the door. All three went out potty quick. They were ready to come in right away, so I had them come in while I closed blinds. Hunter was following me closely, making sure I kept up on what I told him earlier! I got his ball and all of us went back outside for a bit. I tossed his ball a few times for him, before we went in for dinner. Surprisingly, Sadie was the only one who worked on hers, without any help. The other two laid around a bit. I fed them each a couple bites from their dishes to wet their appetites. Riley and Hunter worked on their food on their own then. The pups all went outside a couple more times. Riley made me laugh. She was being silly and kept walking under me between my legs! I laughed so hard!
Butterscotch, Marmalade & Sweet Pea
This morning Butter and Marmalade greeted me at the door, and walked me to the kitchen. Marm was quite the talker this morning! I gave Butter his pill, then got their breakfast ready. All three finished up, then headed to the living room to get their dry food. As I was filling their water, Sweet Pea was pawing at the empty big white bowl on the floor. "Where'd my water go?" She got a drink when I returned it for her. I changed out all their litter boxes this morning and Butter decided to watch me work on the first two. Then, he curled up by the front window, since the sun was shining in. After I finished, I grabbed their feather toy. Sweet Pea kept trying to peek around the corner at it, being all sneaky! Butter played in between coming over for a few pets. Marm had curled up on his chair, and pretty much stayed put. This evening the boys were sitting up by the front door, waiting for me to come inside. Sweet Pea was lounging on the living room floor. All three went to their posts, to wait for their dinner. They finished up, then waited by the next spot to take their turns to eat some dry food. I scooped their boxes quick, then went to visit with them in the living room. Sweet Pea and Marm wandered off, so Butter came over to be pet. Marmalade returned, and showed an interest in the shoe string, so then Butter decided he wanted to play too! I let Marm have some time with the string. He played a little, then walked over to his chair. He hunkered down and watched the string from afar, yet seemingly ready to pounce at any moment! Sweet Pea was watching underneath Marm's chair for a bit, until she was ready to play too. She hopped out and had her turn for some fun.
Dawn, Gallagher, Bobo & Snowflake
Today Dawn and Gallagher met me at the door again. I got them working on their dinner first thing. I put another scoop of food in their feeder to hold them over until tomorrow. While they were busy eating, I went to visit the ferrets. I saw Snowflake's little face poking out from under the blanket. I felt around and didn't see Bobo, so I checked the hammock for him. I started to get a little worried... but then I looked back by Snowflake and he had scooted out his head from underneath their whole bed! What a silly boy. They came out and visited with me a bit. Bobo was sliding himself around on the rug. I think that's so cute! Snowflake even did it a couple times too. I got them each a couple treats. I see now why she has to hide in the tunnel to eat hers! Bobo finished his treat quickly and ran over to help her with hers. She wasn't too happy about that! They then began to wrestle and mess around, being silly. When they got tired, they simultaneously got thirsty and were both trying to drink from their bottle. Haha! I went back out by the pups after awhile, and visited with them a bit. They each got their cookies before I left.
Jerrie & Kimmie
Today Jerrie was sitting in the middle of the floor in the front room, looking right at me as I walked in! He must have known I was coming in. The sun was shining in the room, so I'm sure he was enjoying that as well. I went to give him a pat hello. I saw Kimmie's tail under the curtain. I went to sort the mail and take care of their things quick. When I returned, both kitties came to lay by me. Kimmie was feeling pretty lovey today I guess! I brushed Jerrie, while I pet her. She kept meowing with me today too. Since it was so sunny in the room, I pulled out my phone and used it to reflect the sun. That kept Kimmie occupied! She kept chasing around after it, trying to paw at it. She even crouched down and shook her heiny, ready to pounce! That made me laugh. She came back for a little more attention, before she eventually wandered off. Jerrie shifted around, making sure to sun each side of himself!
Mac & Abby
This was the coldest morning we've had so far! Abby went potty and let herself back in as quickly as she could. Mac followed not too far behind. Mac curled up on the floor with his rawhide awhile. Miss Abby snuggled up next to me. I moved to sit on the floor by Mac, so I could pet him too. Abby followed and rolled around for a belly rub as she warmed up next to me. They got to stay in for the morning until it warmed up a little. This afternoon I returned and it did get to be pretty nice out. I let the pups out and brought their things out with us. I sat outside with them for awhile. Mac was kind of being a sassy boy this afternoon! He was working on some lunch and kept growling anytime Abby would come by. Later, he was simply chewing on his rawhide and was ornery about that too, it seemed. I decided to play it safe and brought the rest of his rawhide inside with me, so they wouldn't have anything to fight about while I was gone. This evening the pups ran up to me to say hi. Mac worked on some dinner while we were outside. He was talking sassy to Abby again. Naughty! He did eventually lay down though, and gave her a chance to eat some too. When it was time, we headed inside and I got them a couple snacks. They will be so happy to see mom and dad!
Friday, October 18, 2013
Mac & Abby
This morning the pups were ready to head outside. Brrrr! It was a chilly one this morning. They did their business, then came back to the patio to work on some breakfast. The clouds were rolling in and the forecast said 70% chance of rain for today, so I decided to keep them in. The temperatures were also supposed to drop once the rain arrived. Even Mac was shivering while we were outside! We came in and they both hopped on the couch to snuggle with me. Abby was acting silly, jumping all over the place! I put them in their room and got them their snack for the morning. It was raining this afternoon, when I came to give them a potty break. They ran out and quickly went potty for me. They lined up to get their paws dried off. We spent some time inside before I left. Mac had brought his toy out of the laundry room when I took him out. He decided he was going to try and un-stuff the poor little guy. So, I got them a rawhide to work on instead. Abby just wanted to curl up next to me. She made me laugh when she crashed backwards, sprawling herself across my lap! This evening it was even colder and still pouring rain. It only took Mac and Abby a couple minutes to do their thing and to line back up at the door to come inside. I got their paws dried off, then we relaxed inside the nice warm house. Abby snuggled up with me again, throwing herself around, while trying to sneak kisses! Mac had it in for his toy again, so I brought his rawhide back out for him to work on. Abby wandered off to work on some dinner. Mac was completely content, chewing away on his bone. I let the kiddos out for one more potty break before it was time to head back to their room.
Butterscotch, Marmalade & Sweet Pea
This morning Butter was waiting by the door for me. I came in and saw Marmalade and Sweet Pea were ready for me in the kitchen. I got all Butter's meds ready, then gave them one-by-one. He took them like a champ! He was hungry though! He kept standing up against the cabinets, pawing towards the counter, where his food was sitting. "Feed me... I'm about to waste away!" Haha. He scarfed his portion down, then made an attempt for Sweet Pea's plate. When I thwarted his efforts, he went and sat by their food bowl. He cracks me up! I scooped their boxes after they were finished eating. No one wanted to play with me this morning. They all took off and went elsewhere. As I was leaving, I saw Butter had climbed into the front bedroom window, and was watching me leave. This evening Butter was pawing at the counter again, while I got their food ready. They all worked on their dinner, and each cleaned their plate. I checked their boxes, then returned to the living room. Tonight they made up for not playing with me this morning! I got out the shoe string and had Butter pawing for it. Sweet Pea joined in next. I even got Marmalade to play! All three had a blast chasing after the string for quite awhile!
Dawn, Gallagher, Bobo & Snowflake
Today Dawn and Gallagher met me at the door. They both immediately started bouncing up and down excitedly! I read mom's note, then pulled down more food in their feeder for them. They followed me to the bedroom door, where we parted ways. I went in to visit Bobo and Snowflake for a bit. I saw Bobo right away, snoozing in their comfy bed. I checked around their cage, and realized Snowflake must be hiding somewhere in the blankets with him! She heard me and poked her little nose out at me. Bobo kept trying to check the trash can, while I scooped their boxes. Snowflake saw that and joined in. They both sniffed at me awhile when I was done. I got them each a couple treats. Snowflake ran off to her tunnel by the cage to eat hers in privacy. Haha! I snuggled with each of them a bit until they wanted back down. Bobo eventually sprawled out and slid himself into a comfy spot on the rug. Snowflake burrowed back in the blankets to get warm and cozy. I went back out by the pups, who were anxiously awaiting my return! I got them each a cookie and we headed to the living room. Gallagher was too excited to eat his at first! Dawn scarfed hers down, since I was busy petting him. When she finished, she hopped up on the couch next to me for a bit. As I was leaving, Dawn joined Gallagher with her poor little raspy bark. He looked out the window to watch me go.
Jerrie & Kimmie
Today after I sorted through the mail, I went to take care of their food, water and litter boxes. I hadn't seen them in their room when I walked in, so I had to go find them when I finished. They both were curled up and cozy on the bed. It was a good day for a nap with the rain coming down! I sat on the floor beside the bed, where I could pet them both. Jerrie just sat and purred the whole time. Even Kimmie just closed her eyes and let me scratch her chin awhile. Kimmie kept yawning and making me yawn. Haha! Jerrie enjoyed being pet the whole time. As I left, they stayed put, in their comfy spots.