This morning I let the first gang outside for a bit. Bella was right at the door, ready to make a break for it. She knew miss Cate was not going to want to go out easily for me! Today I had to run outside to get her to come out with me, then quick go back and close the door. She's so silly! They had their little potty break while I checked Bella's food and watered the plants on that side. I let them in and Little Foot out for his turn, then went to water the plants out front. Toby got the last of his antibiotic capsules today. This evening the temperatures weren't bad, but with the humidity and heat index, it was pretty toasty outside. So, needless to say, the kiddos had a couple short potty breaks tonight. Miss Bella met me at my car and thought she might get to go in the front door with me. When she didn't get to, she wandered over to the next spot she'd see me to wait. She sure knows my routine! The pups all had their dinner and a couple potty breaks this evening. They all are doing very well!
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Cate, Carson, Little Foot, Toby & Bella
Jerrie & Kimmie
Today it was Jerrie that was sitting by the door, ready to welcome me! He meowed at me and followed me to the living room to wait for me. When I finished, he meowed again and trotted along behind me to their room. Kimmie was already in there, in her usual spot. Her little heiny was sticking out from under the curtains! Jerrie was pretty lovey dovey today, rubbing up against my legs while I brushed him. I checked his mouth today and that is looking like it is healing pretty well. He eventually hopped up to his bed and let me keep petting him there. I tried to brush Kimmie a bit, but she just swatted at it from under the curtain. Haha!
Sadi & Stormy
Today I got the food ready for the girls when I arrived. I found miss Sadi sleeping under the bed again. She took her meds like a champ, like she always does! Once I got her nosey all cleaned up, she sounded a lot better than yesterday. I set her down so she could eat a little, and she got right to work. I went out to the patio and Stormy was sleeping on the table today. She hopped down and rolled around at my feet. I grabbed her and gave her her medication next. Her lip looks slightly better to me today. She wandered off under the table when we finished and groomed herself a bit. Sadi came out and was looking for me. She was ready for her brushing! Stormy wandered by and even let me pet her a bit today. Although, I think she was cautious and thought I might brush her too. But I didn't! Sadi was loving it up and kept closing her eyes as she purred away, about ready to fall asleep as I gave her some chin and back scratches. So sweet!
Griffin & Macy
This morning Macy was sleeping soundly when I walked in. Griffin was wide awake, sitting in his bed and ready to go out! By the time I got to the back door, Macy woke up and wandered over. It was warm and humid outside already, so I just let them play in the backyard. Griffin and Macy both did a lot of exploring and sniffing around. This afternoon we went and played in the backyard for awhile. It was pretty muggy out today, so we made a few trips in and out. I let them roam around and explore, then we went in to cool off. Macy ate a little, while Griffin sat by me for attention. When she was finished, then Griff decided to grab a few bites as well. Later, we went back out for another potty break. This evening Macy heard me come in, but couldn't find me! By the time she got up and made her way to the door, I was already walking through the kitchen. I could hear her following behind, barking since she didn't know who was home. When she finally caught up, she stopped and came outside with us. They did their thing outside for awhile. Later, we came inside for dinner and a drink of water.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Griffin & Macy
This evening as soon as I opened the door, the pups started barking. Macy came right up to me and continued for a bit. By the time we made it to the back door, I think she remembered who I was. We went outside and she got to sniff at me awhile. I grabbed a ball and tossed it for Griffin. He wanted attention instead! He stood by me for a few back scratches. Later, we headed inside so they could get some food and water in before bedtime. They both nibbled a bit. Then, Griffin wandered off and curled up on a chair.
Cate, Carson, Little Foot, Toby & Bella
Today I went inside and let Carson, Cate & Toby outside. It was nice and cool out this morning again, because it had just finished raining. I was going to let them stay out a bit longer, but since it was wet outside, Cate and Toby wanted back in pretty quick. I let them come in and roam around the dog room awhile. Since it had stormed all night, the plants didn't need watering this morning. So instead, I took that time to clean up the dog room a little. It was getting pretty fuzzy in there. I let Little Foot out for his turn too. Then, I went to feed momma turtle. This evening everyone went out fpr a potty break quick after I changed out their water. They all came in for dinner. While they were busy, I got Bella some fresh food and water, then went to take care of filling the tree bags. I got the back ones finished, then started letting the pups back outside again. Bella was hanging out there with us, visiting the pups too!
Jerrie & Kimmie
Both kitties were laying on their tower this morning, facing the same direction. They both were just sitting there, relaxed and looking right at me. After I finished with their things, I stopped to pet Kimmie a bit. She was waiting for me on the back of the couch. She then followed me in to visit Jerrie. He enjoyed being brushed for quite awhile. Kimmie sat in the window, just below him. She was watching his tail flicking around. So, I started playing with her a bit. She came out and got some brush and chin scratch time in as well. I could see her playfulness coming out in her eyes. Sure enough, she had enough and was back to play mode!
Shadow & Lucy
Lucy met me at the door as usual this morning. She followed me all around. Today Shadow came right out and joined me in the kitchen. I think he knew they were getting a portion of a fresh can of food today! He waited for me to put the plate down, then helped himself, while I went to clean their box. Lucy followed along, and sat on the counter to watch me. I got them each a couple snacks after I finished. Once Shadow had his fill of food, he went and sprawled out on the living room floor. Lucy and I played with her rope toy today. She rolled around, catching and biting at the string. She did a couple flips when I made it fly over her. Then, she laid on her side and kicked at the rope with her back feet, while holding onto it. She cracks me up!
Sadi & Stormy
I didn't see any kitties right away this morning, so I went ahead and got their food ready. I found miss Sadi sleeping under the bed today. I took her in and got her her medications. She was pretty congested today, so she got an extra pill. I set her by the food and she turned away, so I redirected her to the soft food. This time she sniffed at it and nibbled a bit. I went out on the patio to look for Stormy next, and she hopped down from her chair right away. She started rolling around on the ground. I picked her up and took her in to get her meds as well. Her lip looks about the same to me today. She did well for her medicine, then she went to get a bite to eat. By this time, Sadi had wandered out to see me. She enjoyed another long brushing session today.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Jerrie & Kimmie
Today Kimmie was laying on the middle tier, and Jerrie was laying at the bottom on the floor when I walked in. I headed right for their room to take care of their things quick. I got them the second half of their snack today. They both wandered into the kitchen, then followed the bowls to their room. They sat and nibbled a bit, then walked in together to the front room. Kimmie went right to her window and Jerrie sat with me. He got brushed for awhile and enjoyed some chin scratches too!
Shadow & Lucy
Today Lucy was right by the door again, ready to follow me around. I set out their last portion of canned food, then cleaned their box. I still hadn't seen Shadow anywhere, and he hadn't come to eat yet. I peeked in the front room, but didn't see him there either. I finally had to resort to getting out the kitty crack! I shook the bag once and Shadow came racing out from under the table in the corner of the living room! They both sat and stared at me like little puppy dogs. They each got some treats. Shadow came over after he finished and got a couple back scratches as he sniffed at me. He wandered over to go eat some yummy food after that. Lucy sat with me and got some love. She wasn't really wanting to play today, just wanted pets! She made me laugh when she curled up in her box next to me.
Sadi & Stormy
Today Stormy was right there to greet me when I came in. She rubbed up against my legs while I got out their food and her medicine. I set her up on the counter and gave her a dose. She was a very good girl. Her lip looks improved since the picture you sent. It looks white like it is healing and not red and inflamed. She wasn't too thrilled that I was messing with her! Haha! She followed me into their room to eat after I put the food down. I looked for Sadi next, and found her out on the patio. She got up when I walked out there and started walking towards me. We headed inside and she got her meds next. I set her down by the food and she nibbled a bit. She wandered out to the living room to see me, just like usual. She didn't seem like she was having any issues finding me. She sat next to me and enjoyed a long brushing. Stormy steered clear and decided to lay by the windows to groom herself. Sadi got plenty of brushing and chin scratches today.
Cate, Carson, Little Foot, Toby & Bella
This morning I didn't see Bella right away when I got there, so I headed inside. The pups were all quiet when I walked in. Then, the heinies started wiggling! I let the first group out for awhile. I went and watered the plants while they were busy. I could Miss Bella jingling, then I saw her hop up on the fence. By the time I was done, Cate and Toby were ready to come in. Carson came along too, wandering in behind them. Little Foot went out for his time while I got their dinner ready for tonight. This evening Bella was back out front again, like usual. She walked me to the front door and pawed at it. She just doesn't give up! Haha! I changed out the dog's water, then let them out. Bella was hanging out right by the door, so I had to try to get Cate to go out without her sneaking in! After everyone made their first round of potty breaks, they worked on their dinner. While they did that, I made sure Bella had fresh water and plenty of food. Then, it was round two for the pups to go outside. They didn't stay out long tonight since it was hot and humid out.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Shadow & Lucy
Today Lucy met me at the door. She rubbed up against the wall and meowed at me. I saw Shadow was all curled up on the ottoman. Lucy followed me to go clean their box. She waited, sprawled out on the bedroom floor, for me to come back out. Shadow got up and joined me in the kitchen when I got them some fresh canned food. He nibbled away as soon as I set it down. Lucy and I had a blast today! I grabbed out the rope toy and we played he rest of the time with that. Shadow laid on the living room floor and watched. Lucy was being so silly, jumping, flipping and tumbling around! She had so much fun trying to get that rope.
Jerrie & Kimmie
Today Jerrie was sitting in his usual spot, on the middle tier of his kitty tree. I went and took care of their things quick. Then, I decided I'd get them a snack today. The second I opened the can, Jerrie appeared around the corner, with Kimmie on his heels. They followed me to their room, where I set the bowls down. Jerrie picked his dish first, then Kimmie took the other. They sat and lapped at the yummy food for awhile. Jerrie went down the hall towards the front room when he finished. He stopped to clean his face, then came in by me for a little grooming time. Kimmie wandered in later and sat in her window.
Mac & Abby
Mac and Abby were bouncing up and down at my legs this morning! I lifted each over the gate. They got their collars on quick and I gave Mac his drops before we headed outside. It was a nice cool morning out there. The forecast was saying a chance for rain, but the clouds were parting and the sun started shining while I was there. The pups were busy exploring and having fun out in the yard. Abby kept rolling around in the grass, being silly. They would bounce around from one side of the yard to the other. Since it was looking like it will be nice out, I decided to let them stay out today. If it starts to rain, I will run over quick and put them inside. Mac and Abby followed me in to get their snacks, then we went back out, where they each found a spot to go lay and eat their treats. We had fun!
Titus & Angel
This morning Titus and Angel lined up to get their collars on. While they went out for a potty break, I got their breakfast ready. They came inside and Titus laid by a bowl to nibble on some food. Angel went to lay on her bed, and wasn't quite interested at the time. Titus decided to help and went and messed around with her, trying to lay on her. That made her get up, then she went to go steal his bowl. They both finally ate for me, then we headed outside. I watered some of the plants a bit and they followed along and watched. They went to the front of the yard to look out at the neighborhood awhile. Titus and Angel would each stop by while they were exploring, for a few pets.
Cate, Carson, Little Foot, Toby & Bella
This morning I went to let the pups out right away. Bella heard me and hopped up on the fence to say hi. Cate was being a silly girl again this morning and couldn't decide if she wanted to go out or not! Once I walked outside, she came out just enough that I could close the door behind her. Then, I had to sneak back in without letting anyone else in. While they were busy, I went to water the plants. Bella followed along again this morning. Then, she kept trying each door to see if I'd let her inside. It was a very cool morning out, so I let the pups have a little extra time out there today. When they came in, it was Little Foot's turn. He went out while I went to feed the turtle and give Toby his medicine. Cate got so excited about that, so I gave them each a treat as well. This evening Bella met me out front and ran ahead of me to the door. I changed out all the water, then let the pups out. We've had a couple of nice cool days! Bella snuck in on me while I was trying to get Cate outside. She didn't get too far though! After Little Foot came in, I got everyone working on their supper. I headed out to water the trees and the turtle babies. Bella came over for some attention while I was out there. She was being a sassy girl tonight! I was petting her, then she gave me a light love nip. So, I took that as she didn't want to be pet anymore. Then, she was rubbing up against the back of my legs. I gave her a quick little chin scratch, then stopped. She didn't like that either! She came running at me, tried to grab onto my legs and give me another love nip. I was too quick though. Haha! She was either wanting to play or just in a sassy calico mood I guess. She sat on top of the hose box and watched me the rest of the time. Cate tried checking out the hose while I was watering the tree in their yard. She would sniff at it, then look at me. The pups got longer times outside tonight since it was so cool out. When it was time, we headed in for bed and night time snacks.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Jerrie & Kimmie
Today both kitties were laying in their kitty tree, basking in the sunshine. They both looked at me as I walked in, but neither moved from their spot. I went to do my chores quick, then returned. I was able to pet Kimmie with one hand and brush Jerrie with the other. I had both kitties' motors running! Jerrie's sore is looking better each day. Kimmie would lay her head back so I'd give her a little chin scratch. Jerrie would be scratching his little chin on the bristles. Kimmie even tolerated a little brushing today when I switched. So then Kimmie got brushed and Jerrie got some pets too. We did that the entire time today, and both kitties were in heaven!
Shadow & Lucy
This morning Lucy was right by the door to greet me. She did a purr-meow and rubbed up against m legs as soon as I walked inside. She followed me around while I pulled down their food and took care of their litter box. Shadow came out from the closet and went into the living room. They both were excited when I opened the cupboard! Shadow was standing up next to me on his hind legs while I got a plate ready for them. Lucy nibbled a bit, but then wandered off. Shadow was happy to eat from both portions, taking a bite here, then another from there. I left the front door open, so miss Lucy could look out the window. So, that's right where she was! She enjoyed some attention from me, then would race to the door when a bird flew by! Miss Lucy was very lovey dovey today and kept coming over to be pet. After Shadow was done nibbling on his snack, he went to the front room to sit on the bench and look out the window.
Titus & Angel
This morning I got the collars put on and let the pups out the door. They no more than got outside, then they turned around and just looked at me. Eventually, they went off to do their thing while I got their breakfast ready. After they ate, we went out back. Angel wandered around, then went to lay in her house. Titus played and messed around with me awhile. Then, they both were trying to take over my attention! Later, Titus decided to mess with Angel, but she yelled at him. That, of course, got him all excited. He started racing laps around the yard as fast as he could! He'd make a turn and slide on the wet grass. You could see it flying up behind him as he ran. This evening Titus and Angel met me in the garage, bouncing excitedly as usual. They settled down long enough to eat their dinner. We headed out back again and they spent most of their time exploring and sniffing around the yard. Angel came and laid by me for a bit, so I pet her. Titus saw that and came bounding over to get some attention too! They both relaxed a little in the grass before bedtime.
Mac & Abby
Mac and Abby were very happy to see me this morning. I lifted them both up over the gate, then we headed right outside. They both trotted off to one side of the yard together. A neighbor dog was out too, and kept getting excited when he'd hear Mac and Abby wandering around. They were very busy exploring this morning! It was a nice sunny morning for it too. Each would take a break to come visit me and get a little attention. Before I left I made sure their fan was on, they had fresh water, and got their collars back on. I quickly gave Mac his eye drop, then they each got their treats. They wasted no time, and took off in different directions to go enjoy their snack! This evening the pups ran inside and started dancing around my feet. I took their collars off and gave Mac his drops right away. Then, I went and sat on the floor in the living room. Both Mac and Abby came racing over, flopping down next to me. They both laid their heads on my legs and were laying the same way. That made me laugh! I gave them some belly scratches. Abby eventually got up and played musical couches, until she settled for the back of the one facing the door. She kept barking about something, but I couldn't hear what they were hearing. She'd get Mac going too, but then he'd stop and come to roll over by me for more belly scratches. He sure loved every minute of that! When it was time, I grabbed their treats and we headed into the laundry room for bedtime.
Cate, Carson, Little Foot, Toby & Bella
Today I let Cate, Carson and Toby out. It took a little coaxing to get Cate out the door, but finally she went. She's so silly! I let them do their thing, while I went to water the plants. Bella joined me out front and walked along with me to inspect my work. She was trying to be sneaky and come inside with me several times, but I knew what she was up to! I let the three inside and let Little Foot have his turn outside. While he was busy I watered the back plants and got Toby his medicine. All four pups were happy to get a treat before I left. Tonight miss Bella heard me pull up. She met me at my car and walked me all the way to the door. She stretched up on her hind legs and pawed on the door. "Can I come in too?" She ran around to the back to meet me while I changed out the water too. Silly girl. She pretended like she was going to eat, then made a sneak attack for the door. Nice try! I let the pups out next for their first potty break. Cate was so excited and wanted to play! She kept hopping up and pawing at me. I finally had to scoot her little heiny out the door so she would go potty! She's such a cutie. Everyone did well throughout the day again. While they were out, I got everyone's dinner ready. I fed them as soon as they came inside, then let Little Foot out for his turn. Toby got his medicine, then Little Foot came back in to eat as well. After they all finished, it was time for round two of potty breaks.