Sunday, October 31, 2010
Bunny, Joe Friday & Murdock
No one was sitting in any chairs downstairs when I came in this morning, so I headed upstairs right away. I peeked under the blanket this time and sure enough, there was Bunny all curled up and cozy warm in her little cave! Joe Friday was snuggled in the little kitty bed by the railing. He did a little stretch of his paws toward me as I came over to pet him. He made his way downstairs while I cleaned litter boxes to lay in the sun. I found Murdock under the bed again! He was much quicker to come out today. He rolled around on the floor and scootched closer to me so I could rub his chin. Friday came around the corner and gave a little look like, "Hey, what about me?!". We all made our way out to the living room and the boys started relaxing in the sunlight by the stairs. They enjoyed being pet for quite awhile! Eventually Murdock wandered off, but Friday stayed to get his ears rubbed!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Bunny, Joe Friday & Murdock
This morning Joe Friday hopped down from the chair by the window and raced me upstairs. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Murdock sneak down from the blue chair and around the corner to the bedroom! Friday was busy following me around and helping me clean the litter pans. When I was finished he got a nice chin scratchin! Afterwards I went to go see Murdock, who was hiding under the bed. I called for him and he crawled over to stick his head out and sniffed at me. Shortly after he came out and was rolling around all over the floor! I still hadn't seen Bunny yet, so I went searching for her everywhere. I went upstairs for one last look and still couldn't find her. Then, I heard a little rustling behind me. I turned around and there she was, crawling out from under the blanket on the car bed! Silly girl. I spent a little more time petting the boys before it was time to go.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Dakota & Benny
Today Benny didn't run to greet me at the door. He kind of peeked around the corner shyly. I guess someone was feeling guilty... I noticed there were some napkins all torn up on the couch! Silly boy! I let Kota out and started getting out their leashes when we heard a knock on the door. The lawn guy had shown up while I was there. Kota and Benny were just barking away while I was out talking to him. We got on our way and took a nice long walk on such a nice day! There were lots of snacks on the sidewalk today that we had to quickly pass so they couldn't eat them. We passed some crushed up chips, some candy, and Kota even picked up an acorn to crunch on until she realized it wasn't that tasty.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Maggie & Moe

Hmmm... how about here?
Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
This afternoon I pulled up and little Buddy came around the corner of the house! Sugar followed shortly after and I said hi to them quick before heading inside. I went and sat out there with them for awhile. Sugar came over to snuggle! Jimmy boy got a little jealous though, so he was bouncing around, playfully mouthing my hand, "No, pet me! Pet me!" or nudging Sugar out of the way. He's such a little goober. Jimmy got his turn for attention though. He snuggled up with me and would tilt his head back and look at me with such a cute little face. Buddy came over to say hi, then found a nice spot in the grass to curl up for a snooze. He looked so cute and cuddly!
Dakota & Benny
Today was nice and cool out, perfect for a nice long walk! It was a pretty quiet day for us, not too much exciting happened. Benny did try chasing after a police car though! Naughty...hehe When we came around the corner, a couple officers were standing in the street talking. I talked with the one and he chuckled about it! Kota chased after a few leaves and Benny said hi to his puppy friends that were outside. When we got home, Kota went and curled up in her crate while I tossed the ball a couple times for Benny.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
This afternoon everyone was ready to go outside, even lil Miss Sugar! The boys headed off to the side of the house right away to find a nice spot to lay and soak up some sun. Sugar wandered her way over there too, once the boys were exploring. Since it was such a nice day out, I let them spend the rest of the afternoon outside to enjoy the weather!
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Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from U.S. Cellular
Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
This morning I let the babies outside right away. Sugar was not a happy camper... too chilly out for her! She came inside while the boys did their searching around the yard. They had to check out a couple branches by the fence that must have fallen in the wind yesterday. Sugar followed me around while I got the boy's meds together. They heard her barking, so then they wanted to come in and eat too! Buddy ate all of his but left one of his pills in there. I tried putting more of the Beneful in his dish, but he still ate around it. I tried putting it in a few different things, but he'd pick it out every time! Little stinker! Eventually I got him to take it though. After breakfast, the boys went to play outside some more. Sugar stayed in and snuggled up with me for awhile.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Sasha met me this morning by the couch and said hello with her little "meows". She followed me into the kitchen and paced as I got her breakfast ready! Again, she loved her yogurt dish and lapped that up right away! I brought out the kitchen trash after I scooped the litter box. After I came in, Sasha had jumped up on the leather chair! I sat down on the floor next to her and scratched her ears. She then jumped off the chair and down by the fireplace. Sasha looked at the tennis ball on the floor and meowed a few times, as if to say "let's play catch"! I rolled it over to her, but she just stared at it! She then got tired of this and went back to her perch on the couch! I sat down and talked to her and thanked her for a fun week! See you next time, Sasha!
Shelby, Bitty, Spirit and Baby
All three were waiting for me at the door when I arrived this morning! I gave the cats a scratch on the head and then it was treat time for Shelby! The orange kitty met Shelby and I outside with a few, loud "meows". We played around in the back yard and then sat on the porch, while the sprinklers watered the lawn. I refreshed Shelby's water outside and said goodbye. Baby was sleeping in the sun when I turned on the light. I refreshed his water too and gave him some food and hay! Back out in the living room, I sat on the floor and gave Bitty and Spirit some more scratches. Well, my time was up, so I gave each one a hug goodbye! See y'all next time!
Dakota & Benny
This afternoon the pups were ready for their walk! It was really nice out today, but very windy. We took one of our long routes backwards today, since up ahead were a bunch of little girls with their little unleashed puppies! All the dogs started getting excited when they saw each other, so we turned around and avoided that trouble... hehe. Benny thought it was a whole new place, but eventually started to recognize his usual favorite houses. Kota got two comments on how gorgeous she was today! Kota got to meet the neighbor Boxer puppy while I held Benny in my arms. They both were nervous but really wanted to play! When we got home Kota had some lunch before it was time to go. Tonight we played outside in the backyard when I got there. Kota turned into the wind, stuck her tail straight out and leaned into it like she was a flying super dog! It was so funny! We decided to take a shorter walk this evening and they were very happy about that. When we got home they played in back for a few more minutes before coming in. Kota had some supper while Benny and I played with his orange ball.
Ok I'm ready... throw it!
Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
This afternoon the pups starting barking as I walked in the door and said hi! I feel like I haven't seen the kiddos in forever! The boys came outside with me right away and Sugar went into her cave. It was sooo windy outside. Buddy and Jimmy didn't seem to mind though. They went about their business as usual. Jimmy came and hung out with me for awhile, getting his attention! Buddy walked around a little, then curled up in a nice spot in the grass. He circled around until he found the perfect spot to lay! Jimmy looked up at me as if to ask, "Can I go play now?". I said "Ok!" and he immediately zoomed off to the side of the house where the soffet comes down. He started digging around and searching for something! Buddy, at the same time, decided to search by the pots. They're so funny! Later Sugie came out to join us for a bit.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Shelby, Bitty, Spirit and Baby


Shelby, Bitty, Spirit and Baby

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Today Chelsea was excited when I came in to see her! She started dancing around and looking at her leash on the counter like, "Are we going for our walk now?! Pretty please!!!". It was raining out, but she wanted to so badly! So, we decided to take a short walk anyways. When we got home I scooped out her food. She was such a good girl that she sat the whole time until I got both cups of food in her bowl before she'd eat it! When she finished, I saw her tennis ball and rolled it down the hallway for her. She walked over to it, sniffed at it, and na... don't want to play with that. We snuggled up in the living room and she got her tummy and ears rubbed. Then she started pawing at me, getting excited and running into the kitchen! I think she thought she needed a treat for that. She did it a few more times. It was so funny! Before I left, I had her do a few tricks for me for pieces of treats.
Yes, I'll have a treat!
Lucy & Shadow

Today as I walked up to the house, I saw Shadow peering out at me through the bedroom window! Lucy was right at the door to say hi. I went into the room to see Shadow and he wasn't in there anymore. He must have snuck out while I was coming in. There he was, sitting in the living room, waiting to play. We all played with their rope for awhile. Shadow got tired of playing, so he sat in the bedroom doorway and watched Lucy and I play. Later he moved into the kitchen under the table. I was trying to get him to play, but only Lucy would run into the kitchen to attack the rope. Shadow got sneaky and grabbed Lucy from behind. She sure didn't like that! She came over to me to get her chin and cheeks scratched for awhile. Later, Shadow decided to come out and play some more with Lucy and I before I left.
Lucy was goofing around with her rope and reaching for the camera!

Shelby, Bitty, Spirit and Baby

Friday, October 22, 2010
Shelby, Bitty, Spirit and Baby
This evening Shelby, the orange kitty and I enjoyed the lightening show on the porch as the lawn was being watered! They ran around and chased each other in the back yard, with the kitty hiding on the trampoline as Shelby ran by! After we turned the sprinklers off, Shelby and I said good night to the kitty and went inside for dinner and a treat! Bitty and Spirit were both in the kitchen when we came inside. I gave Shelby half an egg and a piece of bacon for her evening treat; she enjoyed them very much! All three followed me as I went in to say hello to Baby. The room was dark, so he popped up when the lights went on! I hand fed him a few pieces of hay and laughed when he would rip the piece away from my hand and munch on it! A few more scratches to each and I was off for the evening; sweet dreams my furry friends!

Auggie and Pattie

Shelby, Bitty, Spirit and Baby

Lucy & Shadow
Today I could hear Lucy talking to me as she made her way to come see me. She was just purring away! I pet her for a little while and noticed that Shadow hadn't popped out yet. So, Lucy helped me look for him. We found him curled up by the window sill in the guest room. Lucy hopped up there too and started rubbing her face on the corner. Shadow must have been pretty comfortable, because he hung out in there the rest of the time. Lucy followed me to watch as I cleaned their litter box. Then she and I played some more with their rope toy. She would jump up on her hind legs to grab it, then started rolling around kicking her legs about. She gave me a few "meow meow"s as I was leaving.
Dakota & Benny
Today Benny ran circles around me and across my feet. I guess someone was excited to get going! We got on our way and took a long walk since it was cooler out. Kota and Benny had some fun today with a little three-legged grasshopper. Kota would hop along behind it, then nudge it with her nose. Benny sniffed at it a little too, but soon lost interest. He was more concerned with the halloween decorations flapping in the wind. We felt little sprinkles every now and again, but the rain held off, for the most part. Just before we turned the last little corner towards home, it started to rain, then dounpour! We high-tailed it the rest of the way back home. The neighbor kids accidently threw their baseballs over the fence, so I looked around for those while Kota and Benny relaxed.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Shelby, Bitty, Spirit and Baby


Auggie and Pattie

Shelby, Bitty, Spirit and Baby

Today Benny and I took a nice long walk. It was quiet out without Kota! Benny still had his usual fun though. He was busy saying hi to friends and growling at people's Halloween decorations. On our walk Benny noticed a black kitty sitting in the shade under a tree. He tried to go get him, but the kitty knew Benny couldn't get too far and just sat and stared at us. Benny was pretty tired by the time we got home and sprawled out on the kitchen floor to cool off.
Lucy & Shadow

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Shelby, Bitty, Spirit and Baby

Auggie and Pattie

As I came in this morning, I could hear the bell on Pattie disappear up the stairs! I said hello to Auggie, who was sprawled out on the floor in the bedroom! He let me pet him and we enjoyed laying on the cushy carpet together! Auggie was so cute, I took a picture of him! I then went back out to try and say hello to Pattie. She was upstairs and as soon as I got over to the other side of the couch, she booked it down the stairs; there's always tomorrow! I thought I could get Pattie to come down if she heard the wet food bowls, but that didn't draw her out either! I went back to pet Auggie and enjoyed listening to him purr! See you two tomorrow!!
Shelby, Bitty, Spirit and Baby

Sammy, Gracie, Molly, Couper & Roly Poly

Oh yea, that's the spot!
Ugh, I'm tired from all this playing!
Dakota & Benny
Monday was a pretty quiet day for us. It was a pretty warm day out, but we still got in our long walk. A lot of Benny's friends weren't outside, so he kept getting excited, then paused to listen for them. Kota was busy picking up all kinds of things! I had to take some sort of chicken bone away from her. She's so sneaky!
Today was another gorgeous day outside! We took a nice long walk to enjoy it. Benny ran his laps around the house today while I got Kota out. He was getting all his doggy friends excited before we even got up to their houses! He started hopping around and barking so they could hear him. And when he heard them, he got more and more anxious to get closer! Kota joined in for a little bit too. She found all kinds of interesting things today. She chased after a butterfly, stopped and watched a big beetle cross the sidewalk, and hopped around after a cricket. They both even spotted a big grey kitty, and boy did they want to play with it! The kitty knew they couldn't come close, so it took its time to hop up and over the fence. Benny was pretty pooped from all the excitement today. He laid down to rest while Kota had a little lunch.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Shelby, Bitty, Spirit and Baby

Auggie and Pattie

Shelby, Bitty, Spirit and Baby

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