This morning I went to see if Coco was in her spot right away. She wasn't, so I looked in her other favorite hiding spots. Still no Coco! I looked under the beds again, then decided to do more searching. I found her sleeping on a shelf in the closet! She started meowing at me right away, then Bear was meowing back at her. I gave Bear her morning brushing before taking care of their food. They had eaten a very good amount of the wet and dry food. This afternoon Coco was still in her spot in the closet. I brought some food over to her, but she was laying with her face to the wall, and didn't want to turn around! I pulled her out and set her down. She nibbled on the food a little, then walked away. I brushed Bear for awhile and heard Coco meowing out in the hallway. Tonight the plate of food was lying under the table again. They had cleaned it up pretty well. Coco was still snoozing in her spot in the closet. I got a new can of food and brought it to her. She ate a little bit for me, then tried turning to lay down again. Bear was meowing for me to come back and brush her!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Maggie & Moe

If you click on the picture, you can kind of see him! It's almost straight down from the latch on the gate.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Maggie & Moe
We went out in the backyard to play this morning. Moe grabbed her blue rope and started to drag that in circles around the living room when I first came in! Once outside, Maggie and Moe began chasing each other right away. Maggie buried her rawhide again by the fence this morning. She sat down by it afterwards and guarded it for awhile. Then, she decided that wasn't a good spot and re-buried it in a new place! The girls were sleeping when I came in this afternoon! We went out to play for awhile. I threw some toys for them, but they weren't too interested. They just looked at it, then back at me! Maggie was off re-burying her bone once again. Moe decided to lay down and sun herself for most of the time! Tonight the girls were barking before I even came to the door. They came running when I got inside! We went out in the backyard to play. I threw a couple of their balls and Maggie went running after each one, but didn't bring it back! The little neighbor girl stood up against the fence and said hi. She wanted me to grab a couple of their pool toys they had accidently thrown over. I was going to grab the first one, and Maggie beat me to it! She ran around and played keep away from me! Silly girl. Maggie and Moe chased each other around again for awhile in between jumping on me and kissing my face! When we went inside again they both sprawled out on the cool tile floor. They really tired themselves out.
Ready... set... go!
Bear & Coco
They polished off another plate of food from last night. I had topped off the dry food too and there was a good dent in that this morning. I went in by Bear and she was fast asleep. She sat up when I talked to her, but it took a second for her to realize where I was! She walked over to me and I brushed her for awhile. Coco wasn't in her usual spot, but I found the green lump right away this morning! I touched the blanket and she meowed from underneath. I got her out so she could eat some breakfast. She ate a good amount for me and so did Bear. The plate from this morning was almost completely gone when I came this afternoon. I got a new one and brought it to Coco so she could eat her lunch. When Coco had enough, she hopped down and went to go get a drink. Bear was sleepy this afternoon and didn't even wake up when I called her! I brushed her for awhile before I left. Tonight the plate of food was all the way under the stand in the entryway! I guess someone was hungry! It was almost licked clean. I got another can of food opened and went to feed Coco, but she wasn't in her spot. I looked in the other areas and she wasn't there either. I even looked under those beds and she was still nowhere to be seen. She must have another hiding spot! So I brought the food over to Bear and brushed her for a long time.
Tyler, Emma, Lacey & Luke
Everyone was excited to go outside this morning! Luke came in while I was taking Emma and Lacey out. Lacey followed Emma and I around the yard after she had gone potty. While I was getting their breakfast ready, Luke was following me around the kitchen on the counter, looking for some attention! I pet him while their food was cooling down. Tyler was waiting patiently in the living room, sitting halfway on the chair. Once they all finished, we all sat in the living room and they got some attention. Lacey had wandered off into the hallway by the laundry room and I heard some noises. I got up to see what she was up to, and she had just hopped over the baby gate into the bedroom!! This afternoon Lacey was still in the bedroom when I came, so maybe that was just a one-time thing. Emma was exploring the yard a little bit when I took her out. Lacey waited until I took Tyler to come outside. After I fed everyone we sat in the living room. Emma curled up by the fireplace and took a nap. Tyler was laying next to me chewing on a bone and Lacey came and sat in my lap for awhile. Luke even came in for some attention too! Everyone was pretty sleepy this afternoon. Eventually Tyler laid on his side and closed his eyes and Lacey rolled over and fell asleep while I pet her belly. They all did great for me this weekend!
Sammy, Gracie, Molly & Shelby
Today everyone greeted me at the door again. They knew who I was this time and didn't bark very long at all! We all went in the living room and sat on the couch. Sammy and Molly ran up on the couch and laid on either side of me. Gracie climbed up to the back of the couch and sat on my shoulders, attacking me with her tongue! haha! She slid down and squeezed between Molly and Sammy into my lap. They got their tummies rubbed again today for a long time. Shelby curled up by the end of the couch and everyone fell asleep for awhile. If I stopped petting anyone to pet someone else, they'd wake up and give me the "why are you stopping?" look! Gracie would also sit up and start licking my face. They didn't want me to leave! I had to peel each one off of me. I gave them all a treat before I left for being such good puppies!!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Tyler, Emma, Lacey & Luke
Tyler and Emma met me at the front door this afternoon. Lacey started barking and was acting shy when I first let her out of the bedroom. I took Tyler and Emma out potty right away, then got everyone's dinner ready. Lacey wasn't shy anymore! After everyone ate, they followed me as I got Luke's bowl to fill. I found him under the bed. I pulled out the pillow he was laying on and put him up on the dresser so he knew where his food was now. He sat up there for awhile, watching Lacey bounce up and down at the bottom! Tyler and Emma were both snuggled on the doggie bed by the fireplace as I left. Tonight Lacey was doing a lot better and she came outside with Tyler and I to go potty. She followed us around out there until we all went inside for their supper. Luke came out too and rolled around in the dirt! He stayed out for the night since it was so nice out. After everyone ate, I sat on the floor in the living room and they all laid down by me. Tyler laid down and put his head in my lap right away! Lacey curled up on the other side of me and Emma laid next to Tyler on the doggie bed. I pet Tyler and Lacey's tummies for awhile. Emma was even falling asleep! She was having a hard time keeping her eyes open. I put Lacey in her bed for the night before I left.
Bear & Coco
This morning Bear was wide awake when I came in. She was ready for her brushing! She got up and moved closer to me right away, and started purring immediately. After awhile I went in to spend some time with Coco. Bear wasn't too happy about that and I could hear her meowing in the bedroom. Coco woke up after I pet her, and I gave her a nice brushing too! She even gave me some kisses! I got another can of food and brought it in by her to eat. She did very well and ate almost half of it right away. They had completely polished off one of the plates I left out last night and some of the dry food was gone too. This afternoon I brushed Bear some more. After I had spent some time with her, I went to go see Coco, but she wasn't in her usual spot! I checked all the other areas you told me she likes and I still couldn't find her. I looked again and must have completely missed her! She was in the other room with the pink bed spread, under the blankets. They had made some pretty good progress on the plate of food I left this morning. I got another can opened for them. Tonight Coco meowed at me as I walked in the front door. She was busy eating some dry food in the entryway. They had polished off another plate of soft food from this afternoon! Coco followed me in by Bear and got a drink out of the cup on the table. Then she wandered back into her room and curled up on her bed. I brushed them both again tonight for a long time and they just purred away! They both are eating for me and doing very well!
Sammy, Gracie, Molly & Shelby
Everyone met me at the door today when I came inside. Shelby barked the most, while Sammy and Grace were busy saying hi! I got their supper ready and had them all line up to eat. I sat down on the floor with them and Molly was too interested in smelling me to eat right away. Sammy and Shelby were done first, and they both stared at the other two until they were finished. As soon as Gracie was done, she made herself comfortable in my lap and started kissing my face all over! We all went into the living room after they finished supper. Shelby didn't want to come too close yet so she curled up on the floor. The other three had surrounded me as soon as I sat on the couch! Gracie was draped across my lap and Sammy was sprawled out on the pillow on one side of me. They both were laying upside down so I could rub their tummies! Molly was all curled up on my other side. I wish I could've gotten a picture of that!
Maggie & Moe
The girls were very excited to see me tonight, almost couldn't make it to the back door to go outside. They were jumpin all over me. Once we got outside they were running around like crazy, I chased them around a little but they were all about chasing each other around. Then we palyed a little fetch with one of their rawhides, they would both run after it and even if Miss Maggie got there first she would step aside for Miss Moe to get it. At one point Miss Moe was laying off to the side chewing on a rawhide and Maggie did an "army crawl" from like 15 feet away, pulling her back legs behind her all the way over to me, it was pretty funny. They were both great, both went potty outside for me. We went back in a couple minutes before I had to go, they were panting pretty good and seemed pretty thirsty. Inside Miss Maggie almost knocked me over while I was crouching down petting her when she tried to jump up into my lap, she just got so excited! I left the living room light on for them before I left, they were both pretty calmed down.
Boston, Zuke, Zoey, Shadow, Macey & Dakota
This evening I brought in Zoey, Macey and Dakota then put everyone else outside for awhile. Zoey hung out in the living room and curled up in the chair while I got everyone's supper ready. After they finished eating, I spent some time with them inside until the others were ready to come in. Macey and Dakota have calmed way down for me since the day I met them! I let the others in for their supper. Boston was being a little silly and didn't feel like eating for me. He laid down in the kitchen while Zuke and Shadow ate. Once they were done, I finally got him to eat his food! Then he finished it in seconds, so I'm not sure what he was doing! We sat in the living room for awhile and they all got some attention. Zuke came over whenever he could, while the other two pushed each other around again!
Maggie & Moe
"I'm not moving an inch!"
Busy burying her bone...
Boston, Zuke, Zoey, Shadow, Macey, & Dakota
I let Boston, Zuke, Zoey, and Shadow out right away this morning while I fed Macey and Dakota. Macey was almost too excited to eat this morning! I had to keep Dakota away from her food until she decided she was hungry. After awhile I let them go out and brought the others in to feed them their breakfast. Shadow was the first one finished, so he came over by me to get his back scratched! I went into the living room and sat in the recliner when they were all done. Boston and Shadow were both nudging each other out of the way to get all my attention! Zuke was able to sneak in a few times to get pet too.
"Wanna be my friend?"
Friday, May 28, 2010
Boston, Zuke, Zoey, Shadow, Macey & Dakota
I let Macey, Dakota and Zoey inside when I got there tonight. I had them go to bed and gave them their treats. Macey and Dakota were excited and jumping up when they came in, but are getting much better already! I let the other three outside. Shadow went right out for me and wasn't trying to hide. After they all went potty and spent a little time out there, they all were sitting by the door ready to come inside. They came in and I gave them some attention. Boston seems to get jealous if I try to pet anyone but him! Zuke came up to me several times and I had to hold Boston off with one hand so I could pet Zuke too. Shadow is now my new best friend!! Boston was busy getting a drink of water and Shadow came over to me and smelled my hand again. I was sitting in a chair and he sat up against my legs. I started to pet him and got some of his itchy spots for him! He even tried jumping up into my lap but Boston sabotaged that! He kept coming back to me every chance he could. I put those three to bed and gave them their treats too, so everyone is all tucked in for the night.
Bear & Coco
Bear and Coco sleep so heavily! They both were sound asleep when I came in this afternoon and neither woke up even with me talking, until I pet them! Bear was in the bedroom so I pet her for a little while, then I went in by Coco. There was a good amount of food still left on the plate, so I brought it in to see if I could get Coco to eat any. I put some on my finger and she licked at it, then turned her nose up at it. I brought it in by Bear and she ate a bunch. I opened up one of the small cans of food and tried that with Coco. I no more than set the plate by her, and she started eating away! Later I went back in by Bear and brushed her for awhile. She has such a loud purr! Bear loved up every minute of it and even helped me. Tonight Bear perked up when I said her name as I walked in. I pet and brushed her for quite awhile. When I stopped to go visit with Coco, she gave me a look like, "Hey... where are you going? I wasn't finished!". Coco had just gotten finished eating a good amount of the food from earlier. She meowed at me a few times when I walked into the room. I said hi to her for awhile, then got a new can of food opened up. I brought the plate to her again, not expecting her to eat anything since she just got done. But she did! She must really like when it's fresh from the can!
Maggie & Moe
Maggie and Moe came zooming out of the bedroom when I came in this afternoon! We all went outside after I said hi. Miss Moe brought out a little rawhide that I tossed for them a few times. They played tug of war with each other over the rawhide! They ran around and chased each other, then came and relaxed in the shade. Maggie found the only shady spot out in the yard. She sat up against the fence for a few minutes, then came barreling back to chase around with Moe some more. We went in so they could cool down a bit, and Moe had some lunch in between jumping on my lap to give me kisses! This evening they both were right at the door when I came in. We went and played outside for awhile since it cooled down a bit from this afternoon. Maggie and Moe were dancing around me, each carrying a rawhide! They were running around the yard for awhile and I could hear them, but not see them most of the time! We went in when they had tired themselves out. After I gave them their treats, they both had some supper.
Boston, Zuke, Zoey, Shadow, Macey, Dakota
Everybody was excited when I came in today, but a little more calm than yesterday! I let Macey and Dakota inside and put the others out right away. Zoey didn't want to come inside for me. Shadow was being pretty timid at first, and didn't want to get too close to me. I had to go completely outside before he would attempt to go out! I gave Macey and Dakota their supper. Macey was a little too interested in what I was doing to eat at first. I let the others stay outside for awhile before I brought them in for their dinner. I spent some time with Macey and Dakota. They were very calm and didn't jump on me at all! haha! Zoey still didn't want to come in, so I fed her outside. She actually didn't eat though, until I came and stood out there with her. The other three took a little time to settle down and eat theirs. Shadow came up to me, sniffed at my hand and let me pet him for a second. So far, so good! After I put those three to bed, I gave them all their treats. I put Macey and Dakota back outside with Zoey. They got pretty excited and started jumping around while we were making our way to the door. Everyone ate their food and did very well!
Benny and I went for a walk today. He was very excited and bouncing around as we walked! He took advantage of being able to stop and smell everything, since he didn't have Kota pulling him along today! It didn't seem to be as humid outside this afternoon, so we were able to go a little further before he got tired out. When we got back we stayed inside so he could cool off in the air conditioning. He was too tired to go out and play fetch! He laid on the tile for a bit while I scratched his back for him. He rolled over a few times so I could get his tummy too! Benny gave me lots of kisses today!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Dakota & Benny
Kota, Benny and I went for our walk this afternoon. We went about the same distance as yesterday, before they started to get too warm. A bus drove past us and Benny tried to chase after it! He was even more excited when a second one went by! He got so excited that he ran right into me. We went out in the backyard for awhile when we got back. I threw Benny's blue ball for him a few times. Kota sprawled out by the water bowl that I brought out with us. Benny came to sit under the patio chair in between chasing after his ball. Later he laid out in the shade under the tree. I got Kota some ice cubes when we went inside. She pulled them all out of her water bowl and crunched on them while laying in her cage.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Capone was waiting for me at the door like usual today. He followed me to his food and crawled in the cupboard when I opened the door! There were two new spots on the floor today that I picked up while he ate his supper. I noticed he had diarrhea in his litter box today too. He hasn't been acting lethargic at all, but he must have something going on. He had it all stuck in his hair on his back side too, so I tried to clean him up as best I could. He sure wasn't happy with me!! I felt bad for him, but I had to do it. When I finished, he laid on the floor and cleaned himself for awhile. He forgave me pretty quickly though and let me pet him while he snuggled with his froggy.
Dakota & Benny
Kota was excited to go for a walk today and wouldn't stop woo-wooing until we got on our way. We took it at a slower pace today since it was already pretty hot out. They stopped in any shady spots on the way back to take a little break. At one stop, they scared all the birds out of the tree! They both looked up at them as they flew away. A truck drove by and had the beeping sound when it went in reverse. Kota and Benny spun right around and stared at the truck! Benny wanted to go get it. When we got back home they had a drink, then we went in the backyard for a little bit. They both ended up sitting together in a tiny little spot of shade!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Capone was extra snuggly today! After he ate he used his scratching post and got a couple treats. I brushed him for a long time and he rolled over so I could get his tummy too. He was just purring away! Once in awhile he'd reach out his arm to me and touch my arm. He snuggled with his little frog while I brushed him. Later he got up and went over by the couch. He looked under and behind it like something was there, but I couldn't see anything! I got the laser out to play with, and he made that squeaky meow that kitties do when they're watching birds! When he got tired of that, I pet him some more. He didn't seem to want me to go today and followed me to the door. He even gave me a kiss on my arm today!
Jerrie met me at the door this morning and started meowing at me. He followed me around as I took care of his things and waited for me. He was very talkative today! I watered the plants again today so that you won't have to worry about that when you get home. Jerrie was especially snuggly today. I told him it was our last visit together for awhile, but that his parents will be back home today! His little motor was running the whole time I was petting him. He just couldn't get enough attention! He will be so happy to see you!!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Capone was rubbing up against everything when I came in today. I couldn't open the cupboard for a minute until I distracted him with my hand! He had his dishes all over the kitchen again. While he was eating I cleaned his litterbox. He had a hairball on the blue rug in the bathroom and missed his litterbox a little on the white rug. I figured you'll probably just throw them in the wash, but I picked everything up and marked the spots anyways. Once I started petting Capone, I noticed he was a little smelly... and when he turned around he had a straggler hanging on his heiny!! haha! I got it off, but he didn't appreciate that. He forgave me quickly though. We played with his froggy and the laser light today. The rest of the time he just wanted to be pet. I rubbed his ears for him and he started making a little snoring sound! He loved that!
"I GOT IT!! Heyyy, wait a second... how did you get out?"
Abby & Sammy
I heard the girls barking as I was walking up to the door. They both ran and greeted me as I was coming inside! I was trying to get them outside right away and Sammy didn't want to go until I walked out there first. We went for our walk right away. Abby was pulling pretty good at first, but that didn't last long! She started to get tired and hot, so we headed back and cooled off for a little bit inside with the a/c. They both walked very well for me. When they both cooled down enough, we went out in the yard and I brought their water out with us. Abby hung out on the porch in the shade a lot and Sammy stayed by me. Later, a neighbor started mowing their lawn, so the girls both took off and chased after it! They ran and jumped over each other to try and be the first to get it! They chased and chased until the mowing stopped. Abby came back and walked on the wood by the bushes to stay in the shade. She sprawled out on the porch while Sammy went and laid in the bushes! When it was time to go, we went in and they followed me around a little. They sure got some exercise today, so I bet they'll be pretty tired!
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