Benny waiting for me to toss his ball.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Dakota & Benny
Koko & Sierra
Koko and Sierra had to check me out this morning. They could smell the other dogs on me that I was with earlier! I pet them for a little bit before I got their breakfast ready. Sierra was a very good girl and ate all her food for me this morning! When they were finished, both of them were staring at me and letting out little whines while I cleaned their potty pads. Sierra actually waited until I put the first new pad back down, because she had to go! We played lighty for a little bit before I left.
"Ok, I'll finish... as long as we get to play lighty when I'm done!"
Gracie & Charlie
Charlie had a lot of energy this morning! He was ready to get outside. After I let them out, Gracie bolted for the bedroom down the hall. I checked on her to see what she was up to. She was all cuddled on a pillow with just the saddest look on her face. She misses mom and dad! I think she'll do better once she gets used to me a little more. Almost all of the pets I watch get really excited when I come in after they get to know me! I let Charlie out I gave her a couple treats and tried to get her to go outside. She didn't feel like it, so I went out and spent some time with Charlie. He started crying when I got out there and ran over to the fence. He tossed his ball over into the neighbor's yard! He started trying to dig his way over there, so I quick hopped over and got it for him. There was a red frisbee with a dog bone on it too, hope that was his! He was playing around again with his ball, tossing and kicking it around. Then he'd play with the frisbee for a little bit. He even tried to get both toys into his mouth at the same time! I went back in to check on Gracie, and she had moved back onto her chair. I put her food dish by her again and she did eat for me a little bit. Charlie didn't finish all of his food, so I put it back in the cupboard. I gave them another treat before I left and told them mom and dad will be home this evening!
Trying to fit both toys in his mouth...
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Dakota & Benny
I let Kota and Benny outside right away when I came this evening. Kota didn't want to come inside at first. She was busy watching some people outside across the street. I called her and she came leaping over to me, giving me her "woo woo". I gave Benny his meds and fed Kota. She made a big mess of her food! Benny and I played fetch with his blue ball while Kota finished eating. She started tossing around a kibble of food again! Then she ate it. She's so funny! She grabbed out her rawhide and made herself comfy. Benny kept rolling his ball to me with his nose, but if I would try to grab it when he was standing by it, he would grab it and take off! He started cleaning up Kota's food on the floor after I put her to bed for the night. You can tell she was picking through her food by all the pieces on the floor in the pic. haha!
It wasn't me...
Gracie & Charlie
The mailbox was open just like you said, so I brought the mail in and shut it tightly. I let Gracie and Charlie out as soon as I came in this afternoon and this evening. Gracie ran right past me and laid on the chair in the front room. Charlie ran circles around me while I walked to the back door to let him out. Gracie didn't want to leave the chair, and just looked out the window. I think she misses mom and dad! I went out to play with Charlie for awhile. He was pretty good, only jumped up a couple times when I first came out. He started running around with his big purple ball and would take little breaks to nibble on his food. He started kicking it around like he was playing soccer! It was pretty entertaining to watch. Sometimes he would bring it over to me and drop it at my feet, so I'd toss it across the yard for him. Gracie didn't really eat anything today. I brought her dish over to her and she looked at it for a little bit, but still didn't want to. I think she's still a little nervous around me yet, but she's slowly warming up. She did go right to bed for me tonight! I had to bribe her earlier to go in. She will be happy to see you back home tomorrow!
Koko & Sierra
"It's right in... here!"
Friday, February 26, 2010
Koko & Sierra
I was happy to see the girls today and they were happy to see me too! I love Sierra's pretty new necklace!! I noticed it right away. I got their food ready and Sierra actually ate all her food right away tonight. I quick cleaned up their potty pads. Afterwards, I was saying hi to Koko while Sierra finished her food. Koko was busy smelling me. I had just gotten done meeting some new puppy dogs before I came over. When they were all finished we played with the lighty for a long time!
Mattie, Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
Mattie was up and ready to go outside again this afternoon. I went to let everyone else out and Sugar was all bundled up in her blankies. She didn't feel like going outside. Mattie came back all full of mud so I wiped her paws down before she came inside. She had to lay down for me because she was having a hard time balancing on 3 legs. Buddy was all excited when he came in and went and stood next to the cupboard that has all their treats in it. He would look at me and cry a little, then would paw at the cupboard! It was very cute. I gave them all a rawhide to chew on before I left. Mattie really seemed to like hers! She held onto it for a minute then carried it over to a different spot and got comfy!
Benny was carrying around his little blue ball when I came in today. He wanted to bring it along for our walk again! Benny saw a couple kitties today and got really excited! One took off under a truck and when we came close it was nowhere to be found, but Benny was sure looking! We had the little chocolate lab puppy we saw yesterday come up to us today. Benny wasn't too happy about that. The puppy was just curious and wanted to play! Eventually the owner came out and called the puppy back home.
Mattie, Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
Mattie heard me coming this morning and started barking and greeted me at the door. Then she stood by the back door while I let the little ones out. It was raining this morning, so they didn't spend much time outside today. When they got back inside I gave them their meds and fed them their yummy breakfast! Mattie seems to be feeling pretty well so far today. She would go lay down and then spring back up as soon as I was doing something or petting someone! Usually she doesn't get up and down so much when I'm there. She just seemed to be in a really good mood too!
Morning strrrretch!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Mattie, Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
The little ones all went out this afternoon. Mattie didn't feel like going anywhere. Sugar came right back inside while the boys played in the yard. Jimmy was soaking up the sun again today! He was laying by the corner of the house to get out of the wind. The neighbor dogs were out and came up to the fence to check out what we were doing. I had the boys come back inside for a couple minutes before I left so they could eat and drink if they wanted. They all sure were thirsty!
Dakota & Benny
Dakota was very energetic today! She bunny-hopped for a good portion of our walk today. Then she would hang back for a minute and then run ahead as fast as she could! Everytime we walked past a garbage can, poor Benny would jump. A lot of them had their lids hanging open and it was pretty windy out, so they would slam against the can as we passed by. The sun started peeking out as we started our walk and stayed out the whole time, so that was nice! We passed a couple puppies playing outside today and Kota and Benny got so excited! Kota was pulling me backward because she wanted to go play with one of them. They were both pretty tired when we got back to the house today. Benny crashed on the floor and Kota went right in her bed.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Mattie, Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
Mattie was standing and ready to go out before I walked in tonight! As soon as I came in, she went and stood by the back door. They all went out and came right back inside. Brrr!! Yes it is chilly here! I think it's only in the 30's right now and will be in the teens overnight. I gave Buddy his second round of eyedrops today. He was pretty snuggly with me today and was jumping at my legs almost as much as Jimmy! After I did the eyedrops I got them all their meds and yummy food! They all ate a bunch before bedtime. Buddy was going to raid the stash of rawhides sitting on the fireplace, but I guess he didn't find the one he wanted. I gave them all a bedtime treat before I left.
Mattie, Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
Everyone did fine this afternoon. Mattie still didn't want to go outside for me. Sugar wanted to come right back inside, but the other two hung out for awhile. I went out to check on them and see what they were up to. Buddy and Jimmy were both sunbathing on the side of the house!
"Aaaahhhh... sun feels gooood!"
Mattie, Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
The little ones were ready to go outside when I got there this morning. They were ready to come right back in too, since it was pretty chilly out! Mattie wouldn't go out for me, so maybe she will this afternoon. Jimmy came back in and curled up on top of the couch. I gave Buddy his eyedrops right away and he did great! It was the other two jumping on my arms that made it a little difficult! haha! I gave Jimmy and Mattie their meds and gave Buddy his in the container of food that I split up for everyone. They get so excited when I get that container out! Sugar was ready for her treat as soon as they were done. Charlie is starting to talk a little bit when I'm there now. He used to only make his chirping sound, but now he says hi once in awhile.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
He did remember, so you don't have to worry about leaving me one on Thursday! Benny was excited today. He came up to me carrying his yellow bone and stood on his hind legs like "lookie what I have!". He tried to bring it along for our walk! Benny was full of energy himself this afternoon. He was pulling pretty good at first and barking at things that were blowing around in the wind. He settled down after a little bit. It's funny, he knows all the houses that have dogs now! He gets excited when we come up to them and started his little growl before we get to it or before we ever hear the dogs. He did good today when we walked past a lady getting ready for a walk with her stroller. I put myself in between him and the lady, and he never made a peep! He was pretty pooped though when we got back from our walk.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Dakota & Benny
I let Kota and Benny out as soon as I got there this morning. Kota had a little soft stool. It was raining pretty hard all morning, so they had to get completely rubbed down! Benny kept sneaking his toys outside so I went out and grabbed a couple of them. I gave Benny his meds. I used the cheese again and he took it first try. I didn't do anything differently, so I guess he was just being sneaky yesterday! haha! Kota ate a bunch for me again this morning. This afternoon the rain had slowed, but now everything was very drenched. Kota got more muddy than Benny; he was mostly just wet. I fed Kota again and while she worked on that, Benny and I played fetch. He would only bring the ball so close to me. Then when he was ready, he'd roll it the rest of the way to me! He's pretty good at catching it right away. Kota made a mess of her food on the floor, so Benny went over to help her clean up... and she sure didn't like that! Benny and I played some more, and then I noticed Kota was tasting the pieces on the floor. I guess she only wanted the ones that had the canned food on them. Then all of a sudden she picked one piece up and tossed it in the air! She chased after it and started tossing it around some more. Silly girl! I put her food up before I left, because after I put her to bed Benny would go over by it and she'd get upset.
Kota watching her kibble so it doesn't escape...
Sadie, Chloe & Patches
Unfortunately it was pouring all morning, so Sadie had to stay in again today. This morning she didn't even want to go outside period! I went out to get her to come with me. After she got out there, she quickly went potty and came right back. Once inside, she started bouncing around and crouching down on all fours in a playful mood! As soon as I sat down she was plastered to my side, rolled over on her back. She got plenty of belly rubs this morning! Then I saw Chloe staring at us from the hallway. I called her and she came over and started rolling around too. Sadie kept trying to crawl over my lap to get to my other hand, so she could have me all to herself! Chloe stuck around to get some attention this morning until I had to go. This afternoon the rain slowed to a misty sprinkle, so Sadie went outside for me. She hurriedly did her business and came right back inside. I didn't see Chloe or Patches this afternoon, so Sadie had me all to herself again. She gave me lots of kisses while I pet her. If I stopped for a split second, she'd lick my chin and inch closer to me as if to say, "Hello, I'm still here!". Sometimes she would put her paw on my shoulder or paw at my hands. I gave her one last treat before I left. They will be happy that you will all be home today!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Dakota & Benny
I saw your note and I gave Kota & Benny their meds and supper. Too bad Kota doesn't fit in the sink, she tends to get the muddiest! lol It took me a bit to give Benny his Atopica pill. Usually cheese works really good for me, but he kept spitting the pill out. I thought he took it finally, but then I noticed it was stuck in his hair around his mouth! I actually tried tearing off a little piece of bread and got him to finally take it with that. Kota sure doesn't want Benny around her food after the canned food is put in it! She would come and sit by me, then she'd see him going over to her bowl and she would bounce right over there! I think he was just hungry since I put his food up while I was there. Kota did eat a good portion of food tonight. Benny kept bringing me a yellow bone to toss for him, and sometimes would come over just for me to get some of his itchies! Kota was rolling around and playing with me until it was time for bed. She's such a silly girl!
Roxie, Ralphi & Rudy
Roxie, Ralphi & Rudy all got their breakfast this morning. Even though it was cloudy and drizzly outside today, it was actually kind of warm out. Ralphi & Rudy played around after they had their breakfast. Roxie hung around by me for awhile until Ralphi started bringing me the log to play fetch. All three would chase after it, but it was always Ralphi that got to bring it back! This afternoon we played a lot more fetch. One time I threw it and Ralphi got mad at Rudy, but I was able to separate them. I gave them a little time out from fetch after that lol. Rudy really wanted me to keep throwing it. He would run up to me and give me his big bear hug, then run back to where the log was sitting and cry. They all got pretty muddy again today, but I wiped them down as best I could. Roxie still has a dirty face haha.
Sadie, Chloe & Patches
I kept Sadie inside today and gave her an extra visit. It was misting most of the day and raining on and off all day. This morning when I came in she barked when she heard me. I let her out right away, but she just sat by the door and cried to be let back in! I gave her a few minutes, then she disappeared and came back to the door right away. When I let her in she was bouncing around and wouldn't stop giving me kisses! I sat down with her and rubbed her tummy for awhile. She kept rolling over as close to me as possible and didn't want me to stop. Chloe came over to be pet too and Sadie got jealous! She would run over to whatever hand i'd try to pet Chloe with and eventually scared her away. This afternoon Sadie went out and wanted to immediately come back inside. I didn't see either Chloe or Patches at that visit, so Sadie got all the attention! She gave me lots and lots of kisses! Tonight Sadie was happy to see me again and she got lots of tummy rubs. I saw Patches in the hallway briefly when I went to clean the litter pan. Chloe appeared towards the end of my visit and rolled over by me. I pet her for awhile until Sadie sat up and saw that I was petting her too! She's so funny! I gave Sadie her supper and put her to bed for the night.
"Can I come in now, pretty please??"
Friday, February 19, 2010
Roxie, Ralphi & Rudy
Sadie, Chloe & Patches
When I walked inside tonight, Chloe was peeking around the corner of the kitchen at me. She started meowing and I came up to her slowly so she could sniff me. I let Sadie in and it had started sprinkling by the time I got there, poor girlie! She didn't seem to be too bothered though. After she came inside she actually let out a low growl at me and then ran and laid in her bed by the tv. I let her be for a bit and got everyone's food ready. Chloe wanted me to pet her a lot. Patches appeared and sat on a chair under the table. I called Sadie to me and she cautiously smelled my hand. I sat down in a chair to be less intimidating for her. She let a little low growl out again but proceeded to lick my hand at the same time! I think she was just nervous having someone new in the house without mom and dad being home! It happens sometimes, but they usually warm up to me pretty quick. All of a sudden she hopped up in my lap and sat with me for awhile. She still had that nervous look in her eyes, so I got her a treat to see if that would help calm her down a little. By the end of my visit she was rolling over and letting me rub her tummy! She was even grabbing my arm with her paws if I would stop petting her! She gave me lots of kisses on my face too. She went right in her bed for me tonight, tail wagging along the way.
Dakota & Benny
Dakota & Benny were excited for their walk today. I couldn't find Kota's harness anywhere, so we just went using her collar instead. Benny knows all the houses that have dogs in the yard now, so he gets very excited as we come up to them. About half way through our walk it started to sprinkle. Then as we were to the last little bit of our walk it started raining steadily. They didn't seem to mind since at least it was warmer out! Kota didn't go both on the walk today. When we got back she nibbled on her food a little bit before I put her to bed.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Benny must have though mom and dad were home when I was unlocking the door! When I got in he brought me a new purple ball that I haven't seen yet. I took him outside to go potty. Then we tried playing fetch with a couple of his toys out there, since I made him leave his ball inside. He just wanted to get his ball! He found some pretty thick mud in the backyard. I couldn't get it off with the towel, so I dunked his toes in a bowl of water and got him all cleaned up! After that we played fetch with his ball inside for awhile. It was more like keep away at first, but once in awhile he would roll the ball to me with his nose.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Mattie, Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
Everyone is doing fine tonight. I let them all outside and then got their meds ready when they came back in. I had a lot of little eyes staring at me while I was getting out the food container! Jimmy started jumping up and down almost as high as the counter! After they all got finished eating, Sugar was ready for her treat. Charlie was content cruzing around on his cage. I left him out since you will be home tomorrow. Buddy was munching on his food for a bit yet and then he and Jimmy were getting a little sassy at each other from across the kitchen. I made Jimmy come sit with me in the living room lol! I put everyone in for the night and gave them all another treat.
Dakota & Benny
Dakota was so excited to go for her walk today that she kept knocking me over and licking my face while I tried to put her harness on! It was a really nice day out for us. Benny chased after a couple cars, but we didn't see the mail truck today. We were going past some people working outside, so I put Benny on the opposite side of me, and he didn't bark at all! He was calm and acted like he never even saw them. Kota went both on our walk and it looked normal this time. On our way back we saw a little chocolate lab puppy outside that wanted to come play. After that we saw a St. Bernard, who also wanted to come play, and was giving his owner a hard time to try and keep him walking! There were lots of dogs outside in their yards, so Benny got himself pretty hoarse towards the end of our walk. When we got back, Kota was so thirsty she didn't give me a chance to get her harness off before she was in her cage. And Benny was so pooped that he just crashed on the kitchen floor!
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