Sierra & Koko were ready to go this morning! Sierra ate all her food from the night before. I got their food ready and said hi to them for a bit. Sierra didn't even pick out her chicken pieces today, so I put her dishes in the bedroom again. They both were dancing around and waiting for me to finish cleaning up their potty pads so that we could play! Sierra started rolling around all over the floor while Koko went up on the bed. After I was finished we played with their lighty until it was time to go.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Sierra & Koko
The girls were jumping up and down when I came in. Koko even started to make cute little crying sounds until I let them out. I said hi to them both, then got their food ready. Sierra still just picks out the little chicken pieces, then all she wants to do is play with her lighty! Their potty pads were mostly clean, so that gave me more time to play with the girls! Koko got pretty crazy running in circles everywhere the light went. Then she went and grabbed one of her little stuffed animals out to play with. Sierra is such a good girl and would let Koko get the lighty if she was close by.
"We know what's in your hand..."
Dakota & Benny
I went in to go pick Kota & Benny up from the kennel. As soon as she let them loose into the room Kota just went crazy with her "woo woo" howl and kept jumping up on the gate I was standing next to. The lady hooked up Kota and helped me to the car with everything. When we got home they both got excited. I picked up Benny and let Kota out of the car. All of a sudden Kota's collar came flying off and she ran over by the garbage can. I knew right away she must have forgotten to hook both loops! I called for Kota and she followed me and ran ahead of me into the front yard. I was trying to hurry to the door... then whoops! Fell flat on my back! lol Be very careful when you guys get home!! There is a patch of ice at the corner of the garage and it didn't even look that slippery. Kota waited for me at the door so I quick got them both inside. Phew! Kota seemed like she had to go potty so I let them out back quick and I went out to make sure they both came right back in. I filled up their food bowls and got Kota's collar back on. Neither really seemed interested in their food. They didn't have much left in the containers, so I guess they probably weren't too hungry.
Duffy & Dory
Duffy and Dory were happy to see me again today! Someone had an accident before I got there... uh oh! I got it all cleaned up though. Duffy didn't even go hide at all this time. They both said hi to me for a long time and Duffy kept rolling over in my lap to get her tummy rubs. Dory was loving it up when I started scratching her back. All of a sudden Duffy got down on her front legs and was starting to get very playful with me! I cleaned out their box and filled their food and water bowls. They both sat there and watched me today, patiently waiting for their treats! The first day Dory threw up her treat almost whole, so I had been breaking off little tiny pieces and giving it to them one at a time. Today she threw up some of the pieces again, so I wonder if it's just not sitting well with her? I got that cleaned up and then Dory and I played fetch with her ball.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Duffy & Dory
Everything has about a 1/2 inch coating of ice on it today! I went to see the girls and they are cozy in their house and their little sweaters. They both were excited when I came in and got lots of attention! After I said hi Duffy took off into the bedroom. Dory decided to help me and watch while I cleaned out their litter box. She brought her ball and just sat there, patiently waiting to play! I got out some treats and Duffy emerged from under the bed. I had to feed Dory little pieces of it because she ate hers too fast yesterday. Duffy hung around for a little bit then went back to her room. Dory and I spent the rest of the time snuggling and playing fetch with her little squeaky ball.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Duffy & Dory

There was a note on the door from security when I came, that the patio door was open last night. I checked it right away as soon as I got inside. It was shut and locked up, so they must have taken care of it! The girls were fine and nothing looked out of place. Thank goodness!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Mattie, Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
Everyone but Mattie went outside this afternoon. She was sleeping in the bedroom today. Usually I find her snoozin' just outside the bedroom door. It was really nice out when I came so we stayed outside for awhile. Sugar and Buddy wanted to go right back in. After a little bit, Buddy started searching and digging around the yard like usual. There was a note that he was a little wheezy this morning, but he didn't do anything while I was there. So that's good! Sugar didn't leave her spot by the door until I let them back in. Jimmy was out having a blast and didn't want to come back in with the other two. Buddy and Jimmy both munched on some food before they went back to bed. I gave them all a little treat before I left.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Mattie, Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
Everyone got to play outside this morning! It was pretty nice out when I came to see them, so we stayed outside while I was there for a little bit. Mattie looks so pretty with her cute purple bandana! I saw Mattie has another med, poor girlie! Sugar and Mattie wanted to go inside right away. Jimmy was happy to see me and was bouncing up and down. When we went in they nibbled on their food a little before I put them to bed. I found part of a phone cord inside Jimmy and Sugar's cage, so I put that on the counter. They are all doing fine this afternoon. :)
Friday, January 22, 2010
Dakota & Benny
The sun came out just in time for our walk today! There was a package on the porch that I brought inside. Kota didn't want me to put anyone's collars on today. She kept jumping up and pawing at my hands! We had a nice walk with the warm sun out. Kota didn't go both for me today or yesterday. But I've been keeping an eye on it, and when she does go it's been normal now since she's been on the new food. We passed a newspaper that was floating around in the street. Kota and Benny both perked their ears up and were very intrigued! Things were a lot more dried out today so I didn't have to wipe them off quite as much. When we got back, Benny started carrying his ball around. Then he decided he was hungry and grabbed a few kibbles from Kota's bowl. After I put her away I put his food bowl back down for him.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Dakota & Benny
Kota was all wet when I let her out of her cage today. She must have spilled her water! I got her harness and both their collars put on and off we went! Rollerblading sounds like fun! Kota must really enjoy that. Everything was pretty wet out today, so they both got dirty bellies. A beagle came up behind us and surprised Kota and Benny. Benny sure wasn't a happy camper! Kota was just curious and excited at the same time. The beagle didn't follow us for very long, so that was good. When we got back and got everyone all dried off, Benny started chasing Kota around. They ran circles around the living room. Kota ate a little bit when we got back. I grabbed the treat bag and they both got very excited, so I made them sit for me and gave them both one! I took both their collars off before I left, since I saw Benny didn't have his on today either.
Sierra & Koko
Koko & Sierra were happy to see me! They said hi to me for awhile before they ran into the kitchen. I got their food ready and Sierra just ate the chicken pieces off her food while I cleaned up their potty pads. While I was doing that, Sierra came and said hi. She wagged her tail and was ready to play. Koko came in when she was finished eating and stood up on my leg while I pet her. They both darted into the kitchen when I was finished cleaning up and stared at the cupboards! We played with their lighty for a bit before I had to go.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Dakota & Benny

Dusty was sitting in his window as I walked up this morning. We took our walk and he went both for me. People were out and getting back to their daily routines. Dusty would just stop and watch them walking by. After our walk we went back inside for Dusty's breakfast. I gave him his treat and he tried going through all his tricks! I rubbed his ears again for a little bit before I left, since he was itching them on the floor. Dusty did great! I know he will be happy to see you home today!
Monday, January 18, 2010
This morning I came in and found Dusty's bed in the middle of the living room! He must have been having fun again while I was gone. He got all excited when I got there and tried to bring his doggie outside with us again. We went for a nice walk this morning in the courtyard by the pool. Then we went in and Dusty had his breakfast. It warmed up and was just a beautiful day out this afternoon! Dusty and I walked all over and enjoyed the nice summer-like weather. We passed a few kitties sitting in their windows. We even walked by one that was sitting outside on a ledge, just watching Dusty's every move! He didn't even notice... Between my afternoon and evening visits I had to take my pup out for a walk. We went over and saw Dusty sitting in his window like usual. Tonight was still very nice out. We walked around both the courtyards for quite awhile. We came back inside for his bedtime treats. I sat down and pet him for a little bit, and he jumped in my lap and started rubbing his face all over my legs! I started rubbing his ears for him and he just loved that!
Ahhhhhhhhhh!!! The sun feels nice!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
This morning was very foggy out. Dusty was barking at the door, ready to go. We walked around the courtyard by the pool a few times, then headed in for his breakfast and morning treat. After he ate he put his head on the ground again and ran, or I should say slid, around. It's just the funniest thing! The fog cleared out by this afternoon and it was just beautiful outside! He was sitting in his window again today, watching intently. He picked up his little dog toy when I came in and was prancing around with it. He wanted to bring it outside with us today! Dusty and I walked all over the two courtyards and just soaked up the sun. Dusty really seemed to enjoy the nice weather. I noticed he had knocked some pillows off a chair when we went back inside for his treats, so I put them back. I guess someone was having fun today! Tonight he was eager to get outside again. It got chilly again this evening so we went back in a few minutes earlier to play a bit. He was so excited for his treat tonight that he started running through all his tricks without me even saying anything!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
This morning it was raining when I came to see Dusty. I took him out and we ended up walking for a little bit, since I was waiting for him to finish going potty. It was raining light enough that he didn't seem to mind at all. After he finished we headed back inside to play for awhile. I gave him his treat and fed him breakfast. Then we played with his little stuffed doggie. This afternoon it had stopped raining when I came to let him out. As I walked up I saw him just sitting on his little perch in the window. He didn't jump down until I opened the garage. We walked around the courtyards for the majority of my visit since we didn't get to much this morning. He did his business and sniffed around, checking things out. When we got back inside, I let him off leash and he just started tearing around the living room! I guess he still had a little energy left! Tonight was very foggy, but no rain. We walked around for the whole visit. Dusty met a new little friend named Willie. I know Willie and he is a friend of my puppy too! They were very cute dancing around and smelling each other. After that we went back inside and Dusty got his last treats for the night.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Dusty was really ready to go out early this morning! I quick grabbed his leash and then we went for a walk. It was very foggy out this morning, but comfortable out. So we strolled around both courtyards for most of the visit. When we got back I gave him his half of pupperoni treat after he showed me a few tricks. I got his food ready for him before I left. This afternoon it was a bit drizzly outside, so we didn't walk quite as long as usual. So, we went back inside to play a little bit instead. We tried the pigs-in-a-blanket treat. I split it in half so he still got 2 treats. I asked Dusty where his toys were and he ran and pulled them out and tossed them around! Tonight, as I walked up I saw Dusty sitting in the window. As soon as he saw me, he jumped down and headed for the door before I ever opened the garage! When I opened the door he was jumping up and down excitedly. I went up and grabbed his leash, and he followed me down carrying his little dog toy! We walked a lot longer tonight since it stopped drizzling out. We mostly stayed over by the pool tonight since the other courtyard was busy with all kinds of dogs. After he did his business and was finished checking things out, we headed back inside for a bit. He got his treats and we played a little too. After he got his treats he started rubbing his head on the floor and running around in circles! The hair on his ears stood straight up, so funny! Before I left tonight he crawled into my lap and gave me a couple kisses! He seems to be warming up more and more every time I see him.
Dakota & Benny
Kota and Benny were ready to go when I got there today! I put Benny's food up before I let Kota out, then we went on our way. When I was getting their leashes down, Benny came running up with his little pink ball in his mouth. Shortly after we got going, I looked away for a second at the dogs barking in the backyard we were passing. When I looked back, I saw Kota with a big chunk of feathers in her mouth!! I hurried and got it away from her... there must have been part of a bird lying on the ground that she picked up. Yuck! Kota and Benny went both on our walk today. Kota's stool seemed a lot more solid than the last time I saw. The ground and everything else was all wet today, so the puppies got very dirty! When we got back I rubbed them down good with the towel. I put Benny's food back down before I left today. Neither one munched on their food while I was there, but they sure were thirsty when we got back!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Dusty did great today! I came to take him for his walk this afternoon. He heard the garage door opening and met me at the door. I asked if he was ready to go for a walk and he got excited and started dancing around! We took a nice long walk this afternoon in the courtyard by the pool. He went potty right away for me, then spent the rest of the time exploring. After we made our way around, we headed to the other courtyard to walk some more. We didn't get too far since he was very busy sniffing around. We went back home and I gave him his little treats. I had him do some of his tricks for me and he got them all right the first time, except for play dead. He just didn't want to lay on his side. I gave him one of the dental treats and had him try again and this time he got it! He chewed on that while I left and just watched me from the top of the stairs. Tonight when I came, he didn't meet me at the door. As soon as he saw me he started running down and jumping around excitedly! I took him out to go potty and we decided to take a walk again, since it was still pretty nice out. He got his yummy treats when we got back. I grabbed his toys and tried to get him to play, but he didn't seem to interested. I put them back, then a couple minutes later he grabbed them out! I pet him for a little while before it was time to go.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Dakota & Benny
Dakota & Benny were both very excited today. Benny had an accident before I got there, so I cleaned that up before I left. Kota was sure ready to get walking! She pulled so hard when we started that she was making herself have raspy breathing. She calmed down a little after we were gone for awhile. We had a very nice walk today, since it's finally starting to warm up! Kota got a little dirty from the yards that were muddy from the snow melting. When we got back I wiped them both down. Kota ate a bit of food while I filled the water bowls. After I put her in her cage, I put Benny's food down so he could eat a little too.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Dakota & Benny
Dakota & Benny were very very excited to go for a walk today! They barely sat still long enough for me to put their leashes on. Then when I opened the door they were both pulling me to go while I locked up! It was a gorgeous day out today for a nice walk. It's been awhile since I didn't have to wear a jacket! We walked pretty far today and they both did well. I'm sure Benny is happy that most of the houses took down their Christmas lawn decorations! There was one house that we passed that still had some up, but he only let out a small growl. Dakota usually doesn't go #2 on our walks, so I can't report on that today. She seems to be doing fine though! She ate a little bit when we got back. They both drank a bunch too, so I refreshed their bowls. Forgot the camera today, so no picture... sorry!
This morning I noticed a couple of the cars were switched. I went to feed and water Taz and then we went on our way. Today was just a beautiful day to go on our walk! We took the longest route. It was the warmest day by far, too bad it was my last visit with Tazzy boy! I spent extra time with him today to make up for the day I cut his visit shorter. I think he appreciated the warmer weather too. He played and sniffed around a lot more, and just seemed to have more energy. We passed a couple houses today that had barking dogs in the backyard and Taz whined a little. I don't know why, but today he finally noticed the frozen mole laying on the sidewalk that we passed everyday. I had to tell him no and pull him away from it before he got it! When we got back, we played fetch for quite awhile. One time I threw it for him and it bounced outside both fences! I walked out of his pen and tried to reach through, but my arm just wasn't long enough. Oh how he cried! I went and grabbed my ice scraper from my car to try and push it into my reach. That worked! So then we threw the ball some more, until I ran out of treats. I said goodbye and gave him his chewie. Taz is so awesome! He was great for me, and despite the cold, I had a great time with him. I just love him and would be happy to walk him again anytime!
Taz reaching up on the gate, waiting for his collar and then ready to go!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
I fed and watered Taz, then we got on our way. It was still pretty chilly this morning, but should warm up later today. Everything was all frosted over and glistening in the sunlight. We took the medium route again today, then played fetch for a little bit afterwards. The last time I threw the ball, Taz must not have seen where it went. He searched and searched for it, but no luck. So I started walking over towards where it was, thinking he would run and get it. Suddenly, he must have seen something on the other side of the fence! I tried to see what it was but couldn't see anything. He started crying and sticking his nose through. He was no longer interested in playing fetch with me! Eventually he came back over by me, and I gave him his chewie before I left.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Sophie & Roxy
I could hear Sophie and Roxy in the backyard when I walked up to the house today. I let them in one at a time to wipe their paws and they were wiggling around like normal. Sophie was licking my face while I was cleaning up Roxy. Then they went and sat in their spots, waiting for their treats while I took care of the fish. They both came to investigate what I was doing while I set up the stepstool. After I was done we sat on the floor and said hi. Sophie was rolling all around, falling into my lap. Roxie sat on her couch then kept darting her head around and looking at the ceiling. I figured she was searching for the laser, so I went and got that out. They chased and chased it all over the place! I stopped for a minute and they both just stared at me. They didn't want to go back outside again! I had to trick Sophie out with the light. Then I went for Roxy and had to carry her out, because she just didn't want to!
Staring at me, waiting for the laser light to come back on.
"Hey let us in! We weren't done playing yet!"
We're moving in the right direction with the temperatures today. It was 12 degrees with a windchill of 2, and it was snowing. Tomorrow we're supposed to get up to 36! The spigot outside was unfrozen again today, turned right on for me. I got Taz his food and water, then we were on our way! He was sure ready to go today and was crying till I got his collar on. We took the medium route today. The light fluffy snow that was falling made the icy spots very slippery and hard to see. We both slipped a few times, but neither of us fell! On the way back we passed a christmas tree laying by the fence. Looks like someone just tossed it over! Taz was pretty excited and had to check that out. The next two days should be really nice out and we can get back to his longer route.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Mattie, Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
I let everyone out again this afternoon, except Mattie. She didn't feel like it. I was surprised at how long they stayed out this time! Sugar was the first one back in as usual. After they were all in they started munching on their food a little and getting a drink. Sugar was sitting on the bed so I went in by her. She started sliding and rolling around! Jimmy hopped up by her and joined in the fun. When it was time to go I had to try and get them to go in their beds. Poor Buddy got shocked by the cage when he touched it! He didn't want to go in after that so I had to bribe him with a treat. Then everyone else was excited so I gave them all one too!
Dakota & Benny
I let Dakota and Benny out back for awhile today. I went outside with them to make sure Dakota didn't escape. I noticed she stood on her hind legs a couple times, peeking over the fence. So my guess is that she probably hopped over. Benny was busy running back and forth along the fenceline with the little neighbor dog. Dakota sure liked my scarf! She kept jumping up and trying to play with it. I noticed Dakota has some very loose stool today, just thought I'd let you know. After I knew they both had gone potty, we went back inside for a bit. They both enjoyed me petting them and giving them back scratches! Kota would get jealous if I was petting Benny and not her.
I went inside again today to check the water and it's running fine. Today it is very windy and very cold! It was -11 with the windchill when I came. We're even quite a bit colder than Wisconsin today! I went to get water for Taz and the spigot outside was frozen solid. I turned it on all the way and nothing came out, so I had to get water from the house today. I fed him and put down some more hay so he stays nice and warm. We played fetch for a little while before I left. I cut his visit a little bit shorter today since it is just so cold and windy. I will stay longer one of the next few days, since it should be starting to warm up starting tomorrow and we'll be seeing the 40's again!
Taz waiting patiently for the "ok" to get his chewie!
Sierra & Koko
The girls were very excited to see me this morning! They were busy saying hi and sniffing at me while I got their breakfast ready. Sierra like usual, didn't want to eat hers while I was there. I put her dish in the bedroom to finish after I left. She was staring at me, waiting for me to get out the lighty! I started cleaning up their potty pads before we played. It took me a little while longer because they each kept taking turns going potty after I would clean some up! When I was done we played with the lighty for awhile before I left.
Mattie, Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
Everyone went out quickly and came running back inside today! It's -11 with the windchill... brrr! I started getting their meds ready while they munched on their breakfast. I was using the cheese again and saved Buddy for last this time. Again, he took it no problem! I gave Mattie all her Glyco Flex chews today, so you won't have to worry about those. Buddy was running around the house like crazy today. He was up on the fireplace, trying to look for something. Then he found a rawhide, so he was trying to hide it in the couch. After that he was looking out the window for awhile. Sugar and Jimmy were all snuggled in my lap, with Mattie leaning up against my legs and head in my lap. They were keeping me nice and warm! I looked around to see what Buddy was up to and saw him under Charlie's cage. I said "Buddy, what are you doing?" and he whipped around with seeds all stuck to his nose and a feather sticking out of his mouth! lol
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Mattie, Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
I went to let everyone outside this afternoon. Mattie didn't even want to go out. The rest came right back in as soon as they could and snuggled up around the house to get warm again. Tonight Mattie was ready to go out as soon as I got there! Mattie took her time outside while the little ones shivered at the door to come inside. I started with Jimmy for the meds, then moved to Buddy. I used the cheese again and he took it fine... just depends on what he feels like eating at the moment I guess! After everyone got their meds and treats I gave them another one of the soft food containers. I was spooning it into the different bowls and they were eating it before I moved to the next! Mattie tried to eat the spoon while I was scooping some out into her bowl. lol Sugar and Jimmy snuggled up with me after they were done eating and Buddy sat on his perch on the couch, savoring his treat that he had hidden. Sugar kept rubbing her head in my hand, so cute! Charlie said "hi" again while I was there tonight.
Sophie & Roxy
The girls weren't waiting at the fence for me today. I figured they were probably all snuggled in their little house in the cold weather. I opened the door and called for them, and they came running from the other side of the house. I brought them in one at a time to wipe their paws today. They are so wiggly! I finally got them cleaned up so I gave them a treat while I attended to the fish. When I was finished I said hi to them for a few minutes, then decided we would play with the laser light today. After I brought the laser out, that's all they wanted to do was chase it! Roxy went crazy chasing it all over the place. After awhile Sophie started whining while she searched for it. They had so much fun that they didn't want to go back outside!
It sure is chilly today! I went in the house to check the water again, since the wind chill today puts us at -3 degrees. The water is running fine. I grabbed Taz's jacket while I was inside since there are wind gusts every now and again. Taz was running around and crying to get going. I put the mail away, fed and watered him before we got going. His water still isn't freezing completely solid, since his house is so nice and cozy inside. I noticed he drank a lot of it this time before it froze up. We went on the medium route today. At one point I stopped and made sure he was doing ok and not shivering or anything before we decided to continue longer. He didn't seem to mind the cold at all, and was excited to go! This is the first day the sun has been out for our walk in a few days, so other than the wind and cold it was pretty nice out. I'm glad we didn't go for the long route though, since on the way back the wind gusts turned to full on constant wind. I gave him several treats along the way for being such a trooper! I hurried him home and gave him his chewie before I left.
Mattie, Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
I don't think we got much snow last night. There was a tiny bit on my windshield this morning, but other than that it's just very windy and very cold! I let everyone outside and all but Mattie did their business and came running right back inside! Sugar and Jimmy snuggled up in the bedroom on the bed and blanket on the floor. I got out the meds to give to them and I guess yesterday was just a fluke thing. Buddy wouldn't take the cheese, so I unwrapped the pills and tried turkey. Still no go... so I unwrapped that and tried the roast. He reluctantly ate that. He sniffed at it, licked it once then finally took it. One of the little meat balls he chewed and spit back out, pill and all. We'll see how it goes tonight!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Mattie, Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
The kiddos are all doing well tonight. They all started barking as soon as I walked in and said hello. Jimmy was bouncing around like his usual self when I'm there. After they all went potty I started giving their meds. I used the cheese just to see what happens, because other than the one time I usually don't have problems. I started with Mr. Buddy first... he took them no problem! I guess maybe he just holds out cause mom gives him the good stuff! I got out the soft food from the cupboard and split it into their bowls. They sure liked that! They kind of played musical bowls and moved from one to the next. Sugar, Jimmy, Mattie and I all snuggled in the living room for a bit after that. I haven't noticed anything with Jimmy so far. He was plastered in my lap as much as possible and giving me kisses like he usually is. I haven't seen them in awhile and I noticed Mattie sure seems to be getting up and around a lot better. I don't know how long she's been on it, but seems like her new medicine is helping! :)
Taz was sitting outside his house watching me come down the driveway this morning. I went in the house today to check the water, and it is running just fine. It's the next couple days that are supposed to be really cold, so I may check it again. I fed and watered Taz right away this morning. Then I checked to make sure the hay was packed in all the corners, since tonight is when that big cold front is supposed to come through. I found a couple spots that I stuffed more hay into. He ate a little and drank some water while I did that. We went for a short walk today. It started to get really windy as we got to the point of choosing which way, so we headed back. We played fetch the rest of the time!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Sophie & Roxy
The girls saw me pull in the driveway today. They started barking and wagging their tails frantically while I was getting the mail! I got the fish food thawing and then let them inside. Usually I like to let one dog in at a time so I can get their paws wiped off. They both pushed the door open and ran inside. I was trying to wipe paws while feet were flying and they were jumping, tumbling, and licking like crazy! I got them as best as I could catch them! I kept them occupied with treats while I filled the tank up. The flashlight burned out on me. Not sure what happened, I know it clicked when I turned it off last time! But maybe I didn't click it hard enough. The girls were jumping from chair to chair and wagging. Sophie started rolling on her back and hanging off the arm of the chair! I tried to get a picture. She's so funny! Then she slumped off the arm of the chair to the floor, walked over to me and melted into my lap. She rolled around in my lap while Roxie was licking and licking at my face!
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