The snow is finally starting to melt in the driveway! Fudge and Fluffy were both perched up on top of the couch today. Fluffy didn't move the whole time and was still sleeping there when I left. Boo came for his treats and I called for Quartz, then he came running down the hallway. I let the girls in right away. Heiny and Boo were following me around today as I was cleaning litter boxes and sweeping. Suzzie doesn't like when I sweep the floor and always goes to the other side of the room. Boo hopped up on the dryer by me so I brushed him for a little bit before I filled up the cat food container. Quartz was all curled up on the bed again when I went to give Boo his food and Fudge came walking out of the bathroom.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Toby, Tyson & Morgan
Toby heard me coming to the door and started barking. Tyson was sitting in the entryway behind the couch and Toby kept running back and forth between the two of us. I grabbed his leash and jacket and we went for a little walk right away. We didn't go for too long, because the wind was bitterly cold. Toby walks really well! As we got closer to the house again I think he was ready to go in too, and started pulling. Both the kitties tried to come by me for some attention, but Toby wanted it all! We played tug of war with his rope for a little while, but we mostly played with his little orange kitty ball. I had him running all over the place getting it! He would bring the ball back and climb in my lap. One time I started scratching his back, and he didn't want me to stop the whole rest of the time I was there! I had his leg going like crazy and he was squirming around and had funny looks on his face. Before I left I had him go potty outside and he did both and came running back inside.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Suzzie, Heiny, Boo, Quartz, Fudge & Fluffy
I saw there were deer tracks all down your driveway and in the yard today! Boo was very talkative the whole time I was there this afternoon! Fluffy was snuggled up on her blankie on the couch. Boo and Quartz both got their treats, then I went to go turn the faucet on and saw Chocolate sitting on the bed. I walked slowly up next to the bed, and she didn't leave. I took your advice about petting/massaging her a little rough and... she loved it! I pet her for such a long time and she kept coming back for more! She was rubbing up against me and purring the whole time. I eventually had to stop since the boys were patiently waiting at the sink and I had to let the girls in! Boo was making himself comfortable on my lap. I was petting Heiny and Suzzie at one point and knew he wasn't sitting on my lap anymore. I sat up and felt a little paw touch my cheek! He was sitting on the table... naughty. I put him back down on my lap. He was so talkative and craving the attention today.
She kept sticking her rear in the air and rubbing her head on the pillows while I pet her! So funny!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Suzzie, Heiny, Boo, Quartz, Fudge & Fluffy
The girls were running and jumping around when I came walking down the driveway. I'm still not braving driving down the driveway yet, still quite a bit of snow! Boo was the only one who came for his treats today. I think Quartz was coming, but Fluffy was headed down the hallway and they both ran into the bedroom. The little black mouse toy was laying in the middle of the kitchen. Quartz and Boo both jumped up on the washing machine today and got a brushing before I did the litter boxes. The girls were waiting at the door to come inside. Boo, Suzzie and Heiny all got some attention in the kitchen. I filled up Suzzie's food today, did you want me to fill the food container in the bathroom? It will be gone in a day or two. Fudge and Fluffy are hanging out a lot more in the open than the last time I watched them. The only time I would see them then, is if I searched under the beds! They really don't run off too much either unless I'm headed straight for them. Fudge was sitting by the bed and just watched me walk by. Then later, she was sitting on the bed so I walked over to try and pet her. She jumped down, but didn't go far. I let her smell my hand and she did for a second, then put her head in my hand and walked through with her back arched. Making progress! I think Quartzie does miss momma! He sure does snuggle up on the bed a lot!
Boo sitting on my lap...
Oh these cute little faces!!!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Suzzie, Heiny, Boo, Quartz, Fudge & Fluffy
The snow is finally starting to melt away today! The roads are getting a lot better. Boo and Quartz both came for their treats this afternoon. I went to go grab Boo's bowl from the bathroom and it was laying on the floor! Somebody must have been hungry! One of the kitties keeps opening the door on the computer desk. Not sure what they're looking for... The girls were both patiently waiting at the door for me to let them in. I'm going to have to fill Suzzie's bowl tomorrow, or switch them! lol Boo sat on my lap most of the time, while Suzzie and Heiny kept nudging and pawing at me for their attention. Boxer dog was at the end of the driveway again today. I think he must be hanging around after I get there too, since I saw there were fresh paw prints on top of my footprints in the snow.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Suzzie, Heiny, Boo, Quartz, Fudge & Fluffy
Fluffy was sleeping on the blanket on the back of the couch when I walked in. I walked over to her to see if she would let me pet her again, but she jumped down. Boo was the only one who came for his treats today. I let the girls in right away, then got busy changing out the litter pans. Boo decided to help me and started rubbing up against the box. Fudge was sitting on her perch when I walked by. I looked at her and she contemplated jumping down, but decided not to since I kept going. I came by again later and she jumped down and hid under the desk. When I got a chance to spend some time with the girls, they got all excited and goofed around with each other. I forgot to mention yesterday that the Boxer came to visit when I was leaving.
Jazzper heard me coming! She started barking before I even got to the gate today. The snow hasn't melted much, so you should still have some when you get home! I'm ready for it to be warm again... Jazzper ate most of her food from yesterday. The sun was out again and felt nice and warm today. Her black coat was nice and warm! Jazzper and I stood in the sunlight while I gave her some attention. She kept sticking her head inside my jacket and leaning up against me while I pet her. She would put one paw up on my knee and reach to lick my chin. She's such a sweetie and I'll miss her!
Jazzper looking up at me while I'm scratching her heiny!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Duffy & Dory
Duffy and Dory were barking when I got to the door today. They both were pretty excited and craving attention! They were rolling around and jumping all around me! I noticed someone had an accident, so I cleaned that up. Their litter pan was pretty full so that's all clean now too. They have eaten more food than they did last time I watched them, so that's good! Duffy was watching me cleaning their box, waiting for her treat. I think I figured out that she's afraid of my camera and that's why she hides. I forgot to bring it with me today, and she stayed out the whole time! I used the camera in my phone and that didn't bother her at all!
Suzzie, Heiny, Boo, Quartz, Fudge & Fluffy
Well I made it out there! The roads are pretty messy still, but the snow is starting to melt away. I think tomorrow they should be a lot better. I didn't see Boo right away when I came in, but he appeared shortly after. He must have been snoozing! He got his treats and I let the girls in right away. Someone got sick in the bedroom, so I got that all cleaned up. I cleaned out the litter boxes too, since they were pretty full! Someone also missed the litter pan and went on the little blue mat in the bathroom, so I rinsed that off. I think the girls might not have had any water yesterday. I had to dig the bowl out of a snow drift! I found Fluffy sleeping in the computer chair, but didn't see Fudge today. I took a couple pics of your yard for you before the snow all melted!
Morgan & Tyson
Be careful when you get home, the whole driveway is all ice! Maybe it will melt away tomorrow. I didn't see Tyson at all on my visit. I tried calling for him, but no such luck. Morgan was quite the snuggly kitty today! I pet him for a bit, then cleaned out his litter pan. He was rubbing up against my back and legs the whole time I was doing that. After I filled his water bowls, I pet him some more. He was pretty sneaky and tried real hard to get out of the bedroom! I had to squeeze out.
He wouldn't sit still long enough for a good picture, and blinked for this one!
I wasn't sure if you would be delayed because of the weather, so I ran out quick this morning to see Cali. Since I missed her yesterday, I didn't want to have her sitting another day, just in case. I just came in to give her some soft food and clean her litter. I made sure she had enough food, said hi for a few minutes then left.
Jazzper is doing well today. She ate all of her food and even all of the snowy food I dumped out! Her patio is starting to clear up now that the snow is melting. Jazzper came inside with me to put the mail away and get some water for her bowl. She came out right away with me like a good girl. She's such a sweetheart! She put her head in my arms and she snuggled with me awhile and I got all her itchy spots!
Friday, December 25, 2009
I went to let Jazzper out this morning. Good thing you guys live so close, otherwise I don't think I would have made it! We had 50mph winds last night and at least 8 inches of snow! We ended up pushing my car most of the time, and I didn't even make it to your house! I had to walk the rest of the way from where my car got stuck in a big snow drift. On the side of the house the drifts were above my knees! I had a hard time getting the gate open, but was able to work it far enough for me to squeeze through. Jazzper came out ok today, since it was nice and sunny and not blowing like crazy. She snuggled with me for a little bit. I shook the snow off her blankets and dumped out her food bowl since it was all full of snow.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Jazzper didn't come out of her house till I was in front of it today, since it was so yucky out! One of the patio chairs had blown in front of her doorway. A few other things had blown over and the pool cover was billowing up with the wind! Her food and blankets were covered in the icy sleet that was getting blown around. It stung when it hit any part of me as I walked to and from the house! Jazzper ran inside when I put the mail away. She came over to me so I knelt down and she put her head in my arms and snuggled. She stayed by me and warmed up while I pet her. When I got up to leave, she ran into the living room and hid from my view! I kept calling her to get her to go out, but she would only come so close if I had the door open. If I closed it, then she would come up to me. I left her in for the night and will stop by quick later to let her go potty. It should be done by tomorrow so she can go back out in the morning.
Duffy & Dory
The girls started barking at the door before I got inside today! Duffy wasn't quite as social today. She stayed out for awhile when I got there. I pet her for a bit, then she went behind the couch. I went into the bathroom and cleaned their box, and Duffy poked her head inside. I guess she knew what was coming next! They both got their treats. When Duffy was finished she walked off into the bedroom. Dory and I played fetch and snuggled!
Suzzie, Heiny, Boo, Quartz, Fudge & Fluffy
Boo met me at the door as usual. Fudge was all snuggled up on the blanket covering the back of the couch. I quick let the girls in so they could warm up. They didn't even want to come in because they were all cozy and snuggled in their little house! Heiny stuck her head out and looked at me for a minute. Then she finally decided to come in! They both got all icy just from walking to the house. I got Boo's food ready and saw Fluffy all curled up in and under the pillows on your bed! All I could see was her head. I went over to her and she let me pet her! She must have been too cozy to run off. I opened the cabinet under the sink before I left and let the girls go back outside.
I cut Cali's visit short today so that I could make it safely to all my scheduled sits before the roads got too slick. There was already a layer of ice on everything when I left my house! She got a new flavor of soft food today, so she didn't have to wait for it to warm up. I cleaned out her litter and made sure she was all set for the night.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Duffy & Dory
The girls both were at the door when I came in. They started running around and rolling all over the floor! Duffy wasn't quite as shy this time. She stayed out most of the time I was there today. I gave them both their treats. Dory brought me her ball and we played fetch for awhile. Then one time she didn't bring it back to me. She decided she was ready to snuggle! She climbed up into my lap while I pet her. She gave me lots and lots of kisses!
Suzzie, Heiny, Boo, Quartz, Fudge & Fluffy
Boo and Quartz both came running for their daily treats! Boo kept trying to get at the ones I gave to Quartz, even though he still had some of his own to eat yet. They started snuggling with each other on the bathroom counter, so cute! I let the girls in, and they were both a little wet from all the rain and storms we had today. I had to wipe up the floor from all the dirty foot prints! I cleaned out the litter pans today and Boo was following me around helping out. He jumped up on the bathroom counter when I was cleaning that one. He started pawing at me and petting my head! lol I sat up a little bit then he pawed at my shoulder and rubbed his face on my forehead. I tried looking for the other two today and only found Fudge. Fluffy must have a good hiding spot! Fudge was sleeping in the computer chair. Right now they're saying we might get up to 6 to 8 inches of snow tomorrow!
Cali was waiting for me at the door as usual. I had to fill up her food container finally today. She sat and stared at me, waiting for her soft food while it was warming up. Since the shoe string was such a big hit yesterday, we played with that for a long time again today! She rolled around and chased after it for awhile, but then I think she got tired. She decided she was hungry and ate some of both kinds of food. She came back to play for a little while, then Cali went and sat in her window to watch the rain. Before I left the thunder started up again. She sort of froze and listened for it. I called her and she sat in my lap for a few minutes, then sat in her chair.
Jazzper barked at me a little when I first came into the backyard. After I went over to her, she stopped and smelled me for a minute. I pet her and then I think she felt better and maybe remembered me. I went inside to put the mail away and she came in with me, then went out right away when I called her. A couple times I heard cars go by and she would run over to the fence and put her ears up. I sat in a patio chair and pet her for awhile. She laid her head in my arm and just loved it up! I got some of her itchies and found a spot where she started leaning into me. She didn't eat much of her food from yesterday, but I gave her a little more just in case. It's supposed to snow and get cold tomorrow, so I think I will put her inside tomorrow afternoon for overnight.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Suzzie, Heiny, Boo, Quartz, Fudge & Fluffy
The girls came running up to the fence when I pulled in. Boo met me at the door and got his treats right away. I called for Quartz, he didn't come right away, but of course popped up when I had put the treats away and was headed for the hallway! So he followed me back into the kitchen and I got his treats for him and tried to keep Boo away while he ate them. I let the girls in and gave them some attention. After Heiny was done munching on her food, she laid down with Boo's bowl in between her front legs and just licked and licked! Poor Suzzie girl just squirms back and forth between me and her food bowl. I had her pawing at my legs while Boo was jumping up on my lap and Heiny was nudging my elbow! Not enough hands for everyone! lol I didn't see Fudge or Fluffy today, so they must have been under one of the beds. When I headed back to turn off the lights in the bedroom, I found Quartz and snuggled on the bed.
Cali is doing just fine today. She ate some of her food then curled up in my lap for a few minutes. While she ate her soft food I went and cleaned her litter box. After I came back from that I found a shoe string in the living room. So we played with that the whole time! She had a blast! She chased after it and pounced on it. I would toss one end to her and she would jump up in the air and catch it! A few times she would even do this crazy jump in the air with her head turned and paws out, then ran around. It was so hilarious!
"My string!"
Monday, December 21, 2009
Harvi, Porthos & Athos
Porty greeted me at the door again tonight. I called for Atty since I didn't see him right away. He was still sleeping on the bed! He woke up and stretched for awhile, then laid back down. I went out to go fill up their food and get Harvi's food ready. After Harvi was done I went back inside to play with the kitties for a few more minutes before I let them out for the night. Porty was the great fly hunter and was chasing a fly all over the place. He was running around like crazy when I was washing off the spoon I used for Harvi's food! Atty was still sleeping in the bedroom and didn't come out till I opened up the garage. They were both waiting by my car again till I got outside, then they took off running.
Still so sleepy...
Suzzie, Heiny, Boo, Quartz, Fudge & Fluffy
The girls saw me pull in the end of the driveway today and went running to the fence to say hi. Suzzie gave me a bunch of smiles! Boo and Quartz both came in the kitchen for their treats. Quartz wasn't there right away but came running when I shook the bag. Fluffy and Fudge were sleeping together on the bed. I let the girls in and Suzzie was first to go in again. Boo came and sat on my lap a lot today. I don't think he ever did that last time I watched them! I was sitting and leaning over to pet Suzzie, who was at my feet, and Boo was pawing at my leg asking to come up. I walked down the hall to turn the faucet off and saw Quartz had joined Fudge and Fluffy on the bed.
There was a note on the door today from the office. I put it on the dining table for you. Cali was patiently waiting at the door for me. She nibbled on her hard food and ate a little of the soft food while I was there. We did play with her mouse for a little bit. She didn't want me to take it from her, and swatted playfully at my hands. She sat on my lap for a little bit today, but not as much as usual. She was content sitting on her chair instead.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Harvi, Porthos & Athos
Suzzie, Heiny, Boo, Quartz, Fudge & Fluffy
Jungle kitty, laying under the plants in the hallway!
Roxie, Ralphi & Rudy
Roxie, Ralphi and Rudy were happy to go play outside this afternoon! It turned out to be such a gorgeous day! They all played fetch with me a lot. Ralphi or Rudy would bring the log back for me, and all three would run out to chase after it. Some geese flew over and they all tried to chase them. Roxie rolled around in the yard a bit. I got a few surprise big bear hugs from Rudy when I wasn't paying attention to where he was! They ran and played and had a great time in the warm sun. Roxie didn't even want to come inside when it was time to go.
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