It was really cold and frosty out this morning! Molly must have been cold too, she barely went onto the grass to go potty and came back in right away. This morning I was using her massager, then started just using my hands like I do for my puppy. She liked that a lot! I started with her head and neck. Then she would turn her head for me, as if she was telling me where she wanted to be rubbed. I think she was still sleepy this morning, so we didn't really chase around like we normally do. This evening it was a lot nicer out when I came. She had a lot more energy too. She was like a little puppy when I came in! We caught up on our play time after she was done with supper and her brushing. I saw deer running across the highway when I was almost to the turn both visits today. They must be on the move!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sierra & Koko
The girls were excited when I came in today, jumping all over the place! Sierra didn't finish her breakfast, so I tossed it since it was pretty mushy. I pet them for awhile when their food was heating up. Koko really liked that! I went in and cleaned up their pads, then Sierra came in and licked at my hand. She did her usual running back and forth between me and the kitchen. I got their lighty out and we went in the bedroom and I turned the light off so they could see it really good! Koko started carrying around the pink dog toy I brought while she chased after the light, that was cute!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
This morning was another longer visit with Molly. It was still pretty nice out when I got there, so after she ate we sat out on the porch for awhile. She got two of her favorites this morning, a brushing and a long massage! She really enjoyed the massage, rolled over and laid her head in my lap. She's so funny, she has a routine now. As soon as we're done outside and I walk in and shut the door, she crouches down by the bed and barks. Time to play! We chased around quite a bit before she got the massage. We were both pretty pooped out by then. She's getting too quick for me, and blocks my escape routes. This evening it had finally stopped raining when I came to see her. We spent the majority outside, as she was investigating and sniffing around the yard after her supper. Molly finished up her antibiotics tonight and is continuing to do well with that. She gets pretty excited about her little ham treats though, so we might just have to continue that... she is on vacation after all! I keep giving her lots of hugs for you!
Hi mom and dad! Miss you!
Today was my last visit with Capone. He was meowing again before I got inside. His food bowl was nearly in the living room, but he still hasn't gotten it open. Capone was really craving attention and almost seemed as if he were permanently attached to my leg! I tried to pour his food into the bowl and this time he pushed against my hand so hard that half of it ended up outside the dish! I had him chasing treats all over the place. I took some toys out for him but he was more interested in getting pet. He was purring so loud the whole time I was there today! I'm sure he will be very happy to see you!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Zeus, Baxter, Zelda
The boys are doing good again today. It was another very nice day out for them to go spend a little time outside. I noticed that sometimes when I spray Baxter he likes to go roll around and try to rub it off. I opened the garage so Zelda could go back out this morning. I didn't see her this evening though, so just left the door open again. I'm sure everyone will be happy to see you tomorrow!
Capone wasn't meowing when I came to the door today, but he was right there rubbing against my leg as I tried to get in again! He had his dishes in the middle of the floor again, plus a little container... not sure where it came from. I left a couple things on the counter for him yesterday. I guess he likes them, because they were all on the floor when I came in. One was even wrapped up in the rug on the floor! It's hard to put food in his bowl when he's rubbing up against your hand as you're pouring it! I missed and a couple kibbles went on the placemat, but he got them right away. He likes his attention! I had him chasing after a few treats again today too.
Sierra & Koko
The girls are doing great! Koko got a nice belly rub when I came this morning. Sierra started to eat a couple kibbles from her bowl in the bedroom when I was changing the pads tonight. She has resorted to coming up to me when I'm changing the pads and nudging me! She really likes her lighty! Lately Koko has started to grab onto a toy while chasing after the light. It's so cute! She's pretty quick too. She was chasing the light in circles a couple times and kept up with it pretty well.
I saw a couple deer on the road to your house today! They are much smaller than the ones we have in Wisconsin. Molly was super excited when I came in! She knows its play time when I come now. As soon as I come in she crouches down and is ready to go. After I grab her bowl she races to the back door and waits for me. She's so good, she eats her food, goes potty and then is ready to go back in and play. Tonight her stool looked pretty solid, so I didn't give her the Endosorb. We'll see how it is in the morning, but there was only two doses left anyways. Tonight after she ate her supper we sat out on the porch for a little bit. I saw a brush on the table, so I brushed her for a few minutes. When we get inside she does her crouch down pose and barks at me, so we chase around and play fetch with her rag toy.
Oliver & Georgie
I came in to feed Oliver and Georgie this morning. I let them go potty quick before I fed them. Georgie finished her food real quick, but Oliver was way to excited. After awhile he finally finished so I let them go play. They didn't jump up on me too bad today either. This evening I came in and they were jumping up and down outside the back door. I went out and pet them for a little bit. I got Oliver to roll over and pet his belly. After we were done I brought them in to eat their supper and Oliver must have been hungry! He finished his food even before Georgie did this time!
Clovis, Snickers, Sophie, & Patches
Today was my last visit with the kitties. This time Snickers came in the house while I got everyone's food ready. Clovis was waiting outside the window like usual. No one else showed up for awhile. Clovis figured out that if he sticks around longer, he can eat the other's food if they don't show! I tried to keep it away as long as possible. I went and looked out front to see if anyone was out there. After a minute I saw Sophie coming toward me from across the street. I didn't see Patches at all today... :( he was my little snuggle-buddy! I went out front again just to make sure he wasn't out there and found Snickers on the hood of my car again!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Capone is getting more and more snuggly each time I see him. He tries to rub on my leg while I'm trying to get in the door now. He had his bowl off the mat as usual, but this time the bowl from the side that had opened was laying in the middle of the kitchen and the other side looked like he almost got it open! He was so lovey he was rubbing his head on my hand as I was pouring his food in the bowl. Then he followed me again to the litterbox. After he got done eating, I tossed a couple treats for him to chase after.
Boomer, Ladybug, Bella & Bo
It was such a nice day outside for the puppies to play! They played outside the whole time for each visit. Boomer found a bone and was trying to play keep away from everyone else. The puppies spent a lot of time tackling each other. Ladybug kept trying to get the bone away from Boomer when she wasn't patrolling the yard. Ladybug was very jealous over me all day. Anytime I was petting someone, she would come running and jump in my lap. Everyone is very snuggly with me! At the last visit I tucked everyone in for the night.
Molly is warming up to me really quick. This morning I got to spend more time with her. She got the last of the ID on her food. She's been taking her meds for me really good. After she was done eating and doing her business we went inside and sat on her chair. I gave her a rub with her little massager and she loved that! She started rolling onto her side. Then I grabbed her rag toy and she played fetch with me for a little bit. Tonight when I came in the door, she was jumping up and down barking at me. She ran to the back door to eat before I even had her food ready. When we came in, she got all excited. She started running around then crouching down in the play position with her heiny in the air! So we chased each other around the house for awhile and played some more fetch! She's been getting lots of treats! I put them all over for her before I leave. Oh, and I gave her a big hug and kiss for you!!
Zeus, Baxter, Zelda
Zeus and Baxter are doing well. This morning I still hadn't seen Zelda. But tonight, I let the dogs out back, and saw her curled up on a chair. I carried her into the garage and closed the door, so she's in for the night. Before I put her down I had to chase an orange kitty out of the garage that was eating her food! She's a very nice kitty, I was petting her for awhile and she purred the whole time. Tonight Zeus was chasing after something on the other side of the fence. I couldn't see him anymore so I don't know what it was. It was really nice out, so they didn't want to come in right away!
Amor, Shady, Poncho, Libby, + 1 more
Tonight when I came I stepped over the doggie bed that was by the couch. As I was, it moved! Shady was hiding inside it! I got really scared because I couldn't find Amor when I got there! I noticed some things were different than I had left them, and also there was a container of orange juice on the counter. Then I realized your son must have come home in between my visits. I started opening all the doors and calling for Amor. Finally, she came walking out! Phew! The puppies did very well again, only 2 accidents. I let them all out potty and fed them. I brought the puppies in to eat, and they ate the most they ever have for me yet! For me, I think bringing them in is the trick.
Sierra & Koko
Sierra and Koko are doing good today. Sierra still wont eat while I'm there and has to have her bowl in the bedroom. She's too excited for her lighty! She cries and cries for it and tries to look up on the counter for it. Today I was cleaning up their pads and they both came in by me and started staring and barking at me playfully.
Amor, Shady, Poncho, Libby, + 1 more
The puppies didn't do too bad overnight. There were only a few accidents to clean up. It was another nice morning so they all went out for awhile. I brought the puppies back inside to eat and everyone ate pretty well for me this morning. Amor still didn't finish all of the food, but ate more than usual for me. I put them back out again to go potty before I had to leave. I gave everyone treats and said my goodbyes! They are all such cute and sweet puppies!
Lily & Grace
I had my last visit for the girls today. They were both jumping up and down when I got there. They dragged a towel out from somewhere. I put it on top of the washer and dryer, if you're wondering where it came from. I gave them their food and morning treats. Then they got their tummy rubs and back scratches while they were jumping up to try and lick my face! Then I said my goodbyes and told them mom and dad should be home today!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
I could hear Capone meowing before I even put the key in the door! He must know what time it is! His dish was again off of the mat, but he still didn't get it open. He was very snuggly today and really craving attention. I was cleaning his litter pan and he came up and rubbed across my back. haha! Then I was filling his water and he was purring loudly and rubbing his face on the door. I gave him lots of extra attention and even some treats. Capone started rolling over for me so I pet his tummy, and after awhile he began getting quite playful!
Clovis, Snickers, Sophie & Patches
Only Patches and Clovis showed up for their dinner today at first. I had all the plates set out and I looked down... Clovis had finished his plate and was moving on to the next! So I put them up for a little bit and went out front to see if anyone was hanging out there. I found Snickers and brought his food to him. I didn't see little miss Sophie today, but I left her food out for her. It was really nice out, so she must be out exploring. Hopefully she will get to her food before Clovis or Patches do!
Boomer, Ladybug, Bella & Bo
The puppies were full of energy when I came to let them out! Everyone was jumping up and down like crazy! It was very nice out so we spent the afternoon visit outside the whole time. Boomer and Ladybug were busy chasing and barking at people outside and bicyclists. Bella and Bo were keeping me busy! They were all having way too much fun in the corner with the little decorative fencing. Ladybug and Boomer were walking through with ease, but the puppies hadn't quite mastered it yet. This evening it was pretty chilly already so I put all their cute little jackets on. They are so adorable running around together! I let them do their business and brought them back inside to play. Ladybug sure likes my attention. Boomer is such a little snugglebug and kept giving me hugs! I got lots and lots of kisses from everyone. Bella and Ladybug played so hard I think they were ready to go to bed before anyone else. Bella crawled in her cage on her own. I tucked everyone in for the night.
Sierra & Koko
The girls were very excited to see me today! Now they have no problem coming up to me and letting me pet them. Sierra has been eating her dinner in the bedroom. She is too excited and wants me to bring out the Lighty Lighty to worry about food! Now when I am changing the pads, Koko is jumping on the bed excitedly and Sierra is running back and forth between me and the kitchen. This evening when I came she even started crying for it!
Molly is doing well today. She wasn't quite sure of me being there without mom and dad at first. After I started giving her some treats she warmed up a little. Then we sat by her chair in the living room and I pet her for awhile. She got a little bit of a backrub and lots of back scratches since I found her spots. Well, yours is the first alarm I've set off! lol And it was when I was turning it back on, not trying to turn it off. Scared the crap outta me! I haven't experience one where the sound is outside too. I got it all taken care of though and it won't do it again. haha! This evening I came and fed Molly. She was still a little apprehensive at first, but I think she's getting more and more comfortable. I saved a little bit of the ID for her tomorrow as one last treat. I took her outside and fed her, then she did her business. It still looked a little on the soft side, so I will continue with the medication for that. I sat in the chair on the patio while she ate, and when she was done she jumped up on her little bed. So I pet her and we sat outside for a bit. When we came in she got some more treats and we sat by her chair again. This evening the setting of the alarm went without any problems! :)
Zeus, Baxter, Zelda
Amor, Shady, Poncho, Libby, + 1 more
Everyone is getting more and more comfortable with me every visit. (except the shih tzu who still runs away from me) Amor is such a sweetie and follows me around everywhere. This morning there were quite a few accidents when I came in, but I got them all cleaned up. Also, I don't know if they've done this before, but there were little carpet fibers everywhere! I put one of the beds over the spot where they were getting at the carpet to hopefully stop it, and it's worked so far. This afternoon and this evening I am happy to say there were only two accidents each visit. Pretty good! This afternoon was very nice out, so I got everyone out to play the whole time. Everyone except the shih tzu are all very snuggly with me now! I sat outside with them this afternoon and was attacked with kisses! Shady likes to try and hide in my sweatshirt. I was having a hard time getting the puppies to eat anything, because they were too excited to see me to worry about that. But this afternoon and especially this evening they ate well.
Lily & Grace
The girls were both ready for me this morning and this afternoon! Both were staring, wide-eyed and tails wagging as I opened the back door! They both got their treats this morning. Grace was loving up the attention from me today. Both visits she came over by me and after I started petting her, leaned all her weight against me as I rubbed her tummy! I think they might have gotten a bird or something today, because there were a bunch of long feathers in their water bowl... I guess they wanted to celebrate turkey day too!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
I just wanted to wish everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm going to try to squeeze in some time to celebrate the holiday with the family that I have in Oklahoma, so I won't be posting the updates until later this evening. Rest assured, everyone is happy and doing just fine! If you want to check in on them before I post updates, you are certainly more than welcome to give me a call!
I'm going to try to squeeze in some time to celebrate the holiday with the family that I have in Oklahoma, so I won't be posting the updates until later this evening. Rest assured, everyone is happy and doing just fine! If you want to check in on them before I post updates, you are certainly more than welcome to give me a call!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Zeus, Baxter, Zelda
Zeus and Baxter were happy to see me. I let them out for a bit while I filled everyone's food and water dishes. Zeus discovered something interesting by the patio furniture and was checking it out most of the time. I found the spray you left on the counter and sprayed Baxter's hot spots. Poor little guy, so itchy! Those are no fun. After I let them in, they both went and sat in the office by the fishtank. I went and pet them for a little bit before it was time to go. I called for Zelda in the garage a couple times while I was in there and didn't see her. I called for her one last time before I left, and heard a long "meow" in response. So she's in for the night as well.
Sierra & Koko
I think Sierra remembered me better than Koko did. She was right up against the gate and let me pet her right away, while Koko was on the bed barking. I let them out and Sierra went right for the drawer. I got their food ready and set it out for them. Koko went and ate right away, while Sierra just stared at me, then back at the drawer. I took their Lighty Lighty out and we played for awhile. After a bit I went and changed out their pads, and Sierra stood at the doorway.... "Are you ready yet?" So when I was finished we played a little more before I left. She was so concerned with that and hadn't eaten yet, so I put the bowl stand in the bedroom for her.
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