Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Suzie, Heiny, Boo, Quartz, Fluffy & Fudge

I had all kinds of surprises today! On my way to the house, I saw the neighbor's two dogs outside. As I passed by, all of a sudden the chocolate lab puppy started chasing my car! It stopped in the field about halfway to the house and just watched me the rest of the way. I got out of my car and a couple seconds later had a little wet puppy jumping up on me, guess she changed her mind. The girls were barking like crazy and jumping around. I walked up to them to say hi, and Heiny was carrying something in her mouth... I told her to drop it and she did like a good girl. It was a mole! Yummy... haha. I walked to go in the house, with the puppy on my heels. After I went in she finally ran home. I gave the boys their treats and set the bag on the counter for a second, and... it tipped over and a bunch spilled all over the floor. So needless to say, they got a couple extra treats today. They were trying to eat them as fast as I was trying to pick them up! I found Fluffy under the bed again, and this time she didn't run away when I pet her. She laid her head into my hand for a little chin rub. One of the kitties left a nice present in the bathroom on the rug today too. I cleaned it up with the spot cleaner as best I could. Let me know if you want me to throw it in the wash. Suzie was a little slow to get up but didn't slip at all today, so that's good. I'm starting to see Fluffy and Fudge a lot more as the days go by!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Suzie, Heiny, Booboo, Quartz, Fluffy & Fudge

Everyone's doing fine today. Quartz is starting to follow me around now with Boo a little bit. I found Fluffy under the guest bed and got to pet her for a couple seconds before she ran off. I noticed the blanket on that bed was all rolled up today too. I checked both blankets over, no messes! Boo has been cleaning up his bowl all by himself, haven't needed the dogs to do it. The girls as usual, are very excited to see me and loving up every second of attention. As long as they aren't busy grabbing some food, they are snuggling up to me for more tummy rubs. They are sooo cute! I get lots of kisses everyday, they sure know how to butter me up. Heiny got her ear check today. She had to try quite a few times before Boo finally gave in and did it. He would walk around and sometimes come to me to be pet. Then she would run up to him and put her head down. He would ignore her and walk away again, it was quite comical. Suzie got up ok today, almost slipped once after she was up but didn't go down at all. But other than that everyone is doing great!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Suzzie, Heiny, Booboo, Quartz, Fluffy & Fudge

The girls were happy to see me again, jumping up and down as I walked up. I noticed that Suzzie likes to smile a lot! haha! I think it's so cute. Quartz is starting to warm up to me quite a bit. He came to get his treats from me today with Boo. He was more interested in me petting him than getting his water in the bathroom too. I still have to search for Fluffy, she isn't too sociable with me yet. Fudge wasn't quite as curious today, just hanging out in the bedroom window. I went over and pet her for a second before she took off. I noticed the blanket on the bed was all messed up, so someone must have been having fun while I was gone! I let the girls in and they were very excited. They both were just craving to be pet. Neither one wanted me to stop! Suzzie kept scootching on the floor to get closer to me. They were giving each other kisses and pawing at each other for a while, so cute! Suzzie had some trouble getting up to go out today. Her back legs slipped and she tried again but I had to help her up. Not sure if that happens once in awhile with her hips being bad, or if she was just to excited and couldn't get her grip on the floor. I will keep an extra close eye on her the next couple days. Other than that, they both went out fine for me again and everyone was very well behaved. I got lots and lots of kisses!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Suzzie, Heiny, Booboo, Quartz, Fluffy & Fudge

The girls didn't bark this time when I pulled in. I walked up and they gave me lots of kisses! Booboo and Quartz greeted me at the door. Boo followed me everywhere. I was giving Boo his treats and I saw Fudge peeking into the kitchen. I went into the bathroom and Quartz was patiently waiting for his water! I was petting Boo and Quartz on the counter and I saw in the mirror someone was creeping up to me... Fudge was very curious! I kneeled down and held out my hand. She came up and smelled me for a little bit and let me pet her, but only for a second. Fluffy was under the bed and didn't come out. I went to let the girls in and they were so excited! Heiny didn't want me to stop petting her even for a second. It was so funny! I sat down and she kept rubbing her head against me and would put her head under my leg and push up. Heiny got her daily ear check. I found a couple of her "spots" and Suzzie rolled over for me to get a couple tummy rubs too. Every time I said Suzzie's name she would start wagging her tail and scooting over closer to me. Very cute! They both went back out just fine for me. Quartz walked me to the door as I was leaving. I'm sure Boo would've too, but he was busy eating.

Roxie, Ralphi, and Rudy

Ralphi didn't even talk to me this morning when I let him out of his cage! They had their breakfast, and they sure know which bowls are theirs. They waited patiently on either side of the hot tub for me to put the bowls down. After everyone was finished we played some more. We didn't play quite as hard as we did last night. They didn't want to give me the stick! Ralphi brought me a big one, more like a log for his size. He kept strutting around with that in his mouth, then would sit and chew on it for a little bit. He sure didn't want to share that one. Rudy was crying for me to throw one for him, but I couldn't get it away from the little ones! After a little while of "keep away" Ralphi started bringing the sticks to me to throw again. We had to wipe paws today because the grass was wet. I let them in one at a time and they all sat very nicely for me. They all got their treats, and Ralphi was even showing off. He would stand on his hind legs holding his paws out. I put everyone to bed, and Ralphi was quiet again for me when I put him in.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Roxie, Ralphi, and Rudy

The pups were all very excited when I came in to let them out! Rudy was very good, only tried to jump up once when we first got outside. I got them real good and tired out tonight. We played fetch with the sticks and ran around the whole time. Not sure if the fence is on or not, but Roxie was very intrigued by something on the other side of the red fence. She kept sticking her head under the wire, head and ears touching it, trying to look through. After awhile she started chasing around with the boys. I got out the tennis ball and threw it for them. I had to put that away though... Roxie and Ralphie were getting a little rough over it. After I threw it, it didn't touch the ground again! They both were tugging and holding onto it, until I got it away from them. So we just kept to the sticks after that. I had to laugh - whenever Rudy would bring it back to me and drop it, Ralphie would quick scoop it up before I could grab it. Then he would set it down himself, almost right where he got it! I let them settle down for a little bit so they could get a drink and go potty again before we went in. All three sat nicely for me when I gave them their bedtime treats. They were all very good for me!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Everyone's doing just fine tonight. The boys are still very snuggly and playful. The kitchen rug was all rolled up when I got there. They must have been having some fun! I think Athos misses going outside. He kept coming real close when I would go by or out the door, trying to be all sneaky. When I was out with Harvi, I saw a little pink nose through a crack by the kitty door! Then I heard him start scratching on the door. I'm sure they're going to be happy that you're home tomorrow!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The boys were waiting for me at the door again tonight. Athos is warming up to me quite a bit. He kept rubbing against my legs, so I sat down on the floor with them for awhile. They both curled right up next to me. Athos was rubbing his face on me and rolling over on his back and everything! They were quite playful tonight, both were galloping behind me wherever I went. They're so funny! Harvi is doing fine, came right up to me again. I stayed out with her until she was done eating, and back in her little house. As I was leaving, Athos started chasing after Porthos. They're so cute!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Just got back from my visit. The boys were sitting in the living room staring at me as I walked in the door. They both curiously followed me everywhere I went. Porthos, my little buddy, was of course at my feet the whole time. I got him purring up a storm in no time. Athos even let me pet him for awhile, and I got him purring away too! I went out to feed Harvi (with the kitties tagging along). She came up to me before I even had the food in her dish. I thought she would be more shy around me, but she wasn't at all. I pet her for awhile as she was eating, and when she finished she stayed by me for a little bit before going back to her house.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


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